What's new on TEA's HB 3 Website
Please make sure that you are regularly checking TEA's  HB 3 website. This website contains all the information the Agency has available regarding House Bill 3.

Teacher Incentive Allotment
This week, TEA focused on the topic of teacher incentives. Districts that choose to participate can develop a local designation system and receive additional funding for designated teachers they employ (with 90% of that funding going toward teacher compensation at the campus where the designated teacher is employed). TEA is partnering with Texas Tech to approve local designation systems. Funding amounts are increased for educators assigned to campuses that serve a more concentrated population of students qualifying for compensatory education funding and/or a campus classified as rural. The agency outlined the timeline for the development and approval process. For more info, please see:

Bilingual Education Allotment
Last week, TEA released information on the Bilingual Education Allotment. They addressed the additional funding available for LEP/English Language Learners and for non-ELL students, as well as the new spending requirements, and resources available to support dual language immersion programs. Check it out via links below:

TEA also published an updated schedule for HB 3 rulemaking. We are closely monitoring rules that may be proposed--in particular rules pertaining to topics such as wealth equalization and excess local revenue, and any other topic that could impact school district funding.
Explaining Recapture
Last week we shared the document " Less Recapture Doesn't Mean More Funding," to help districts explain why a reduced recapture payment doesn't automatically translate into an equal amount of additional funding with which to serve students.

Did you know that the School Finance Reforms Did Not Reduce Recapture for Everyone? There are districts currently struggling to explain to their communities that while all the headlines have reported a reduction in recapture, their local district will actually be paying MORE than what they sent to the state last year.

This document is designed to help districts paying more in recapture explain things in their community. For those that don't fall into that category, we hope this helps explain the circumstances of the situation to you as well.

This topic came from a special request that we received, so is there a topic you would like some help with to communicate in your district and community? Please let us know, and we will do our best to help.
Help us Grow
As you know, we recently reassessed our identity, purpose, and goals as an organization. You can c lick here to download a one-pager with these statements and goals . A part of helping us to achieve that purpose and those goals is to grow as an organization. This is where YOU come in! We need your help.

If you find value in what the Texas School Coalition does for your district, please share that with your colleagues in other school districts. We would love to see our membership list grow and include other districts who could benefit from networking, communications, analysis & expertise, public outreach & messaging, and of course advocacy. If you need a tool to help you explain those benefits, please see our Benefits of Membership brochure .

If you have any questions or would like to request follow-up with a particular district or individual, please contact Christy Rome at 512-732-9072 or christy@txsc.org .
Upcoming Election on November 5
While all the media has been pretty focused on a certain election coming up in 2020, don't forget that Texas will conduct an election in November 2019 as well. The fate of 10 propos ed amendments to the Texas Constitution hangs in the balance--and one of those amendments pertains to the Available School Fund. If you are looking for a quick way to learn more about the proposed amendments, check out the following two options:

And as a part of a culture that votes in every election, please make sure to spread the word that the deadline to register to vote in the November election is a few short days away--October 7. Early voting for the November election will begin October 21.
Thank you to our sponsors!
Texas School Coalition
601 Camp Craft Road
Austin, Texas 78746