May 5, 2022


A five-minute summary of AAI, regulation, and industry activities for members of the largest state agribusiness association in the nation.

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Thank You to All Who Attended The Retirement Reception and AAI Open House

We enjoyed seeing everyone at the reception, held on April 28, to celebrate Joel Brinkmeyer and his retirement, welcome new CEO Bill Northey, and allow members to see the newly completed AAI Headquarters reconstruction. We look forward to seeing you at future meetings and events. 


If you didn't have an opportunity to attend, stop by any time. We would love to have the opportunity to interact, discuss whatever is on your mind, and show you around the building.

Ag Retailers Invited to Attend Ag Aviation Calibration Clinic June 1 & 2

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The Iowa Agricultural Aviation Association (IAAA) is inviting ag retailers to attend their annual Operation Safe fly in and calibration clinic on June 1-2.


Aviators in attendance will be making sure their equipment is properly calibrated for the growing season. Ag retailers are invited to watch the process and interact with the aviators.


The event is weather dependent, so it is advisable to call ahead if there are questions about the weather. June 1 is the primary date with June 2 as a backup if June 1 does not work.


IAAA Operation Safe Calibration Fly In

June 1-2, 2022

Webster City Municipal Airport

Webster City, Iowa


Contact Quinten Childs with questions:


Phone: 515.229.1856

Additional Asmark Regulatory Posters Available for Order

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The Asmark Institute has revised three of their most popular posters to bring you the most current product and regulatory information. The posters are:


  • Worker Protection Standard
  • Agrichemical Shipments - D.O.T. Shipping Information
  • Restricted-Use Pesticides


A complimentary set of three posters has been sent to the AAI retail voting members.


Members may purchase additional posters as a set of three for $15.00 plus shipping and handling or individually for $6.00 each plus shipping and handling. We have a limited supply of these, so please order as soon as possible.


Click here to order: Order Asmark Posters


Questions or concerns, please call Reilly Vaughan 515-868-0311.

On The Air With AAI


Interviews and media segments featuring staff from the Agribusiness Association of Iowa:

(Click Headline to listen or view segment)

Wall Street Journal

War in Ukraine Cuts Fertilizer Supply, Hurting Food Prices and Farmers

Video Interview with former CEO Joel Brinkmeyer

WNAX Radio

Northey Promotes E-15 Ethanol

Audio Interview with current CEO Bill Northey

Dicamba Cutoff Date in Iowa: June 20

The EPA announced it has approved label amendments that further restrict the use of over-the-top dicamba in Iowa and Minnesota.

View EPA Announcement


The revised labeling prohibits over-the-top dicamba application:

  • On dicamba-tolerant crops after June 20 in Iowa


Also, the EPA is now requiring that all growers (not just growers in Iowa and Minnesota) using XtendiMax must check:

within 7 days of application in case their state has made any local label updates. Growers using XtendiMax must have all relevant labeling in their possession at the time of application.

View the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship Press Release


June 30

AAI Board of Directors Meeting

AAI Board Room


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Click a Headline - Watch the Report

Watch Any Time or View the Archives:



Nominations for Iowa Farm Environmental Leader Awards - Deadline Extended to May 23

Submit nominations for the 2022 Iowa Farm Environmental Leader Awards by Monday, May 23.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the award, and IDALS is looking forward to recognizing those that have taken steps in their farming operations to improve or protect the environment and natural resources of our state while also serving as local leaders to encourage other farmers to follow in their footsteps. This award is a joint effort of the Governor, Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, and Iowa Department of Natural Resources to honor the exemplary voluntary efforts of these farmers. 

Find the nomination form and more information here: If you have any issues with the submission system, please contact:

Casey Judge

Office: (515) 725-4119

Cell: (515) 822-1851

This award can be a great way to show farmers who are working hard to lead conservation efforts that we see and appreciate everything they do! 

Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City’s 2022 Agricultural Symposium:

Help Wanted in Agriculture - May 23-24

Location: Kansas City, Missouri

Visit the symposium website for registration and additional information:

2022 Agriculture Symposium

AgGateway Mid-Year Meeting - June 12-13

Location: Altoona, Iowa

A conference related to driving digital connectivity in global agriculture and related industries. Visit the website for additional information and registration:

2022 Mid-Year Meeting

StoneX Commercial Grain Accounting Seminar - June 14-15

Location: Sioux Falls, South Dakota

An event for grain professionals, accountants, and CPAs focused on the basics of grain origination and merchandising, and the intricacies of grain industry accounting practices. Visit the website for additional information and registration:

Commercial Grain Accounting Seminar


Biden’s Ukraine request includes $500M for U.S. producers

Source: Feedstuffs


As the war shifts to and intensifies in Ukraine’s eastern front, the Biden administration is calling on Congress to provide additional resources to Ukraine. Included in the $33 billion supplemental request, the administration is seeking $500 million in food production assistance for U.S. farmers to incentivize additional production to offset potential shortfalls from Ukraine’s crop.

According to a White House fact sheet, through higher loan rates and crop insurance incentives, the legislative proposal to Congress would provide greater access to credit and lower risk for farmers growing soybeans and other commodities while lowering costs for American consumers. The request includes boosting some commodity loan rates for two years, extending the loan term to 12 months for 2022, and providing a $10 per acre incentive paid through crop insurance premiums to a soybean crop planted after a winter wheat crop in 2023.

USDA estimates the incentives would help U.S. farmers make up for up to 50% of the wheat typically exported by Ukrainian farmers. However, Chandler Goule, CEO of the National Association of Wheat Growers, questions how the likely small geographical area could make up that shortfall.

Only producers in Kentucky, Ohio, Alabama and sometimes Michigan double crop wheat after soybeans, and potentially in wet years in eastern Kansas or Nebraska. It’s unlikely any of these states can provide booming yields after a double crop, even if every acre in those four states was to double crop with wheat, Goule says. Also, if growers didn’t plant a fast-maturing soybean, it’s unlikely they’ll be able to get a winter wheat crop in this year.

[...] Read Full Story

U.S. senators aim to expand mental health services in rural America

Source: AgDaily

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May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and U.S. senators are taking this opportunity to highlight the need for mental health services in rural America. U.S. Sens. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) and Tina Smith (D-Minn.) led a bipartisan group of senators in reintroducing legislation to expand telemental health services in rural areas. The Home-Based Telemental Health Care Act would establish a grant program for health providers to expand telemental health services for those specifically in rural populations working in farming, forestry and fishing industries. 

“Those living in rural areas may live far away from a mental health facility, making in-person visits difficult for those seeking care,” said Rounds. “Utilizing telemental health capabilities will allow South Dakotans in rural areas to receive quality care from the comfort of their homes. Not only does this save time and resources, it provides an important mental health service during a difficult period for our farmers and ranchers, who for years have suffered economically due to challenging weather, trade disputes and price disparities.”

This legislation would direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Director of the Office for the Advancement of Telehealth of the Health Resources and Services Administration, in coordination with the Rural Health Liaison of the Department of Agriculture, to award grants to entities to establish demonstration projects for the provision of telemental health services for rural populations, specifically those working in the farming, fishing and forestry occupations. It would authorize up to $10 million for each fiscal year through 2026, using current funds.

“Now — especially as our nation continues dealing with a pandemic — we need to help rural America overcome the unique obstacles that small towns and rural communities face in providing mental health,” said Smith.

[...] Read Full Story

John Phipps: Farmers Don’t Understand City Folk

Source: AgWeb


Why farmers long to be understood by non-farmers mystifies me. First, I’m not sure I understand farmers, since there is no stereotypical farmer, just a bunch of similar but equally puzzling individuals. 

Given the statistics, however, it seems presumptuous others are obligated to understand us. Despite the wildly misleading “2% of the population”, the number of actual farming-for-a-living people is a sliver of the U.S. population. Being generous, that is maybe 0.3%. It would be astonishing if others did understand how we live.

Even more curious is how little farmers understand other ways of life. We show scant interest about life in San Antonio or Dubuque or Biloxi. With few facts, farmers tend to be horrified by the prospect of urban life. 

What we know is axiomatic: City folk aren’t like us. Other than pizza delivery and cable internet, we find little to envy and much to dislike. 

Empathy for urban lives is rare. It’s filed away under “Good place to visit, but I wouldn’t want to live there.”

This purposeful unfamiliarity has economic consequences. Farmers project their driving patterns to urbanites. When work is 14 miles away, electric vehicles are a practical breakthrough. While we scoff, the auto and energy industries will be rebuilt for the 99%.

[...] Read Full Story

Russian Ag Equipment Theft Thwarted

Source: Progressive Farmer


Russian military forces invading Ukraine may have thought they came across one of 2022's rarest of finds when they fought their way across the southern region of the country in March and captured the Ukrainian city of Melitopol.

They found a dealership that actually had agriculture equipment in stock.

The Russians won't be getting much use out of their plunder, however.

According to a CNN report, the invaders stole $5 million worth of equipment from the Agrotek dealership in Melitopol. After shipping combines, tractors and planters out of Ukraine and back to Chechnya in Russia -- 27 pieces of equipment in total -- they found their loot had been remotely disabled and, barring some serious software hacking, wouldn't be of any use.

The plan to make away with Ukraine's agricultural equipment seemed to be organized and follows a trend seen in areas of the country currently under Russian occupation. There have been reports of Russian units cleaning grain out of Ukrainian silos to transport back to Russian territory and of Russians trying to strike deals to split profits with local farmers still working the farm ground in the area.

[...] Read Full Story

Be Engaged. Be Informed

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KYOU-TV Ottumwa

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