Check out what is going on at NHAITC!
Tapping Into Maple Tradition

NH Ag in the Classroom is working to develop a curriculum which focuses on core academic areas using maple syrup production as a theme.  There will be lessons in botany, history, math, chemistry, engineering, GIS mapping, nutrition and more.  Links will be posted soon on our website !

In the meantime, take a look at our Tapping Into Maple Tradition video. If you would like copies of our new educational poster for your classroom, just send us an  email.  
Attend the New Hampshire Farm & Forest Expo -
Learn About Maple Sugaring to Prepare for the Felker Award or How to Address Food Systems in your Curriculum

Join the N H Maple Producers at the Farm & Forest Expo on Saturday February  17th at 9:30 am  for a free maple production workshop.  Topics wi ll include maple tree identification, sap collection, evaporation, filtering, bottling and the Felker Award.  Email for more information.

In the STEM Inquiry Connections to Food Systems workshop, presenters from UNH Cooperative Extension will cover topics related to Food Systems.  Particular attention will be paid to how food systems can contribute to a healthy community throughout interrelated components, actions and results.  Interwoven will be how to address a Food Systems curriculum into your classroom or program with an emphasis on Inquiry Teaching and Next Generation Science Standards and Science Practices.  Visit the website for more information.
2017 Annual Agricultural Literacy Program

This year's book for the annual Agricultural Literacy Program is "Corn" by Gail Gibbons.  This delightfully illustrated book shares information on the history, the production and the uses of corn.  The Educator Resource Guide features related  activities and lessons, a letter from the author, notes from the UNH contributor, plus an introduction to GMOs.  We invite you to purchase the book and guide for $6 so that you can share it with a local classroom.  They can be picked up at the Farm Bureau in Concord or mailed for an additional $2.50 per set.   Email us if you would like us to send some your way.  They will also be available at the Farm & Forest Expo February 17 & 18th in Manchester!
2017 First Peas Contest

The American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture is inviting your classroom to participate in a national pea growing contest. Based on the book "First Peas to the Table" by Susan Grigsby, t he contest is open to students in grades K-5th. A team may consist of one or more students with a contact representative age 21 or over. 

- Official Contest Period: February 20, 2017 May 15, 2017
Each team may use no more than twenty pea seeds. 
- Y ou may not begin planting until February 20, 2017.
- Peas may be grown in any manner including in a hot house, hoop house,   indoor pot or planter or outside garden.
- The winning team will have harvested the greatest amount of shelled       peas                                                   more information and resources  

USDA School Garden Resource          Using gardens to grow healthy habits, classrooms and communities.  Click here for additional USDA garden resources.

Agriculture Counts                grades K-2 
Students read a story about our nation's first survey of agriculture, discuss reasons for counting things, and gain practice by sorting and counting a variety of objects related to agriculture.

Chain of Food                      grades 6-8
Students will explore the path food takes along the Farm-to-Table Continuum. They will begin on the farm and investigate food safety issues during processing, transportation, at restaurants and supermarkets, and finally, in their own homes. 

Chain of Food                      grades 9-12
similar to the above lesson at a more advanced level

National Agricultural Literacy Curriculum Matrix.   Search the online, standards-based curriculum map for K-12 instructional, classroom-ready resources 

Farm & Forest Expo
February 17th and 18th
Radisson Hotel    Manchester, NH

Merrimack County School to Farm 
May 11, 2017     4th grade 
Carter Hill Orchard in Concord
register  here

Sullivan County School to Farm Day
May 26, 2017       4th grade
Sullivan County Farm in Unity
register here

Grafton/Coos County School to Farm 
May 24, 2017     4th grade
new event at The Rocks Estate in Bethlehem!         register  here

UNH School to Farm
for Rockingham and Strafford Counties             4th grades
June 6, 7 & 8, 2017
register here

National Agriculture in the Classroom National Conference
June 20-23, 2016
Kansas City, MO


Lowes Toolbox for Education Grant offers $2,000 to $5,000 to schools for school enhancement, indoors or out.  Create a school garden or a hydroponic system! 
Application deadline is 2/9/17.

GRO1000 Grassroots Grant supported by The Scotts Miracle-Gro Foundation.  Up to $1,500 for school and community gardens.  Application deadline is 2/20/17.
Connect with us to find the latest news and resources :

 our website

Debbi Cox,  State Coordinator           (603) 224-1934  
Deb Robie, Grafton County Coordinator