October 2020
Technology Law Update

Ransomware Payments Could Expose Your MSP Practice to Sanctions
The US Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control recently issued and advisory bulletin on the potential sanctions risks of making ransomware payments. Payments to certain individuals, organizations, and even regions, may trigger a US sanction against you, possibly exposing you to further criminal and civil action.

Settlement Structuring for IBM Audits
Software-compliance audits initiated by IBM can be extremely burdensome and time-consuming and can force companies to face challenges that are somewhat unique among major-publisher audits. Here are some important subjects to keep in mind when negotiating the resolution with IBM.

How Can Scott & Scott, LLP Help You?

We have more than a decade of experience and our legal and technology staff have handled hundreds of software licensing transactions, software audits, technology contracts and IT transactions.To learn more about our services, contact Robert J. Scott, Managing Partner, at rjscott@scottandscottllp.com for more information.