January 2020
Technology Law Update

Limitations of Liability in Artificial Intelligence Contracts
Limitation of liability provisions place limits on the amounts that the parties would otherwise be able to recover in court. Limitations of liability clauses in AI contracts are particularly important given the unsettled nature of the law in this area.

VMware Licensing: Common Questions about Licensing Rules and Restrictions, Part II
Virtualization can reduce the number of physical machines required in an environment and have several other benefits, but it can also require an understanding of complex technical and licensing concepts. Failure to properly license the environment can subject the company to unbudgeted licensing and compliance fees. The following list includes several common questions and concerns related to licensing VMware.

5 IP Protections for AI Contracts
Scott & Scott Webinar
March 4, 2020
11:00 - 12:00 Central

Artificial intelligence (“AI”) is reshaping the business of IT from the farms to the trading desks on Wall Street. Like all transformative technologies, AI presents unique challenges not present in IT contracting for traditional software and professional services, poses significant IP risks for vendors and consumers of AI based technologies, and creates significant regulatory compliance issues with event the most simple artificial intelligence projects. Join Robert Scott as he discusses how to protect client intellectual property in AI contracts. 
How Can Scott & Scott, LLP Help You?

We have more than a decade of experience and our legal and technology staff have handled hundreds of software licensing transactions, software audits, technology contracts and IT transactions.To learn more about our services, contact  Robert J. Scott , Managing Partner, at  rjscott@scottandscottllp.com  for more information.