“I can't thank your team enough. I didn't know what I was going to do with my son. I was devastated when I found out he couldn't stay with me in my supported living housing. Thank you for finding him a place to call home, for supporting him, and for helping us navigate these systems. I can now sleep at night! You're the best!"
- The Father of One of Our Unhoused Neighbors Participants
Your support allows us to carry out our mission. Your willingness to be there for us validates the work. We want to express our gratitude to you, give you more ways to support Urban Triage, and highlight our incredible work and the historical work we will be carrying out due to your continuous support!
Happy New Year!

March flew by! We've been so busy that we're late getting out our newsletter. We do have a few updates for you, however.

Our Big Share campaign was a success! Shout out to everyone who donated in support of our Unhoused Youth Initiative. We raised $22,726.26 and won an additional $500 by winning the Creative Video Prize!

As we continue offering rental support, we want to remind you that the Dane CORE 2.0 portal will close effective May 31, 2023. We understand the anxiety this may cause, and we would like you to know that Urban Triage will continue offering support for security deposits and some forward rent. We'll provide more details in the month of May.

Friend as a heads up, our Youth Drop-In Center opening was delayed due to contract negotiations. No worries, we're back on track. Our designer started rehabbing the space last week, and our Grand Opening will be in May. Follow our Facebook page for details.

So far, we've supported five youths with housing navigation in March and placed one youth in a Rapid Rehousing unit.

We're slowly getting our Unhoused Youth Initiative off the ground. Our shelter zoning has been approved. Now, we need money to renovate it. We're doing a walk-through on Friday with the owner of the building to get clear on what we're responsible for and what they're responsible for. Click the link below to support renovating our 13-bedroom shelter for youth parents. Our goal is to have it up and running by the fall.

We are hiring! Please look at the job listings below if you want to work for us and support the work.

Urban Triage, as an organization, is committed to filling service gaps in Dane County. We must get clear and concise on our priorities and strategies to do that. The executive team and board of directors held a retreat in March to develop a plan to rebrand and strengthen our organization. We're excited to announce our new mission, vision, and programming revamp. We'll provide more details in May. Our retreat included strategic planning sessions and team-building exercises. Yes, that's me in the picture above, ziplining across the rainforest.

I know we're doing a lot, as always. That's because we understand that supporting those most vulnerable requires a multi-prong approach that has to happen simultaneously to be effective, including trauma recovery and psycho-education. Our Supporting Healthy Black Families workgroups are the foundation of our work and why we do what we do. The Supporting Healthy Black Agriculture Workgroup (SHBA) begins on May 6, 2023, and our Supporting Health Black Families workgroup (SHBF) will begin on May 20, 2023. Both groups embody a transformative learning model that will shift participants' understanding and empower them to better themselves. Please take a look below for more details and to sign up.

Urban Triage has consistently demonstrated our commitment to the work and the impact of our work. What we do matters, and it matters to the well-being of vulnerable populations and our city. When people are well, crime rates go down. People are more likely to tend to local issues when they are well. When people are well, our community is well, and businesses thrive. Empowering and liberating those most vulnerable has to remain at the forefront and a priority of our county.

Friend, invest in our community by investing in Urban Triage. We are a community-founded organization rooted in integrity and centering those we serve with dignity, love, and kindness. We are the people's choice!

We envision a Dane County where we are deliberately and intentionally investing in those who do the work of direct services, trauma recovery, and liberation of those most vulnerable. As we prepare to expand our youth programming, open our drop-in center and parent youth shelter, and launch our workgroups, please be reminded that we can't do this without YOU, and our success has always depended on YOU. Please share with your network, invest your time, and donate.
We have been so busy in the month of March. All of this work wouldn't be possible without your support. Your support matters and your dollars matter. We are out here making a difference and positively impacting the lives of those most vulnerable. Because of YOU, in March:

  • Our Rental Support team supported more than 200 households during our drop-in hours and provided $781,794 in rent and utility assistance to 221 households.
  • Our Unhoused Neighbors team connected with 53 of our City's unhoused population through outreach efforts. It turned three (3) families' situations from unhoused to housed with the support of our Rental Support team.
  • Our Unhoused Youth team supported five (5) youths with housing navigation and placed one (1) youth into a rapid rehousing unit.
  • Our Agriculture team expanded our growing fields by an additional 1/2 acre, giving us a full acre of land to Grow, Learn, and Heal.
  • We raised more than $23,226 in one day during The Big Share Day of Giving.

Together, we are creating a real impact. Together, we are making a difference in Dane County. We can't do this amazing work without YOU and your continued support and trust!
The Dane CORE 2.0 application portal will close at 11:59 pm on Wednesday, May 31st. If you have applied for or have participated in the CORE program, you may have received an email from the City of Madison, Wisconsin.

Individuals and families have until May 31st to submit applications using the Dane CORE online portal for additional support and requests. Applications will continue to be processed after May 31st in the order they are received until program funds are depleted. Please only apply once.

We encourage anyone needing financial support through the Dane CORE 2.0 program to apply immediately. Although this program will close, Urban Triage will continue to provide housing support. To apply for Dane CORE or learn more, click the buttons below.
Thank you for all you do and continue to do for us!
We want to thank everyone that contributed to The Big Share in support of Urban Triage! We raised $22,726.26 in ONE day, and the funds raised will support our Unhoused Youth Initiative. We couldn't do the work without you - your investment in our most vulnerable youth matters!
Not only did we raise money, but we also won the Creative Video Prize winning $500! While The Big Share is over, you can still donate and support the work by visiting our website! Invest in our youth to provide housing, resources, support, and their future!
Check out the amazing new things we've done and are doing!
Unhoused Youth Initiative
Changing the Lives of Unhoused Youth With Our Historic Initiative
We have officially launched! The Drop-In Center rehab has begun. They're building a shower and installing a washer and dryer. The purpose of the space is to provide homeless youth with a place to go. If they need a shower, to use a computer, rest, a hot meal, or just a place to be, then our space will be that. Our transitional and rapid rehousing units will be ready by June 1st. Urban Triage will have six (6) units - three (3) rapid rehousing units and three (3) transitional housing units. Construction on the shelter will begin in June and is set to open in the Fall of 2023!

Progress is in motion! You will soon witness the incredible work of this historic partnership with the Youth Action Board, LGBTQ Outreach, and the Road Home. Make history with us by changing the trajectory of unhoused youth's lives and futures. Donate now!
Supporting Healthy Black Youth Thoreau Partnership
Transforming the Lives of Youth and Families
"I don't know what I would do without this program. This has saved my life! I've learned so much and have grown so much."
Students made paper flowers last month in celebration of their moms. Since October 2021, Urban Triage has collaborated with the students, parents, and retired Black teachers. We offer academic support and emotional skill development to the students on Mondays after school and to them and their parents every other Saturday.

We teach Black History, self-expression, and advocacy through art with students on Saturdays. Art provides a tool and an outlet for trauma relief for the children, which expands their awareness of what they need and how to express their needs—at the same time, working with the parents on somatic processes, trauma recovery, and personal development.

We're proud of the students and parents. Our data indicates that 81% of parents have reported practicing boundaries, self-care regimes, and feeling less depressed; and 74% report improved moods, interactions, and communication with their children. They also report healthier emotional processing allowing them to complete tasks and show up differently for themselves and their children. This is the work of liberation. This is the work of healing and empowering our communities.
Read Your Heart Out
Reading Our Hearts Out to Students
This year, Urban Triage took part in Read Your Heart Out. In honor of National African American Parent Involvement Day, the Read Your Heart Out event is held annually in February (and March due to rescheduling) at schools throughout the Madison Metropolitan School District. Black family members, neighbors, and volunteers sit in classrooms, read books aloud, recite poetry, and engage with students through visual and oral storytelling. We enjoyed attending classes, participating in book discussions, and supporting student engagement.
Staff and Board Retreat
Urban Triage Takes Over Puerto Rico!

The Urban Triage executive staff and board of directors had a week-long strategic retreat strategizing, creating action plans, and team building to create new and vital priorities for Urban Triage as an organization. We came from the strategic retreat with a new mission, vision, and values. We'll be rolling out our new brand and our new strategies soon. Our first priority is to update the content of our website, which we too often fail to do, in addition to a huge restructuring of our website and marketing materials! Please stay on the lookout for updates in the upcoming weeks regarding Urban Triage's activities and our revamped plan for delivering services.
Begin the work of transformation and join our SHBF workgroup on June 3rd.
Our transformative workgroup will kick off in the summertime as the new start date has been pushed back for the rollout of our Unhoused Youth Initiative! The start date will be May 20th from 12:00 - 2:30 pm every other Saturday and . Sign up to join our next Supporting Healthy Black Families Cohort. The link is below.
A safe space for Black children and families to connect.
We Continue to Grow
Our Agriculture Department has exciting news - we are expanding our field at the Farley Center by 1/2 an acre, giving us a full acre of the field we utilize! We are also installing a high tunnel that extends our growing season by months and increases our crop production!

Last year, we worked with 20 families in our program, providing all participants free Community Supported Agriculture boxes. We also supported
5 Black farmers participated in our Farm Business Development program!
A tangible indication of the success of our entire department is the acquisition of an extra 1/2 acre. Because of how strong and effective our efforts were, everyone and everything grew, including our requirement for space and even the families and farmers that took part in our program. We must and do want to grow with the people we help, as we desire 40 acres.
Cohort 3 Starts May 6th - Apply!
We are excited to announce that our 3rd Cohort of Supporting Black Agriculture will start on May 6th! This Cohort meets every other Saturday on the farm from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm, and then we will meet virtually every other Wednesday (opposite of the weeks we meet on Saturday) from 5:00 - 6:00 pm. This is an excellent opportunity to grow, learn, and heal with your family.
Meet our Quality Assurance Specialist, Katrina Kane. She has been part of our team since September of 2021. She began her journey with us as a Rental Support Specialist and now provides quality assurance to the team where she coaches other staff on how to be great!

When she's not with her Urban Triage family, she's at home tending to her children - 2 boys and 1 girl. In her free time, she enjoys hanging out with her kids, going shopping, watching movies, and going out to eat.

Katrina's favorite part about working with Urban Triage is all the work we do to help the community!
Be part of an amazing organization and join our team.
Want to take your career to the next level? Want to be part of an organization that's making a difference every day in the lives of our most vulnerable? Want to join a team of amazing staff? Well, Urban Triage is where you want to be! We are hiring for the positions listed below.
If you are interested in any of these positions, please email us at info@urbantriage.org. Full position descriptions and how to apply for the position will be provided at that time. We will also have our website updated with the new employment application and position descriptions by close of business Friday, April 14th. If you have any questions, or need anything before then, reach out to us at info@urbantriage.org.
Here's what's happening in our community.
April 18, 2023 | U.S. Secret Service Research, Analysis and Key Findings of Averted and Targeted School Violence
April 18, 2023 | Threat Assessment:
A Behavior-Based Approach to Preventing Targeted Violence
April 21, 2023 | Social Good Accelerator
April 29, 2023 | Pre-Mother's Day Sip and Shop
May 19-21, 2023 | 2023 Teen Summit
April 29, 2023 | Wealth Literacy Conference
Apply Now! |Energy Efficiency Improvements
Call for Community Partners/Navigators

Interested in helping neighborhood residents participate in the Northeast or West Area planning process? The City of Madison is funding 4-5 Community Partner/Navigator positions to reach current residents, property owners, business owners, and other stakeholders, particularly in low-income communities. Depending on which area you are most familiar with, select an area plan and apply online or by regular mail! For questions, please email us at Neighborhoods@cityofmadison.com.
Youth Action Board Seeking New Members!

The Youth Action Board (YAB) is a group of Dane County youth ages 14-24, most of whom have lived experience of homelessness or housing instability, impacting how our community addresses youth homelessness. Members of the YAB have the opportunity to:

- Work with other young leaders interested in preventing youth homelessness.
- Have an impact on the world around them.
- Learn about Dane County's homeless services system.
- Interact with community leadership.
- Be involved in making decisions about funding and community priorities.

In 2023, we will launch our community projects, including a youth-focused transitional housing project, rapid-rehousing project, drop-in center, and system navigation project. We are excited to work with community partners, including Urban Triage, Outreach LGBT Community Center, and The Road Home, to make these projects a reality. As we move into this next phase of project implementation, we are looking for candidates who can assist us in the following areas:

-project monitoring and evaluation
-YAB sustainability and fundraising
-program development
-assistance in developing agency policies and procedures
-leading and developing training for community partners

The YAB welcomes all young people who want a part in ending youth homelessness.

*Youth with lived experience of homelessness, LGBTQ+ youth, pregnant/parenting youth, Black, Indigenous, and Latinx youth, and youth with disabilities are highly encouraged to apply!*

Questions: please get in touch with racheldl@yabdanecounty.org
As your local community nonprofit, FOR THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, we promote the latest business news, community-focused events, and Urban Triage updates! Urban Triage’s newsletter, “The Report,” is a bi-weekly email communication that allows its readers to keep up-to-date with what is happening with Urban Triage and in the community! These biweekly emails currently reach nearly 10,000 contacts and community leaders!

To be considered for our Community Corner and Events Calendar, submit your news and events to info@urbantriage.org.
Start making a difference now and join our team of volunteers!
Are you ready to create change in our community? Apply to become one of our community advocates and make a difference today!

We are currently looking for immediate volunteers for the following:

  • Agriculture
  • Bilingual Support
  • Organizing Office Space, Closets, and Storage
  • Event Committees
  • Event

If you are interested in volunteering for the above needs or any other future needs of Urban Triage, please sign up to volunteer below!
For the People, by the People.
Your copy should address 3 key questions: Who am I writing for? (Audience) Why should they care? (Benefit) What do I want them to do here? (Call-to-Action)

Create a great offer by adding words like "free" "personalized" "complimentary" or "customized." A sense of urgency often helps readers take an action, so think about inserting phrases like "for a limited time only" or "only 7 remaining!"