June 2024

Every year, dozens of workers die and thousands more become ill while working in hot or humid conditions. OSHA's Heat Illness Prevention campaign educates employers and workers on heat hazards and provides resources to keep workers safe.


Total Worker

Health Program

NIOSH was created by the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. The act mandates "to assure so far as possible every man and woman in the Nation safe and healthful working conditions." Keeping workers safe is the foundation of the Total Worker Health approach.


Remote Work Policies 101: Establishing Clear Guidelines for Employee Safety

In 2022, over a third of employees found themselves working from home, a significant rise from pre-pandemic levels, as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. With this shift, employers face the challenge of ensuring the safety and well-being of their remote workforce. 


2024 TREP Safety Poster Contest

The Three Rivers Education Partnership (TREP) is thrilled to announce the winners of our annual poster contest, which focused on the theme of SAFETY—recognizing and eliminating safety hazards. This year's contest invited students to create posters that emphasize the importance of making safe choices to prevent accidents and injuries in various aspects of life, whether at home, work, play, or school. 

We would like to thank our esteemed judges for their time and expertise in evaluating the entries. Your efforts in selecting the winners were instrumental in highlighting the best representations of safety awareness and creativity. 

Thank you to everyone who participated in the contest and contributed to fostering a culture of safety in our community. We look forward to continuing this important tradition and inspiring future generations to think and act safely. 

Stay safe and keep up the great work! 


We couldn't have had a better day for our golf outing this year. This year we hosted our golf outing at Silver Lake Country Club in Orland Park, IL.

We had around 172 golfers show up for such a beautiful day of golfing and networking!

A special THANK YOU to all our sponsors helped us put on this event! We appreciate the support tremendously. 


The Three Rivers Manufacturers’ Association (TRMA) recently hosted an exclusive training session tailored for managers and leaders of training programs, highlighting the transformative power of Training Within Industry (TWI). This unique event brought together industry professionals eager to deepen their understanding of effective training methodologies, focusing specifically on the Job Instruction (JI) and Job Relations (JR) modules of TWI. 


Through the Workforce Services Division of Will County, the Will UpSkill program provides Will County employers funding for customized employee training to expand their skills and strengths allowing companies to remain competitive and retain their workforce.

Contact Ray Woodworth (ray.woodworth@trma.org) to learn how this grant can pay for your employee training


What’s a fun fact about your company that people may not know about?

Our products are used to make: windmill blades, bowling balls, boat hulls, car parts, bathtubs, sinks, industrial & architectural coatings, body putty, an....


Upcoming Events:

June 12: Excavation Competent Person Training

June 13: First Aid, CPR, AED & Bleed Control Training

June 17-21: Virtual COSS

July 11: First Aid, CPR, AED & Bleed Control Training

July 22-26: Virtual COSS

July 31: Scaffold Competent Person Training

August 5-6,12-13,19: Virtual COSM August 8: Fall Protection Competent Person Training

August 14: First Aid, CPR, AED & Bleed Control Training

2024 Events & Specialty Courses



Three Rivers Manufacturers’ Association (TRMA)

is a leading manufacturing association in the Chicago area focused on enhancing the manufacturing climate in the communities we serve.


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