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Taking Steps to Improve Consumer Protection 
In this eblast
March 2023 (Le français suit)
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FSRA is seeking input on financial penalties for those who do not follow the rules or break the law

The Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) is consulting on proposed Guidance designed to improve consumer protection by appropriately sanctioning persons and entities not in compliance with sector statutes, regulations and FSRA rules and requirements.
As part of its enforcement mandate, FSRA has the power to impose Administrative Monetary Penalties (AMPs) to address non-compliance.
Recent legislative changes in some sectors have expanded FSRA’s authority to impose AMPs. The Guidance sets out when AMPs are imposed and how the amounts are determined. It also interprets the statutory requirements FSRA follows when imposing penalties.
“Consumer protection is our top priority and we are looking at ways to strengthen enforcement and deter misconduct and non-compliance,” said Elissa Sinha, Director, Litigation and Enforcement. “That’s why we are seeking public input on the monetary penalties FSRA is authorized to impose. We want the industry and consumers to have a say in how we deal with those who do not follow the rules or break the law.”
By consulting publicly, FSRA is helping ensure transparency for consumers and industry. This approach also supports fairness, consistency and improved decision-making in FSRA’s supervision activities.
To review the proposed Guidance and submit your feedback, please visit FSRA’s website. The consultation period is now open and will close on May 31, 2023.
A multi-lingual translation feature has been added to FSRA's website.  
To provide a more accessible and inclusive experience for users, FSRA’s website can now be automatically translated into a variety of languages by selecting the Google Translate feature in the menu at the top of each page. This new tool allows users to navigate the site as well as read, understand and apply web page content in their own language. Available languages currently include German, Spanish, Hindi, Italian, and Chinese.

FSRA continues to work on behalf of all stakeholders, including consumers, to ensure financial safety, fairness, and choice for everyone. Learn more at
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Dans ce publipostage 
Mars 2023
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L’Autorité ontarienne de réglementation des services financiers (ARSF) mène des consultations sur une proposition de Ligne directrice visant à renforcer la protection des consommateurs en imposant des sanctions appropriées aux personnes et aux entités qui ne se conforment pas aux lois et règlements régissant les secteurs ou aux règles et exigences de l’ARSF.
Une fonction de traduction multilingue a été ajoutée au site Web de l’ARSF.  
Afin d’offrir une expérience plus accessible et inclusive aux utilisateurs, le site Web de l’ARSF peut désormais être traduit automatiquement dans plusieurs langues en sélectionnant la fonction Google Translate dans le menu en haut de chaque page. Ce nouvel outil permet aux utilisateurs de naviguer le site ainsi que de lire, comprendre et appliquer le contenu des pages Web dans leur propre langue. Les langues disponibles sont actuellement l’allemand, l’espagnol, l’hindi, l’italien et le chinois. 

L’ARSF continue de travailler au nom de l’ensemble des intervenants, y compris les consommateurs, pour garantir la sécurité financière, l’équité et le choix de toutes et tous. Pour en savoir plus, consultez le site