July 2021
Technology Law Update

Service Guarantees - Should MSPs
Use Them?
Whether they are called SLAs or service guarantees, the concept of outcome-based terms within a contract is not new for MSPs. Whether MSPs should still continue to use guarantees within their service agreements today, that is a different question.

Licensing Non-Employees to Access Microsoft Products on Your Servers
Many businesses have teams of third-party vendors to assist with their business operations or to provide independent services – like software development or website design – that require access to company servers. The question then arises: How do we license our non-employees to access our servers?

How Can Scott & Scott, LLP Help You?

We have more than a decade of experience and our legal and technology staff have handled hundreds of software licensing transactions, software audits, technology contracts and IT transactions.To learn more about our services, contact Robert J. Scott, Managing Partner, at rjscott@scottandscottllp.com for more information.