TREDIS Newsletter, Fall 2014
In This Issue
Optimizing Use
New Uses of TREDIS
TREDIS in The Classroom
Social Media
Quick Links

Register for Newsletter
This newsletter provides updates on TREDIS, the Transportation Economics Suite.  If you do not wish to receive future editions, please use the unsubscribe link at the bottom of this page.
Upcoming Events
TREDIS software is a sponsor of the following upcoming events:

AMPO Conference - Atlanta, GA
Hosted by AMPO and Atlanta Regional Commission
October 21-24, 2014  More details...

Introduction to TREDIS Webinar - Prioritization Programs
October 28, 2014  More details...
2015 TRB Annual Meeting - Washington, DC
Hosted by The Transportation Research Board (TRB) 
January 11-15, 2015  More Details...  
Optimizing Your TREDIS Use

White Paper: Guide to the Different Uses of BCA, EIA, and FIA 

A new introductory article explains the differences in function and uses of the forms of economic analysis in TREDIS: Benefit Cost Analysis (BCA), Economic Impact Analysis (EIA), and Financial Impact Analysis (FIA)  More details... 


Example Case Studies Added:  As part of our customer training process, we are expanding our library of illustrative examples of how to use TREDIS for different kinds of applications.  Documents are available in the User Resources library after logging into TREDIS. Sample projects can be viewed in the TREDIS Trial as a teaching tool. Now Available: Public Policy, Vision Planning, Prioritize-Select, Single Project, Asset Management, Advanced Project
Enhancements to TREDIS
  • Now Available: TREDIS with vFreight Data
  • Now Available: TREDIS with Transearch Data
  • Updated TREDIS Trial: Sub-county, county, and state data included, demographics report enabled, more capabilities enabled

Coming Soon:

  • IMPLAN 2013 Data
  • Example Case Study: Alternatives Analysis

We're working on the next release of TREDIS. If you have any suggestions for improvement, please send them to
New and On-going Uses of TREDIS
Here are some of the ways subscribers are using TREDIS.
  • CMAP Prioritization Program
  • Connecticut Long Range Strategy
  • Illiana Corridor Analysis
  • Michigan Logistics Study
  • Missouri Statewide Transportation Improvement Program
  • North Florida Long Range Transportation Plan
  • Pikes Peak COG Prioritization Program
  • Transport for NSW Ex-post Analysis
TREDIS Multimodal Benefit-Cost Analysis (MBCA) is a free, web-based calculation tool for comparing the user benefits and costs of individual transportation projects.  More details... 
University Program
TREDIS is a widely used teaching tool. Set up your account for Spring 2015. Email questions to 
More details... 
Social Media


TREDIS transportation projects, programs, enhancements, reports and more are promoted daily
.  Send us a link and a brief description and we may promote your project! 
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