January 2016

January 12, 2016

Dear Tau Trustees, Alumni, Parents, & Actives,

As we begin the New Year, I would like to express to you my gratitude for all you've helped the Tau Chapter accomplish and my optimism for the opportunities ahead. We begin 2016 with:

● A strong, healthy Chapter made up of 200+ men who appear to be as serious about their studies as they are about fellowship and the never-ending bond of brotherhood.

● Continuing recognition from Kappa Sigma Fraternity for actives and alumni who share their talents to benefit their brothers - and their communities.

● A new Residence Hall under construction that, when completed, will house 36 undergraduates, provide additional parking, and be on par with the Lodge as one of the finest facilities of its kind around the UT campus.  

● A committed group of alums who have given more than $3 million to restore the Lodge and begin construction on the Residence Hall. 

● A new Tau Legacy website dedicated to the Tau Legacy 2015  Capital Campaign to fund the new Residence Hall.

We are on the precipice of our greatest moment in 50 years, but we need at least  $3.5 million more to finish the Residence Hall, meaning that we need the help of every member of our Kappa Sigma Tau family -- alums, actives, and parents alike.  

Please dig deep and help us continue the Tau Legacy that has enriched our lives and helped us enrich the lives of others through the years. Your generous donation is an investment that will pay dividends for years to come in helping shape the lives of young men, many of whom will be our future leaders in business, government, science, and the arts.
Click to download.

     Please mail your pledge card and contribution today to:

           Tau Legacy 2015
           P.O. Box 5021
           Austin, TX 78763-5021

On behalf of the TKSEF Board and Tau Trustees, I extend our deep gratitude to 2015 Campaign Chairman Danny Grant '79 and Campaign Director Willie Madden '83 for their service this past year and their continuing service in 2016.  

As we look to the future, let's also take a moment to remember the passing of Kappa Sigma Tau brothers we have lost this year, including three Tau Man of the Year recipients, two of whom were also honored as International Kappa Sigma Man of the Year:  

Dan Burck '51, 2001 Tau Man of the Year and 2015 International Kappa Sigma Man of the Year

Mark Hart '62
, 1993 & 1996 Tau Man of the Year

Richard Rainwater '63
, 1989 Tau Man of the Year and 1995 International Kappa Sigma Man of the Year

We mourn the passing of these giants of industry, with profound gratitude for their many contributions to the Tau Chapter and their communities.  

I wish all of you many blessings in 2016, and look forward to seeing you at golf tournaments in Austin or Houston, and certainly at Tau Trustees and Parents' Weekend next fall.


Mike Sharpe '79
Texas Kappa Sigma Educational Foundation

Our Deepest Gratitude
to Our Contributors

Tau 125
THE 1884 FOUNDERS SOCIETY - $250,000+
Robert J. Hewitt Sr. '50
J. Rick Warren Jr. '78
THE LIFE-LOYAL TAU SOCIETY - $100,000 TO $249,999
Libby and George A. Alcorn '53
Denton A. Cooley '38
Stephen M. Gose '50
Mark L. Hart III '91
C. Walt Schoenvogel Jr. '74
The Sharpe Family
Kip Sowden III '82
E. Duer Wagner Jr. '48
THE WEST 19TH SOCIETY - $50,000 TO $99,999
The West 19th Living Room in memory of
Jim Tipton '71,
Billy Tuck '71,
Bobby Doherty '71 and
Robbie Herring '71
- Jeff Anderson
- John and Reba Gayler
- S. Diane Herring
- Craig Stripling
- Nancy C. Tipton
- Judy Williamson
- Bud Wright
- Andy Ivins '69
- Reggie Tuck '69
- Thomas Wimberly '69
- George R. Cox '70
- Scott Carpenter '71
- James Pritchet '71
- Thomas Cockburn '72
- Mike Doherty '72
- Terry L. Richardson '73
- Casey Doherty '78
N. Joseph Bailey '74 Family
George R. Cox '70
E. Mark Hotze '75
Wade A. Kilpatrick '69
Brian K. Miller '79
Loren B. Singletary '67
Reginald A. Tuck '69
THE A.E.K.D.B. SOCIETY - $25,000 TO $49,999
Jack T. Currie '48
Charles C. Pierce Jr. '53
Jay M. Chernosky '78
Jay R. Houren '78
Willis J. McAnelly Jr. '48 & J.J. McAnelly III '87 Family
Richard Allen '46
James R. Cocke '49
Clifton H. Morris Jr. '54
Todd Caspary '78
Joel K. Fontenot Sr. '81
Erik G. Hanson '79
John P. Kincade '79
Robert Lippincott '67
John E. Martin '79
Walter M. Mischer Jr. '70
Patrick S. Molak '66
Charlie B. Moncrief '68
Robert Moor '64
Ford Smith Sr. '58
Robert L. Stillwell '56
Charles A. Stoddard '73
William H. Stubbs '81
William F. Zwiener '73
Anonymous in memory of John Fauntleroy '56
Patrick C. Appel '79
Dan M. Moody Jr. '60
James B. Harrison '55
David C. Hetherington '66
Keith Paul '48
James L. Powell '52
James H. Reynolds '44
Joseph E. Russo '52
Bryan K. Walters Sr. '75
Ted Collins Jr. '57
Randolph F. Wheless Jr. '50
Robert L. Parker Sr. '42
Stephen A. Adger '69
Charles H. Bankhead '57
Charles S. Boyd '52
Jack F. Browder Jr. '69
R. Dan Burck '51
John C. Byrd '83
Craig and Sally Clayton
Rev. Laurence D. Connelly '52
Charles A. Davis Jr. '54
George A. Donnelly III '63
Gordon H. Earhart '54
Harry D. Grant Jr. '79
Timothy J. Herman '63
Joseph S. Howell III '61
William J. Jackson '86
Joe J. Lesok '67
Frank Liddell '49
Joseph McDermott '76
E. Douglas McLeod '60
Larry N. Parks '78
Richard Rainwater '63
J. Cecil Rhodes '50
Howard V. Rose Jr. '50
Henry Sauer '59
Laurence D. Sikes '54
Webb M. Sowden Jr. '53
Robert A. White '61
Robert E. White '77
A. Tucker Willis '59
William N. Finnegan IV '75
Andrew Kanaly '80
Martha F. Benestante
Mary F. Corbett
Harold M. Finnegan '77
Curtis C. Gunn Jr. '57
Thomas N. Cockburn '72
Mark P. Roach '82
Pierce McGrath '56
William A. McDade '54
Dan A. Almon '57
Ernest Beecherl '82
Bert Beveridge '81
Brian J. Buckley
Frank K. Cahoon '54
James V. Carroll III '59
Lynn P. Carter '55
James R. Cravens Jr. '52
Franklin B. Davis '46
James M. Dyer Jr. '47
James B. Furrh Jr. '44
Edward Galle Jr.
Nancy Gardere
John L. Hamilton '46
L. Keith Harper '81
William A. Hudson II '56
Joseph Jaworski '54
William F. Joplin '57
Phillip A. Kattchee, D.D.S. '78
Jay D. Kelley '78
Thomas W. Lockwood '81
James S. Mallia '85
Roy L. Markum '68
Richard Moncrief '61
Steve Murrin Jr. '59
James W. Pritchett '71
Dick Rogers '60
Charles B. Russey '57
Morin M. Scott Jr. '69
Joe Bob Shirley '84
Gregory I. Strong '76
Michael G. Sweeney '58
Lorenzo B. Taylor '48
Nancy Tipton
Dennis E. Tottenham '67
Nicholas J. Wallace Sr. '77
Robert H. Whilden Jr. '54
James D. Widner '78
T. Alex Vaught '53
Thomas R. McDade '55
Martin B. Payne '78
Philip H. Pritchett '60
Daniel D. Stone '61
G. Mac Thompson '54
R. Chan Tysor III '08
Matthew D. Hansen '93
Malcolm G. Baker Jr. '56
Frederick Bostwick '48
Terry L. Richardson '73
Roy F. Beery '66
Harry B. Terry '56
Bud Arnot '69
Charles W. Austin '43
Richard H. Bennett '63
Philip R. Bishop '55
Lewis E. Brazelton III '59
Thomas A. Browder '06
Don A. Culwell Jr. '68
Don A. Culwell Sr. '43
John C. Dawson Jr. '57
William R. Dean Jr. '68
Jean K. Durkee
Carey T. Ford '94
John D. Glass Jr. '49
Robert J. Glauser '72
William H. Holstien '99
Jeffrey M. Horton '99
James Ivins '69
J. Maurice Kyle III '58
Richard P. Lucas '75
Donald J. Malouf '54
Bryan B. Plater '84
Joel Shepherd '58
Ragen Stienke '95
J. Heyward Taylor '69
Brian C. Thorp '94
James F. Tracy Jr. '68
Michael Vogeley '85
Hon. Loyd H. Wright '75
David V. Zummo '06
John E. Bailey '49
Avery Alcorn '06
Christopher B. Bailey '04
Andrew G. Brown '05
S. Boyce Brown '83
Thomas W. Burke Jr. '56
W. Wynn Doughtie '11
Robert Foree '49
Christopher E. Galle '05
Pat E. Hooks II '42
Seth H. Kidd '05
Jackson O'Maley '07
William E. J. Page '95
Brent Pickrell '05
Matthew L. Terilli '06
Will Wilkirson '07
Alexander Adams '51
Robert Borgers '61
Tom M. Davis Jr. '57
L. Mike Goldstein '61
Hilmar G. Moore '39
John H. Newberry '78
Jay A. Piper '73
John A. Turner '75
Goodhue Smith '42
Steven H. Caruselle '03
Jeffrey C. Kanaly '76
John J. Mitchell '01
William C. Boyce '85
Bernard Lovejoy '53
Robert S. Parks '58
Grant Amburn '99
Dr. G. Chad Blackwell '89
William H. Brady, Jr. '10
John and Cory Boydston
Trey Brandimarte '91
Alec I. Bridges '59
Brian L. Campbell
John M. Canavan '57
Alfred Carleton '48
William S. Carpenter '71
Jim and Leslie Casey
Thomas Cassin '58
Mark D. Chambers MD '50
Michael Cisarik '12
R. Tom Cravens '61
Marc Cuenod '50
Fred J. Curry '57
J. Alan Davis '52
Casey Doherty '78
Michael T. Doherty '72
Richard Donnelly '45
Robert R. Durkee Jr. '49
Robert R. Ettinger '07
Robert E. Fawcett Jr. '49
Gavin R. Garrett '63
John Gayler
Paul R. Hamilton '54
Michael J. Hanna '94
Robert L. Harrell '62
S. Diane Herring
Richard W. Hightower '75
James E. Hill '60
Robert Kelsey '72
Donald E. Krause MD '53
Mark M. Langford
Joe Longley '63
Christopher D. Loper '88
Lt Col C. Wayne Marotto '85
F. Hagen McMahon Jr. '66
Cameron C. Moates '94
Philip C. Musgrave Jr. '62
Stuart C. Nelson '79
Rees R. Oliver Jr. '57
Timothy O'Neill '51
William R. Owen '43
Malcolm Perry '48
Phillip H. Pyeatt '46
Rex L. Reitz '45
Wade Ridley '48
Thomas W. Rioux '67
Everett A. Roberts '53
Michael R. Rooke '61
Andrew O. Shagory '96
R. Ryan Shultz '92
George Y. Siddons Jr., DVM '59
Harvey Smith '51
Thomas D. Stribling '42
Lee Timmins '08
Brian and Peggy Tornow
J. Vanzant Walker III '04
Thomas K. Ward '61
Thomas L. Whaley Jr. '76
John and Stacy Wilkirson
Thomas A. Wimberly '69
The Scarlet, White and Emerald Green Society - Up to $999
Thomas T. Holstien '04
Robert D. Mansell '75
Stephen C. Horn '73
Jeffrey Piper '75
Radford H. Freel '55
William M. Getschow '97
Jeffrey M. Altman '89
Jeff Anderson
Hines H. Baker Jr. '42
Mark Bleakley '77
Phillip M. Cameron '83
William C. Dowdy Jr. '46
Patton B. Drewett '10
T. Walter Erwin III '65
Ryan V. Ford '93
Graham H. Gips '02
Kevin S. Kaplan
James N. Manley '61
Brian P. McConn '04
Candice W. Munster
James Munster II
Michael R. Pickering '56
Terry L. Porter '75
John C. Roberts '56
Thomas P. Schillaci '67
Chad Shimaitis '95
Thomas J. Waggoner III '52
William D. White Jr. '55
Herbert Yates '66
Will B. Houston '66
Weston L. O'Black '01
Ian T. Campbell '08
Sterling Jones '06
Forney R. Daugette III '75
Ryan Kattchee '07
James O. Blackwell III '97
George S. Bruce III '54
John Cochran '61
Frank T. Rea '40
Kyle Fisher '94
Ronald V. Glauser, D.D.S. '55
Ben M. Hood '99
Scott Burdine
Lester Clark '76
Charles R. Finlayson '41
Bobby J. Greer '79
Capt Cameron L. Hoover, USN Ret.
Mitchell J. Howington '79
George A. Pence '89
Raymond L. Whitney Jr. '47
Will Wilson '70
John H. McFarland '89
Robert G. Anderson '43
Paul G. Bell Jr. '42
James M. Bettis Jr. '83
Marshall A. Cowden '06
Nancy Brown Johnson
Ralph W. Pease '55
David V. Pinto '00
Forest J. Rees III '92
Jonathan M. Wooton '94
Steven L. Beery '62
Ryan C. Cummings '01
Kevin and Diana Alexander
James Westmoreland '56
Maurice M. Adams '57
Paul M. Carrillo '97
Jack B. Clendenin '42
Stephen Dickey '89
Walter W. Driver Sr. '41
Douglas Forshagen '64
Fallon T. Gordon Jr. '55
James C. Henderson '75
David A. Knight '99
Christopher Kridel '99
Douglas Nelms '73
Andrew M. Rorschach '87
Matthew Rowley '84
Donald W. Spafford '54
Craig Stripling
Robert Wade '62
Sage Walker '99
Bud Wright
John L. Brockenbrough III '51
James T. Bagby Jr. '68
Jesse B. Dyer '00
William P. Hayes '03
John Paul Hicks '03
Richard Howell '02
Judy Williamson
Michael S. Coughlan
Marc Thiltgen '90
Mark Lindenbaum '00
Jon G. Moyer '81
John H. Rauscher III '69
James N. Scott '68


J. Rick Warren, Jr. '78

Brian K. Miller '79
The Centennial Pledge Class
- Christopher M. Kroeger '85
- Paul R. Moreton '85
- Gregory Saha '85
- John C. Sarvadi '85
- C. Christopher Shannon '85

H. Danny Grant Family '79
Alan Loudermilk (Chi) '77 Family
Stedman West Foundation

Ernest E. Beecherl '82
Patricia and Tom Chambers '58
E. Randall Harris, Jr. '86
William J. Jackson '86
Andrew D. Kanaly '80 & Jeffrey C. Kanaly '76
Robert I. Lippincott '67
John E. Martin '79
Vinny Pilegge '93
Bryan B. Plater '84
James W. Pritchett '71
J. Michael Rose '67
Joseph E. Russo '52
The Sharpe Family

Marian and Jim Cisarik
Sandra and Mark Langford
Jeffrey P. Lyons '68
Niloufar and Amir Molavi
Edward J. Patterson III '81

Ryan M. Alexander '10
Alexander J. Amato '10
Heidi and Steve Black
William H. Brady, Jr. '10
A P Trey Brandimarte III '91
John L. Brockenbrough '51
Christopher M. Brooks '10
R. Todd Carpenter '80
O. Kyle Carter '95
Ryley A. Caton '10
Michael T. Connell '10
J. Dax Damrich '10
John C. Dawson, Jr. '57
D. Stone Davis '61
Charles T. Denson '10
W.Wynn Doughtie '10
Patton B. Drewett '10
Radford H. Freel '56
Robert L. Foree '49
Robert V. Glauser '72
Ronald V. Glauser '55
Mike Goldstein '61
Michael J. Griffin IV '10
James A. Jenkins '10
Philip S. Kline III
Joshua M. Korman '95 In Memory of Andrew Schelbert
Ryan J. Lord '10
Patrick M. Madden '89
M. Hunter McAfee '10
Charles B. McFarland '89
Tyler E. O'Dell '10
William E. Page '95
Robert S. Parks, Jr. '87
Robert L. Parker '42
Jill and John Parsley
Isla and Tommy Reckling in memory of Asa Beach, Jr.
Thomas W. Rioux '67
T. Mark Roberson '10
Kathleen and Andrew Rossi
Michael P. Roth, Jr. '03
Dominic A. Savarino '89
George Y. Siddons, Jr. '59
Matthew H. Stubbs '10
Larry Timte
R. Chan Tysor III '08
Sage Walker '99

Kappa Sigma Tau UT