The Alliance Revitalizes Organization's
Mission, Vision and Values

Mission:  Through substance abuse prevention, mental and physical wellness, and recovery support programs, the Alliance connects, strengthens, and mobilizes strategic partners to promote healthier communities.

Vision:  The Alliance of Coalitions for Healthy Communities will be nationally-recognized as a leader of best practices in collaboration on substance abuse prevention initiatives that create and sustain healthy communities.

Core Values:  As stewards of community trust, the Alliance of Coalitions for Healthy Communities believes in: Collaboration. Prevention. Results.

Clear the Smoke: Online Course on Adolescent Marijuana Use

Why do some adolescents use marijuana when others don't?  How can we speak to young people about substance use and connect them with appropriate care?

The Assessment and Treatment of Adolescent Marijuana Abuse and Dependence  is a self-paced online course presented jointly by  NIDA Notes  and IRETA.   TAKE THE COURSE.

Alliance Resources and Toolkit for your family - MORE HERE.
Oakland County Families Against Narcotics Meetings 

Through the mobilization of community wide efforts to create a healthier Oakland County, the Alliance partnered with Families Against Narcotics (FAN) in 2004 to increase recovery and support connections. With five meetings held every month, everyone is welcome to join these supportive gatherings.  

If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction and is seeking treatment, we encourage you to make direct contact with the Sober Support Unit
located in the Resource and Crisis Center at 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Building 32 East, Pontiac, MI  (800) 231-1127. 

Know More Before You Pour
Excessive alcohol use negatively impacts our society in a myriad of ways. Alcohol misuse and alcohol use disorder cause major damage at the individual, family and community levels.  Nearly 88,000 people die from alcohol-related causes annually and alcohol misuse costs the U.S. an estimated $259 billion.  Thanks to research funded by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, we know more about alcohol and its impacts than ever  before. 
The Alliance's Youth Collaborative, PEEPS, entered this design for CADCA's National  2017 "Know More Before You Pour" Social Media Competition and was awarded a Noteworthy Entry. Congrats  PEEPS, for great work!  
Upcoming Events

Boots on the Ground & Ride for Recovery - Saturday, October 6.  Help us shatter the stigma of addiction!  Join us and support our Veterans.  Registration information HERE.

2nd Annual Legacy Gala  - Thursday, November 29. Save the Date! 

Sponsorship/In Honor of/In Memory of Opportunities.

With your contribution we will be able to effectively help students, individuals and families with the following programs this year:
Keep Them Safe, Keep Them Healthy! - Student and community program on the dangers of substance abuse utilizing education and personal stories, empowering individuals to make  healthy choices.

Resolve - Comprehensive life skills training program for people in recovery. Prevents relapse and prepares participants to overcome barriers by addressing the health and well-being of the whole person.

All sponsored dollars help the Alliance deliver essential and comprehensive programs which give individuals the opportunity to lead a healthy and successful life. A banner will be showcased at our upcoming Legacy Gala this November 29th, 2018. MORE INFO

Alliance of Coalitions for Healthy Communities