Dear Tau Trustees & Alumni:

Because of your generosity and support, the Kappa Sigma Tau Chapter campus is now complete and is recognized as the finest fraternity facility in the country.

The new Warren Residence Hall, named in honor of Johnny Warren ’55, provides 36 single occupancy dorm rooms, the Chapter office, and a formal grand room which includes the Hart Tau Trustees Meeting Room, the Sharpe Library, the Sowden Card Room, and another break-out room for group study sessions. This semester, 34 of its 36 rooms are occupied. With pledge classes averaging more than 50 in size over the past seven years, we expect to maintain full occupancy in the years ahead.
KS BB Court
The Lodge, completed in 2010, features the 203 West 19th Living Room, the San Gabriel Kitchen, a game room, the Grant Lodge Bar and the Sauer Study Hall. The grounds also include the Cooley Sport Court, two terraces overlooking front and back lawns, and 56 parking spaces.
Almost 500 of our alumni, friends and parents have contributed, and we have collected (more has been pledged) over $4.4 million to make this happen. More than 20 gave in excess of $50,000. But, we still have over 1,000 alumni that have yet to give and we have a remaining debt of $5.5 million. We have financing in place that makes the Chapter and the Foundation cashflow positive as long as the rooms are occupied.

Many of you have told us you are still contemplating how much and when to give. 

The Board has decided that the current Tau Legacy Capital Campaign will end in December, so whether you’re considering making a first-time or additional gift, now is the time to do so in order to be permanently recognized for your contribution. Named room opportunities are still available (the common areas start at $50,000; dorm rooms go for $35,000) and pledges of $10,000 or more can be fulfilled over three years. Please consider taking advantage of these opportunities. 
I’d like to express deep appreciation to those of you who have given your time to raise money for the campaigns, in addition to making your own generous donations. Special recognition goes to our Chairmen:  the late George Alcorn, Joe Bailey, Kip Sowden, Joel Fontenot, Bill Stubbs and Danny Grant. Willie Madden has done an outstanding job of communication and Mike Sharpe has put systems in place to manage the money, collect the rent and execute the leases with our new tenants. 

Although the Capital Campaign will officially end December 31, please continue to give what you can as often as you can so that we can pay off this loan as quickly as possible. 

If you’ve not yet seen the property, we invite you to come take a tour; in particular, we have two upcoming celebrations on the calendar:
  • Our annual Tau Trustees Reunion, to be held Saturday, November 11, where we’ll honor Bob “Daddy-O” Wade as Tau Man of the Year and dedicate the new Residence Hall. 

  • The Kappa Sigma Fraternity’s International Man of the Year celebration on Saturday, December 2, to honor Bert “Tito” Beveridge. (Tito will be the seventh Tau Chapter initiate to receive this honor, two more than any other Kappa Sigma chapter.) 

If you can't make one of these two special events, please drop by when you can! 
Should you have questions about any of this information, please feel free to contact one of us listed below. Your donation will be gladly accepted, even after the campaign closes. 
(713) 830-4515
(817) 422-1108
(713) 303-6446
(713) 515-0719
Thank you for honoring your commitment to the Tau Legacy that has served us all well. Your gift is an investment in the Tau Chapter’s future for generations to come. 


Jim Pritchett ’71
Board Chairman
Texas Kappa Sigma Educational Foundation