Sunday, September 1
Deacon Nominations Begin
Photo Contest Fan Favorite Voting begins
Worship, KidsWorship, & LifeGroups
8:30A Worship [Nursery opens]
9:45A LifeGroups
11A Worship
11A PreK/KidsWorship
4P Griefshare, ED 210
3P Tailgating with LifeGroups
5P PreGame in FLC
6:30P Game KickOff in FLC
Monday, September 2
Labor Day - Office Closed
Tuesday, September 3
9A & 6P Ladies Bible Study, Banquet Hall
Wednesday, September 4
Mid-Week Studies & Activities
6P Nursery & PreK Groups
6P Kids: Wild Wednesdays, FLC
6P Student Night, The Crossing
[doors open at 5P]
6P Adult Study, Pastor’s Class, Banquet Hall
6P WMU - Young Women, ED 245
7P Choir Rehearsal, Choir Suite
Friday, September 6
4P Students: Tailgate at ZHS
Sunday, September 8
Worship & LifeGroups, KidsWorship
3P Service at The Lodge
4P GriefShare, ED 210
5P Students: Guys/Gals Bible Study begins, Barron's Home
Monday, September 9
9:30A WMU - Morning, Banquet Hall
6P WMU - Evening, Banquet Hall
Tuesday, September 10
9A & 6P Ladies Bible Study, Banquet Hall
Thursday, September 12
10A Prime Timers Meeting & Lunch, FLC
Sunday, September 15
Georgia Barnette: Week of Prayer for Louisiana Missions begins
Worship & LifeGroups, KidsWorship
3P Service at Oakwood Village
4P GriefShare, ED210
5P Students: Guys/Gals Bible Study, Barron's
Photo Contest Fan Voting concludes