The more than 12 inches of very wet, heavy snow that arrived Friday night, following around 3 inches the previous night, resulted in very difficult conditions for the Town Crew. One of the Town's three plow trucks broke down Saturday morning and a second truck became unusable Saturday evening. While both can be repaired within a few days, having only one of three plows in service by Saturday evening caused delays and frustrations. 

With only one plow truck and some additional rental equipment, the crew worked into the wee hours of Sunday morning to make all roads at least "passable". More roadway widening, intersection clearing, and tree removal still need to be done. At least one of the down trucks will hopefully be back in service sometime Monday. Other sources of equipment and/or services are being sought with the objective of getting all roads back to "good" winter driving conditions as soon as possible. Considerable progress should be seen by the end of Monday.

This was an extraordinary weather event that tested both equipment and operators. Despite many residents having been inconvenienced, the Town Board hopes everyone joins us in applauding the diligence and dedication of the Town Crew who worked very long hours in extremely difficult conditions. 
The St. Germain Town Board of Supervisors provided this message. If you wish to contact any of the Town's officers, please visit the "Elected and Appointed Officials" page of the TOWN WEBSITE.