January 2021
Stimulus Package
Congress passed a second stimulus package in late December, 2020 and it contains several new or expanded provisions for nonprofit relief. These include:
  • Funds for additional PPP loans, and extends the program through March 31, 2021
  • EIDL grants that can provide up to $10K for nonprofits working in low-income areas
  • Extended and expanded Employee Retention Tax Credit
  • Extended unemployment insurance through March 14, 2021
  • CARES funding extended until Dec. 31, 2021, but did not provide additional funding
  • Increased investment in food assistance programs and food banks
More details for application criteria will be forthcoming.
Community Conversations
Join us for virtual conversations for the Greater Lehigh Valley nonprofit community to share ideas and resources and coordinate efforts to best serve our residents. These conversations are hosted by the Strategic Response Team, a collaborative group of stakeholders including nonprofit workers, funders, health networks, local governments, and school districts. January meetings will be held from 4:00-5:30 pm on January 11th & 25th.
  • Monday, January 11th 4:00-5:30PM (Register using the link below)
  • Monday, January 25th 4:00-5:30PM (Registration link to come)
COVID-19 Vaccine in PA
The COVID-19 vaccine is now available but is currently restricted to healthcare workers. The vaccine will be rolled out in phases, with different groups targeted in each phase. Pennsylvania’s full plan details who is included in each stage.
  • Phase 1a – healthcare personnel and residents of long-term care facilities
  • Phase 1b – first responders, critical workers, and those with high risk conditions
  • Many frontline nonprofit workers will fall into the ‘critical workers’ category, including those working in homeless shelters, school staff and teachers, community food organization workers, and other providers of emergency services
  • Phase 2 – Essential personnel who cannot work remotely that were not considered in Phase 1 and those that directly interact with the public, as well as an expanded list of those with high risk conditions
  • For those frontline nonprofit workers not allotted a vaccine in Phase 1 will likely be covered in Phase 2
  • Phase 3 – all persons not yet vaccinated for COVID-19
There are clear ambiguities over who is considered critical or frontline as defined by the vaccination plan, and Pennsylvania’s Health Hotline is available to answer questions as to when you are eligible receive the vaccine 1-877-724-3258.
Survey Results
The Technical Assistance team sent out a survey in November to gauge the health and needs of the nonprofit sector. We received 90 responses from organizations across the Greater Lehigh Valley varying in size and in impact/focus area. These results will help to guide the technical assistance trainings and workshops hosted by the Technical Assistance group in the coming months. There were clear priorities that emerged: the need for additional funding for operating costs, reduced volunteer availability, overworked staff (including those balancing at home virtual learning with children), and how to effectively engage the community virtually. Organizations expressed a desire for workshops and trainings to strengthen board capacity, fundraise more effectively, develop leadership skills, and how to effectively utilize federal and state grants. A full report of the survey results is underway and will be shared with the nonprofit community upon completion.
Strategic Response Team
Technical Assistance Working Group

The Strategic Response Team (SRT) launched in the wake of COVID19 to provide a rapid, informed, and coordinated approach to assessing community need and quickly allocating dollars to the areas of greatest need. Soon afterwards, the SRT spun out a Technical Assistance Working Group to ensure area non-profit organizations have the specialized resources, information, and support they need to continue operations and respond to rapidly changing community needs. The TA Working Group is a community collaboration consisting of representatives from funding organizations, local government, grassroots community organizations, health networks, community health and non-profit organizations who bring their varied perspectives to the table to create the most effective impact.