CEO Notes

I'm just back from the National Drug and Alcohol Screening Association Conference & Trade Show in Indianapolis. As a founding member, I am proud of the work the organization does to improve drug and alcohol screening programs around the globe. Over my 23 years in this industry, I have seen many changes and most of them start with getting the industry experts in a room to talk about what is really happening in the field. As always, it was exciting to visit with the presenters and attendees, to hear what they think and to learn how I can support others in new and innovative ways to grow their businesses. Of course, it's always good to see old friends, and we had a lot of fun!

This year’s keynote speaker was General Barry McCaffrey, USA (RET). His presentation was just amazing! General McCaffrey served in the United States Army for 32 years and retired as a four-star general. At retirement, he was the most highly decorated serving general, having been awarded three Purple Heart medals (wounded in combat three times), two Distinguished Service Crosses (the nation’s second highest award for valor) and two Silver Stars for valor.

After leaving the military, General McCaffrey led the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), for five years and then taught at the United States Military Academy in We Point for several years. He is currently a consultant on national security issues.

General McCaffrey's presentation was incredibly inspirational. He is a true American hero, and I felt honored to meet him.