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October Newsletter

Funding Out-of-School Time Programs—Now and in the Future

More than 7 million kids currently attend after-school programs—with tens of millions more interested in attending if a program were available. As the spending deadline for federal relief funds approaches, advocates and program providers must identify new sources of funding now to support out-of-school time programs. Our new fact sheet explores federal, state, and local sources available to sustain existing programs and create new ones.

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What's New

Tax Cuts vs. Toddlers

When federal relief funds expire, 91,000 children in Arkansas will be at risk of losing child care. Yet, state legislators continue to cut taxes for the wealthiest residents. The time for more public investments in kids is now, writes our State Policy Manager Bruno Showers in the Arkansas Times.

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Upcoming Webinar: State Spending for Children and Youth

Ever wondered how much states spend on programs and services for children? Then join us for a webinar on November 16 at 2 p.m. EST when we will share national trend data about how states use their state, federal, and federal relief funding to support children and youth from cradle to career.

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Don’t Give Up! A Campaign Tale from Sacramento, CA

After two failed attempts, advocates in Sacramento, CA, succeeded in creating a children’s fund that will raise $10 million annually for comprehensive services for children and youth. Our Senior Fellow Reginald Harris spoke with former City Council Member Jay Schenirer to discuss how the campaign’s persistence paid off to help Sacramento become a more youth friendly city. 

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Financing a Youth Master Plan in New Orleans

How does a city with hundreds of organizations working to improve the lives of children and youth create a coordinated approach to support young people? Our new blog post explains how we helped New Orleans, LA, align existing and potential funding with the city’s priorities for kids. 

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In Case You Missed It

Recording: How to Prioritize Kids in Your State Legislative Session

In our most recent webinar, we highlight five different types of bills advocates can use to direct more sustained state funding to early childhood.

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The Role of Funders in Strategic Public Financing

Funders are uniquely positioned to help states and communities pursue strategic public financing. Our new fact sheet breaks down three steps funders can take to support their efforts. 

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