Necessity is the mother of invention.

And right now, inventing new ways of doing business has never been more necessary. But despite facing one of the biggest challenges of the modern era, we see hope and inspiration in the amazing ways the world is adapting.

Finding innovative solutions has always been a fundamental part of engineering. Our kind thrive on it. So when we think about how the changes we make during this time could improve the way we work for years to come...we see an opportunity.

So far, we've pivoted to allow our team to be productive from anywhere they need to work. We've also upped our communications game, using weekly vlogs and podcasts to stay connected as a team. And we're taking some remote time to look inward, reviewing our design standards and processes to innovate and enhance the product we deliver our clients.

The time for taking care of tomorrow's business is now - and we know this industry in up to the challenge.

We’re all in this together. And together, we’ll get out.
Share Your Innovation!
How is your firm adapting and evolving during this time?

Click the link below to tell us about the innovative solutions you've implemented, or seen from others. We'll share some of them in next week's email.

And keep reading below for links to some of the local and national ideas that have inspired us.
Our Perspective
We've continued sharing Our Perspective online over the past week, including learning how much we miss a good cup of coffee; why dogs make excellent coworkers and perhaps more importantly - why cats don't.

Check it out on Facebook or LinkedIn. While you're there, Like and Follow our pages for additional stories from our staff, project news and more.
Local & National Innovation
SD Mines Prototypes 3D Printed Masks
Xerox Mass Producing Disposable Ventilators
Modular Manufacturer Making Hospital Rooms
Cedar Ridge Distillery Makes Free Hand Sanitizer
Colonial House Makes TV Dinners to Boost Business
WY Restaurants Make Sack Lunches for Truckers
Resources We're Using

Thankfully, there's no shortage of resources to offer guidance and education right now. Below are a few we've personally used and found helpful.

COVID-19 related information for our business, official agency links, webinars, and round-tables.

Daily threads of information from our peers around the nation on how to navigate the COVID-19 crisis.

Support for small businesses in Rapid City during the COVID-19 crisis.

Support for small businesses in Sioux Falls during the COVID-19 crisis.

Small business guidance and loan resources.

COVID-19 crisis and client relationship management content developed specifically for marketers and business developers.