From Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS)
World Dignity University Logo
Painting created and shared by Ardian Adzanela and his son Andis from Sarajevo. It symbolizes the mutually dignifying spirit of our collaboration as a global community. 
Remembering a Beloved HumanDHS Leader,
Scholar, and Global Activist

Morton Deutsch
1920 - 2017
Dear Friends and Colleagues,  

Please join us in honoring the remarkable life and work of one of our most beloved and inspirational HumanDHS leaders, the visionary scholar and activist, Morton Deutsch, who passed away March 13, 2017.

Mort was the first Honorary Lifetime Member of the HumanDHS Board of Directors and the first recipient of the HumanDHS Lifetime Achievement Award in 2009. He was also a Founding Member of the World Dignity University initiative.

We are especially grateful for Mort's leadership as the founder and honorary convener of our series of collaborative Workshops on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict at Teachers College, Columbia University, New York. He organized the first workshop in 2003, and we are infinitely thankful to the Morton Deutsch International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution (MD-ICCCR) for hosting it since then. 

We lovingly encourage you to read more about the extraordinary life of Morton Deutsch: 
  • Peter Coleman, Director of the MD-ICCCR invites you to read the story of Mort's groundbreaking efforts on the Teachers College website. You may also leave a message in remembrance.
    Imagine a Global Human Community
  • Please also see Mort's invitation to "Imagine a Global Human Community," which he wrote to guide our community's work in the world. (It has been made into a printable poster as a gift for you to share with others.)
All of us are sending Mort's family, friends, and colleagues a world of loving support during this sad time. 

Morton Deutsch left HumanDHS with the footprints we need to plant and cultivate the seeds of dignity. Thank you for joining us as global gardeners of his vision for a better world, a world strengthened by the wisdom of compassionate collaboration, dignity, and peace.
-----  Take a Look  --  April 2017  -----

This edition is a tribute to Morton Deutsch
and  his awe-inspiring influence on the work of HumanDHS 

Evelin Lindner_ Morton Deutsch_ and Linda Hartling
Evelin Lindner, Morton Deutsch, and Linda Hartling (2014)
Thanks to the efforts of so many of you, we can make our collaborative endeavors a lasting tribute to, and celebration of, Morton Deutsch. 

In this edition of  Take a Look, we are highlighting our recent  13th Annual Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict in New York last December and our upcoming Annual HumanDHS Conference in Indore, India, in August. 

We hope you enjoy reading about these activities, which are made possible by all who build bridges of dignity throughout the world.

conference2929th Annual Conference of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies 
"Dignity in Times of Globalization"

Indore , State of Madhya Pradesh, Central India
August 16 - 19, 2017
We are very much looking forward to welcoming you to our 2017 Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies Conference, "Dignity in Times of Globalization," in August 2017. 

Our conferences are part of our global efforts as a creative collaborative community -- united in our diversity -- to address the distressing dilemmas unfolding in the world today. We hope you will join us to share in our endeavor to transform the destructive dynamics of humiliation and conflict into life-enriching systems of equal dignity.

If you wish to participate, please kindly contact us at Allow us to share the following information to support your plans to participate. We also encourage you to check the conference webpage for the latest updates.

Our Collaborative Format

Our conferences follow a fluid, unfolding format grounded in mutually supportive engagement and insight-cultivating conversations. Rather than having an "audience" listening to "speakers,"  our aim is to create a community that builds ideas together through dignifying dialogue, what we call  Dignilogues. P lease allow us to share this introductory handout on  Digniloguing. 

A World of Gratitude to Our Hosts

This conference will be hosted by the  Renaissance Indira Group of Institutions in Indore, India, in cooperation  with the World Dignity University initiative (WDUi) They consist of a number of colleges, including a business school and a law school.  The city of Indore is a hub of education and industry and has an illustrious history. It is located not far from Bhopal.

We are especially thankful for the leadership and support of  Event Coordinator Vinita Raj and  Director of Public Relations  Amol Mishra at the  Renaissance Indira Group of Institutions.  We also warmly thank  Deepak Tripathi  for creating this wonderful connection between our global dignity work and the  Renaissance Indira Group of Institutions. Please see Deepak Tripathi's book,  A Journey Through Turbulence published by Dignity Press .

Important Information for Everyone:
  • If you haven't already done so, we would greatly appreciate receiving your introductory information (e.g., contact information, CV, papers, and technical equipment needs). Thanks for sending it to:
  • We do not charge registration fees for our events. We share responsibility for this conference by dividing the expenses equally and inviting all participants to contribute according to their ability.
  • It would be wonderful if you could spend the entire conference with us so that real dignity-family-building can emerge. However, it is also possible to participate only in our Public Event or only in the workshop portion of our event. 
  • Thank you for making your travel and accommodation plans soon. Please see the conference webpage for details. 
  • It would be great if you could complete your "Appreciative Introduction" (Word/PDF) and email it to the address above, and, in addition, print it out and bring it with you.
Great News!  
nominationNomination for the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize

We are very thankful that our HumanDHS community, as represented by  Founding President Evelin Lindner , is nominated again this year  for the  Nobel Peace Prize ,  for the third time!   Over the last three years, we've seen how this nomination has protected many members of our network who are vulnerable when they stand up for dignity in their communities.  Please remember that this nomination is your nomination; it is a tribute to our ongoing collaborations as a global community. 

honorbookEvelin Lindner's New Book! 

Honor, Humiliation, and Terror. She has been working night and day on this text that explores the roots of multiple forms of terror, from economic exploitation, to environmental destruction, to international political conflict. 

In the foreword, Linda Hartling, Ph.D., notes that this "book serves as a universal affirmation for those who courageously strive to build bridges of equal dignity in their own lives and around the world." Most of all, it serves as an invitation to all who wish to do their part to replace cycles of humiliation and terror with dignity for people and the planet.
A Joyful Review!
workshop28Our 13th Annual HumanDHS Workshop on 
Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict

2016 Workshop Participants

"The Globalization of Dignity"
Columbia University, Teachers College

Our  13th Annual Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict was an unforgettable event! It wa s filled with thought-provoking conversations and creative collaborations, generating a wealth of ideas in support of "The Globalization of Dignity."   

2016 HumanDHS Workshop Mini-Documentary
2016 HumanDHS Workshop Mini-Documentary created by Mariana Ferraz
We are excited to announce the release of a "mini-documentary" about this year's workshop, beautifully compiled and created by Mariana Ferraz. It captures the mutually dignifying spirit of our community by interviewing some of the many participants who made this and earlier workshops special.  In addition, you will see many wonderful photos posted on our  webpage

Our preplanned and co-created Dignilogue groups allowed us to bring tough and crucial topics and questions to the table. Please see our collection of videos documenting the creative work of these groups.

We were very glad to honor  Philip Brown with the  2016 HumanDHS Lifetime Achievement Award. We are deeply grateful to  Michael Britton , our Don Klein Memorial Lecturer, who offered us a powerful and moving message to give us courage during these troubling times. Please join us also in applauding  Edna Adan Michael Perlin , and our musicians for making our  Public Event  so educational and inspirational. Plus, Renée Monrose  invited us to her  Face-to-Face  art exhibit at the  Union Theological Seminary.  Please see the links to all videos on our workshop webpage

A Special Thanks!

This workshop would not be possible without the loving support of all who shared in the responsibility of co-creating it. We especially thank this year's wonderful team of moderators, careholders, dignigardeners, videographers, photographers, and our team of music and movement leaders!

We are deeply grateful to our colleagues and friends at the  Morton Deutsch International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution (MD-ICCCR)  and especially to the late  Morton Deutsch. Mort was -- and always will be -- our beloved founder and honorary convener of this workshop series. We will carry forward his global vision of mutually dignifying collaboration, which is at the heart of all of our efforts as a community.

markcalendarsPlease Mark Your Calendars!
14th Annual HumanDHS Workshop on 
Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict

"The Nature of Dignity -- The Dignity of Nature"
Thursday - Friday, December 7 - 8, 2017
Teachers College, Columbia University, New York
Please see the workshop webpage for all of the details as this event develops. If you wish to participate, please kindly send your introductory information to: 
workshops@humiliationstudies .

WDU Globe
dpnewsDignity Press News!

Dignity Press (DP) has published 26 books and is looking forward to publishing Evelin Lindner's upcoming book,  Honor, Humiliation, and Terror: Humiliation and Terror, along with many other new publications. 

We especially want to thank Uli Spalthoff for his skillful leadership of DP. Since 2012, his remarkable efforts have been an inspiration to our entire global community.  We thank him in advance for training and working with volunteers who wish to contribute to the ongoing achievements of DP. 

Please see the cover pictures of our current collection of publications below, or visit the website to read more.

Please Welcome
Zuzana Luckay to Dignity Press!

We are thrilled to have Zuzana Luckay Mihalcinova join our team as an editor for DP, under the leadership of Uli Spalthoff.  Zuzana is a member of our  Global Research Team  and a Global Dignity Nurturer. She is committed to the study of diverse forms of dignity.

dpopportunitiesDignity Press Opportunities

DP books explore a wide range of topics relevant to dignity, humiliation, peace studies, and conflict resolution, and they come from many different disciplines, such as sociology, legal studies, psychology, peace studies, conflict resolution, and inter- and transdisciplinary fields of study. 
  • We are currently looking for reviewers for our manuscripts. If you would like to read a manuscript and tell us your opinion, we would be delighted to have you be part of our team of reviewers. 
  • If you have experience with and/or enjoy proofreading with an eye for grammar, spelling, and accurate citations, we would love to hear from you.  
Working on DP publications is a way to get inspired while helping authors share their knowledge and experience about how we can create a better world. 
If you are interested in supporting the work of DP in these ways, please email Zuzana Luckay at:

All of the work of HumanDHS and DP is a labor of love. Therefore, we are deeply grateful to all who donate their time, expertise, and much valued opinion to develop publications that lead to new understandings and practices that will bring more dignity into the world. 
dpbooksDignity Press Publications
For more information about these publications, 
please visit our Dignity Press website:

To order copies of these publications, please visit our Dignity Press website:
technologyWould you like to get more involved throughout the year?

We are looking for volunteers to help with computer technology in support of Dignity Press (DP), specifically, skilled volunteers to:
  • Maintain the DP webpages and add content (knowledge of Joomla would be essential, plus basic html skills).
  • Help with the administration of the DP accounting system. This could simply be entering data into the existing accounting system. Or, ideally, it might mean helping to add more functions to the accounting system. This would involve a very basic understanding of business processes, plus the capability to program using Python, Django, databases, and html. A person who knows how to program in other computer languages could learn all of this within several weeks.
If you have these skills and you want to get more involved for six months, a year, or more, please contact DP Director of Operations Uli Spalthoff at:
WDU-WISRThe World Dignity University Initiative and the  Western Institute of Social Research

The  World Dignity University initiative (WDUi) and the  Western Institute for Social Research (WISR) are continuing to develop a promising educational collaboration. Working together, we will provide adult learners with the opportunity to develop multidisciplinary studies on topics related to human dignity and social change, offering flexible, learner-centered graduate degree programs.

The WDUi-WISR collaboration will allow students to pursue a WISR graduate degree based on multidisciplinary readings and learning projects and to develop a thesis or dissertation on topics related to human dignity. This will entail working with WISR's core faculty, including scholars from the WDU and HumanDHS communities who will be joining WISR's faculty. Two current WISR graduate degree programs are eligible for this "Dignity Studies" specialization:
  • MS in Education and Community Leadership
  • EdD in Higher Education and Social Change
People may also pursue a BS degree (in Community Leadership and Justice), if they can demonstrate prior extensive experience and expertise in community and/or professional involvement.

Students who would like to begin a degree program through WISR in partnership with the WDUi do not have to wait until the end of a semester or the academic year. They can begin any month of the year. 

To learn more about WISR, please visit:

The Gizah Pyramids (by Ricardo Liberato)

31st Annual Conference of
Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies 
" Dignity and Innovation --
Strategies for a Sustainable Future
Cairo, Egypt -- September 2018

Cabelo Seco, Marabá, Pará
Planning Ahead
conference3333rd Annual Conference of
Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies 
In the Amazonian State of  Pará,
Marabá Brazil --  September 2019

Quick Links
Thank you for creating a world of
equal dignity for all! 
Evelin Lindner ,  MD, PhDs, Founding President

Linda Hartling, PhD, Director

Uli Spalthoff , PhD, Director of Project Development and Systems Administration   

Michael Britton, EdD, PhD, Board Member  

Richard Slaven, PhD, Director of Dignifunding