Welcome back! It's been a very positive start to the new school year. From day one, students and staff have showed impressive Spartan spirit, dedication, and hard work as this community enters yet another successful year. Our enrollment is holding strong at 1070 students, our overall attendance rate thus far is 95%, and this week we celebrated 295 Spartans who made the Honor Roll last spring at a special ceremony. That's the Spartan way!
Parents, please be sure to join us next Thursday, September 10th for back to school night from 5-7 p.m. The evening will begin in the auditorium, after which you will pick up your student's schedule in the gym and then you will follow your student's daily schedule to get to know his/her teachers and expectations for the school year.
We are excited to announce that we will be holding our Senior Meeting for the class of 2016 on Wednesday, Sept. 9th during office hours (2:14-2:55)! We are treating it as a mandatory event for seniors, and ask your help in encouraging their attendance. During this meeting we will be covering the college application process, scholarships, financial aid, requesting letters of recommendation, using Naviance (which is our online college application support system), AND providing lists, dates, and deadlines corresponding with each of those.
In addition, we will also be providing dates and information about general senior year activities such as Homecoming, Prom, Mr. TJ, senior awards, senior check-out, graduation, etc. Each student will be given a packet that includes all of this information to take home. It will also be made available to families as e-documents on Naviance.
For any parents whose child can't make the meeting, or who would like to learn more, the school counselors and college advisor will be available the following evening (Thursday Sept 10th) at Back to School Night to give out the remaining packets and answer any questions. Please remember, we are also planning several other events throughout the year such as a college fair, college trips, FAFSA night, College 101, Financial Aid Night, Scholarship workshops, and more! We will send out details as we solidify them. We look forward to working with you all to make this a great senior year!
Other Important Upcoming Dates:
- Back To School Night September 10th
5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
- Homecoming Week September 14th - 18th
- Game is @ 7 p.m. v. Harrison (All City Field)
- Dance is Saturday @ 7:00 p.m. (TJ)
- CSC Meeting September 14th 4 p.m. - 5 p.m.
- TJ Partners Meeting September 15th 5 p.m. - 6 p.m.
- Mock ACT September 24th - Juniors ONLY
- Oct 7th and 8th
Conferences from 3:30-7:30 p.m.
Mike Christoff
Assistant Principal
Interested in traveling to Germany and the Alps in 2016? Please come to room 217 or click
here for more details! You can also e-mail
or call: 720-423-7093
Important Date Change: Class of 2016 Meeting
We are excited to announce that we will be holding our Senior Meeting for the class of 2016 on Wednesday, Sept. 9
th during office hours (2:14-2:55)!
It is replacing the event that had previously been scheduled for this Thursday, Sept. 3rd. We are treating it as a mandatory event for seniors, and ask your help in encouraging their attendance.
During this
meeting we will be covering the college application process, scholarships, financial aid, requesting letters of recommendation, using Naviance, AND providing lists, dates, and deadlines corresponding with each of those.
Please see this week's Administrator's Corner (just to the left of this!) for more information.
We will send out details as we solidify them. We look forward to working with you all to make this a great senior year!
Football Game Tonight vs. Kennedy
Come cheer on your Spartan Football team to another victory! It's a GOLD-OUT, so all fans should proudly and loudly wear their gold gear! Game is against Kennedy, at All City Stadium at 7:00 p.m.
Need help with math?
Math tutoring is available in the Library Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 3:00-4:00 pm starting Tuesday September 1st. Bring your math materials and any questions....Great way to stay on top of your class!
Attention all parents!
The first TJ PARTNERS PTO meeting of the year will be held on Tuesday, September 8th from 6-7:30p.m.. Please join us for a TJ Administration Panel and hear what's in store for the 2015-2016 school year. You will have the opportunity to ask the TJ Principals and Assistant Principals any questions you have on your mind.
TJ Partners will have a list of 2015-2016 activities planned. Come find out how TJ Partners PTO supports our wonderful students and teachers and how you can get involved. We look forward to seeing many new and returning families. Refreshments will be served.
Gear Up: Spartan Gear for Sale
Get your Spartan gear ready for all events!
Support your TJ Spartans today by getting your TJ gear from TJ Partners. We have new styles and colors of TJ gear for you to show your Spartan pride around town. Get yours today. T-shirts are $15, Hoodies are $30, TJ Decals are $3. Get yours today! TJ gear will be available for sale at TJ Partners meetings each month, at various TJ activities around campus, or you can get yours by contacting us at tjparentpartners@gmail.com.
Back to School Night Thursday, September 10 5:00-7:00 p.m.
Suicide Awareness and Prevention
Educating Our Students
As part of the
Health Agenda 2015, one of the department goals for the Office of Social and Emotional Learning (OSEL) is to have the Signs of Suicide curriculum implemented to all of our 6th and 9th grade students
in Denver Public Schools.
Educating our students about how to take care of themselves and their friends is an important task. Students are most likely to talk to their friends when they are having a problem, and some students entering adolescence will experience a rollercoaster of difficult emotions. Depression (among the most common of mental illnesses) appears to be occurring at a much earlier age. Depression--which is treatable--is a leading risk factor for suicide. In addition, self-injury has become a growing problem among youth. While every student will not experience these feelings, any child may find themselves in a position to help someone who does.
Read More
Homecoming is just around the corner!
Thursday, September 17th, 7-8:30 p.m. - festivities on TJ Campus
Friday, September 18th, 7-9 p.m. - HOMECOMING Football game vs Harrison at All City Field
Saturday, September 19th, 7-10 p.m. - Dance in the TJ Gymnasium
Other Homecoming activities will be planned, so watch for announcements regarding Spirit Week, Powder Puff Game, Parade, and other fun activities. Come out and support your TJ Spartans!
Thomas Jefferson High School Food Pantry
Thomas Jefferson High School is proud and excited to inform you that we have a food pantry. The food pantry's purpose is to help students and their families have enough food over the weekends. If you receive reduced or free lunch, you and your family are eligible to receive food from the food pantry. If you would like to enroll or have any further questions, please contact Samanda Davis at 720-423-7072 or Samanda_Davis@DPSK12.org. You can also visit her in the special support office. This program is confidential and the names of students and families will remain private.
Important News from the Health Center
Dear Parents:
All students who are treated at the School Based Health Center must have a consent form signed in advance. We've provided links below so that you can print and sign the consent form. Signed forms may be dropped off in the main office or brought to the clinic by your student. Thank you for your support in having all students access this wonderful clinic!
Sally Flynn, NP
Thomas Jefferson School Based Health Clinic
Travel Opportunity! Save the Date!
Students and parents interested in learning more about TJ's 2nd service learning trip to Costa Rica:
There will be a meeting on Wednesday, September 16, at 5 PM in room 10. At this meeting we will discuss the itinerary, the price, payment plans and fundraising options. You will also have the chance to enroll immediately if interested, and lock into the current price before fares increase!
Space is limited to 30 people at this meeting, so please RSVP by contacting the group leader, Nina Barber:
Challenge Day Needs Your Support
Parents of Juniors, please consider donating!
It is our goal to provide Challenge Day to every student at least one time during their time at TJ. In 2015-2016 we hope to present Challenge Day to our new incoming eleventh graders.
We have obtained a grant the covers part of the cost of this program, and are asking for assistance for the rest. If you are able to assist us, your help will be greatly appreciated, please submit your donation prior to October 1.We are asking for $20 per Junior student.
Please enclose cash, M.O., check.
check payable to TJHS, and return to
Samanda Davis, Social Worker Questions? Please contact Samanda Davis, TJ Social Worker,
samanda_davis@dpsk12.org, 720-423-7072
What is Challenge Day?
- It is a one day (seven hour), action-packed, interactive program held in the gym at TJ; students, teachers, administrators, parents and other adult volunteers participate in a safe environment.
- Students, teachers, and parents own up to past behavior, apologize to each other, and make a pledge to "change their behavior.
- Students and adults participate equally and connect on a very personal level.
- Through these personal connections, students are engaged and empowered, and are inspired to be successful.
- Students' personal power and self esteem are elevated.
- Dangerous peer pressure is transformed into positive peer support.
- Teasing, violence and all forms of oppression are recognized and eliminated.
- The aftermath of the school climate is remarkably noticeable.
Thank you for your support.
Samanda Davis, LCSW MSW
Social Worker
Thomas Jefferson High School
News from the Future Center
The Future Center is now located across from the main office in room 135. Stop by to visit.
Seniors, stop by the Future Center to talk about your plans for next year. Ms. Maez would love to understand how she can support you this year.
Visits to Colleges:
Make sure to check out the bulletin board by the counseling office for information about college fairs and college tours.
Colleges Visiting TJ:
College visits will begin in September. Check out Naviance or the bulletin board outside of the Future Center for upcoming visits.
Fall college visits are open to juniors and seniors ONLY.
Students must sign up for college visits using Naviance.
Instructions to sign up for colleges visiting TJ using Naviance:
Scroll down to "Spartan Links."
Under Spartan Links click on "Naviance."
To log in, enter your student id # (it will ask for an email address but just use your DPS ID) and password (date of birth mm/dd/yy).
(Trouble logging in? Please see Ms. Maez or your Counselor.).
Once you are logged in and on the home page, click on the "Colleges" tab.
Click on "View all upcoming college visits."
Click "Sign Up" for the college visits you wish to attend. Make sure you meet the admissions requirements for the schools you are signing up to visit with.
Starting scholarship searches now will help create opportunities for later. Good places to start a scholarship search include Naviance and Denver Scholarship Foundation. Additionally, seniors have opportunities to apply for comprehensive scholarships.
Scholarship Links:
Naviance- Log in; go to the "college" tab, and scroll down toward the bottom of the page. Click on "Scholarship Match."
Gates Millennium Scholarship - Deadline is 1/13/16-
Horatio Alger Scholarships- 10/25/15-
Information Sessions/Programs/Workshops/Test Dates: (Various Locations)
10/24/15 ACT- Register by 9/18/15.
10/3/15 SAT- Register by 9/3/15.
If your family qualifies for free and reduced lunch, please see
Ms. Maez for a fee waiver.
Rena Maez
College Advisor, Thomas Jefferson High School Denver Scholarship Foundation | a 501(c)(3) Public Charity 3950 S. Holly Street | Denver, CO 80237 O 720.423.7134 F 720.423.7098