Dear Worldwide Tashi Choling Sangha: We have important information to share with you about a serious threat to the well being of our precious temple.
Tashi Choling Under Threat
We have all heard Ven. Gyatrul Rinpoche tell the story: When His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche told him to build a temple on the newly-purchased land in Southern Oregon, all Gyatrul Rinpoche could think was, "Impossible! We have no road, we have no electricity, we have no money..." But what he told His Holiness was, "Yes, we will." Tashi Choling is truly an expression of Rinpoche's faith in the Three Jewels. It is also the result of the tireless work of so many, the countless contributions and support of all kinds, and the overcoming of so many different kinds of obstacles and difficulties. Despite what seemed like slim odds and great adversity, Tashi Choling was built and is now the thriving dharma center that we all cherish and consider our spiritual home. But Tashi Choling was never intended merely to benefit those of us who are here now. As Rinpoche reminds us regularly, it is meant to remain as a support for the study and practice of the precious dharma for many future generations, particularly here in America where such supports are so rare. In building the temple, Rinpoche has placed his trust in all of us, his students and dharma friends, to continue to care for it and help it flourish so that it will be here for all those who will come after us. Again and again, he has asked us all to watch over it with skill and care, to "stand up" and take action to dispel or overcome all obstacles that endanger it, just as he himself has done for all these years with the help of so many supporters. Therefore, everyone should be aware of the current threat to our beloved temple and the residence structure built above it: Portions of the North and Northwest side of the building are sinking and breaking away from the main structure. Although the central temple building is secure, an event such as a strong earthquake could cause the unsecured sections to move unexpectedly and do major damage, including to the temple and its irreplaceable contents. Please take a few moments to read the material below: information about this crisis, the plan to head off disaster, and how you can help. Together we can preserve the hard work of so many and fulfill Rinpoche's intention that Tashi Choling survive and thrive for hundreds of years to come!
Large Crack Outside Office Wall
Large Cracks Outside Back Door
Large Crack Inside Office
Large Crack Inside Office
Large Cracks Outside Back Door
Large Cracks Outside Back Door
We're contacting all of you--the worldwide Tashi Choling sangha community who have a connection to Tashi Choling and to our beloved spiritual director and root teacher, Venerable Gyatrul Rinpoche--to let you know how you can help if you are inspired to do so. We know that you would all be heartbroken if anything were to happen to the temple or residence structure above it. We are hoping that you will be inspired by the pictures and description of the needed work above to contribute towards this extremely important effort.
Our immediate fundraising goal is to raise $150,000 to get started on this extremely important work.
Although final costs cannot be projected until further exploratory work is done on the building, we will keep you apprised of both demolition and construction progress and continuing funding needs as they become known. We strongly urge you to think of Tashi Choling in your charitable giving plans for this year and contribute as much as you are able so that we can begin the first phase of this important seismic retrofit effort just as soon as possible.
Ways to Donate to the
Temple-Residence Repair Fund:
1. Click the PayPal Button below:
Note: If you would like a charitable donation letter for tax purposes, please send an email to nicholasoconnor@msn.com and provide your mailing address as well.)
2. Send a personal check to:
Tashi Choling, P.O. Box 64, Ashland, OR 97520
(Note: Please include a note with your check that says this is for the "Temple/Residence Repair Fund".)
Thank you!
Effect of the Planned Work on Tashi Choling's 2018 Schedule
We also wanted to give you all an early heads up about our usual spring "Saga Dawa Month of Retreats." Due to the expected June demolition and rebuild work involving professional construction crews, during the Saga Dawa month in 2018 we will be holding only our public Vajrasattva Retreat (currently scheduled for May 17-26) followed immediately by a 3-day Chimed Sok Tig Longevity practice (May 27-29). We hope to return to a more complete retreat schedule in following years if all goes as expected.
And please remember us as you do holiday shopping online...
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