Administrator's Corner
Hello TJ,
As you know, in Colorado our schools are funded by the number of students that attend their school. This number is generated based on the number of students that we have in attendance from
September 26th to October 10th. The actual Count Day is October 3rd. Please make sure that you are getting your students to school during this time. Our overall student enrollment is in great shape and we want to ensure that we secure the maximum funding for our students so please make sure that your student is here during that window. Thank you so much for you help on this!
Also, we will be sending out letters for students in Advanced Placement (AP) classes to notify you of a change that has occurred with how we order exams. In past years we were asked to order exams in March of the school year, but now that deadline has been moved up to October! If your student plans on taking the exam this spring (which they should!) please know that payment for the exams will be earlier this school year (click here for more information). If you have not applied for "Free and Reduced Lunch," please do so as it gives you discounts for Athletics as well as AP discounts.
We will be sending out permissions in October so that we can invoice parents for the correct amounts.
Hola TJ,
Como saben, en Colorado, nuestras escuelas están financiadas por el número de estudiantes que asisten a su escuela. Este número se genera en función de la cantidad de estudiantes que asistimos del 26 de septiembre al 10 de octubre. El día real del conteo es el 3 de octubre. Por favor, asegúrese de llevar a sus alumnos a la escuela durante este tiempo. Nuestra inscripción general de estudiantes está en excelente forma y queremos asegurarnos de asegurar el máximo de fondos para nuestros estudiantes, así que por favor asegúrese de que su estudiante esté presente durante esa ventana. ¡Muchas gracias por tu ayuda en esto!
Además, enviaremos cartas a los estudiantes en clases de Ubicación Avanzada (AP) para notificarles sobre un cambio que ha ocurrido con la forma en que ordenamos los exámenes. En los últimos años, nos pidieron que solicitáramos exámenes en marzo del año escolar, pero ahora ese plazo se ha trasladado hasta octubre. Si su estudiante planea tomar el examen esta primavera (¡lo que deberían hacer!), Sepa que el pago de los exámenes será a principios de este año escolar. (haga clic aquí para mas información). Si no ha solicitado el "almuerzo gratis oa precio reducido," hágalo ya que le ofrece descuentos para atletismo y descuentos AP. Enviaremos permisos en octubre para que podamos facturar a los padres las cantidades correctas.
Mike Christoff
Week at a Glance - Week of 9/24-9/28
- Please click here (or see the above "Athletics Schedule" quick link) to see athletic events for the week
- Office Hours: 2:14-2:55 p.m.
- Precious Knowledge movie screening: 3:05 in room 218 (details below).
Thanks to students and staff who participated in Spirit Week and all of the Homecoming activities. It was a fun and successful week! Special kudos to
Jason Klimczak for embracing the week with his funny and awesome spirit week outfits!
Way to go, Spartans!
We had 432 students who made honor roll with a 3.0 and above. We had 553 students take AP courses and 68 of them were AP Scholars (earning a 3 or higher on 3 or more exams). We had 2 National Scholars who took 8 or more exams and received a 4 or higher on these exams.
We celebrated our Academic Lettermen who are students that earned a 3.5 GPA for 3 consecutive semesters. This has been a long standing tradition of celebration at TJ! We also handed out prizes for each category and our winners were:
Academic Letter: Ryan Graef
Platinum: Madysen Bradley
Gold: Elizabeth Maggio
Silver: Cladesia Kabing
Bronze: Terence Johnson
Texting Families and Students During Crises
Families and high school students will now receive emergency texts from the district. The communications team will also send emergency robo-calls and robo-emails. Messages will be sent during crises such as lockdowns, evacuations and weather delays/closures. We are excited about this change because sending text messages will inform families and students of crises in a much shorter time frame than what it takes for a robo-call or robo-email to be delivered.
Families of high school students, please fill out this Google form in order to sign up your student to receive emergency texts.
Parents and guardians, you have been automatically opted-in to receive emergency texts based on cell phone numbers provided during registration. Please check to make sure your information is up-to-date in Parent Portal. Messages will be sent in English and Spanish.
Learn more about lockdowns and lockouts
Let your friends and neighbors with students in the 8th grade know about TJ's fall open houses.
- October 9, 2018 - 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. CCT Magnet Only Open House - see the labs in TJ's Center for Communication Technology Magnet. Talk to faculty and current students and see current project work.
- November 8, 2018 - 6 - 8 p.m. All School Open House - hear about all of TJ's academic programs and talk to faculty from each department.
Click here for additional information and to RSVP.
Get your book at the discounted price of $45 until 9-28-18. The price will eventually increase to $65, so act fast!
Senior Photos & Quotes:
Due date: Friday, October 12, 2018 by the end of the school day. Quotes are optional.
information about the yearbook can found on the journal under the News & Events tab or by clicking here.
GT Event - Priceless Parenting
Dr. Joy will be speaking with families on Thursday September 27th at the Vickers Boys and Girls Club from 5:30 to 7pm. She will discuss "Priceless Parenting: Effective Strategies for Supporting Your Child's School Achievement."
- Dinner and childcare provided
- Please RSVP by calling 720-423-2056
Vickers Boys and Girls Club 3333 Holly St. 80207
Denver Public Schools Gifted and Talented Education and Great Ed Colorado Join us for Dinner and conversation with other Black families and Dr. Joy Lawson Davis Discussing
"Priceless Parenting: Effective strategies for supporting your child's school achievement"
Dr. Joy Lawson Davis is a college professor, author, consultant on gifted education and advocacy. The focus of her work is in improving access and equity in gifted and advanced programs for culturally diverse learners. Dr. Davis this the author of the first book of its kind on the market to specifically address the advocacy needs of Black families raising gifted students.
Free Movie Screening - September 28
The Hispanic/Latino Club will be hosting a free screening of the documentary
Precious Knowledge on September 28th at 3:05 in room 218.
About the Film:
Precious Knowledge
interweaves the stories of students in the Mexican American Studies Program at Tucson High School. While 48 percent of Mexican American students currently drop out of high school, Tucson High's Mexican American Studies Program has become a national model of educational success, with 100 percent of enrolled students graduating from high school and 85 percent going on to attend college. The filmmakers spent an entire year in the classroom filming this innovative social-justice curriculum, documenting the transformative impact on students who become engaged, informed, and active in their communities.
Picture Retakes October 1
Counseling News - Upcoming College Fairs
Thomas Jefferson Junior/Senior COLLEGE FAIR
The TJ College Fair will be held during the school day on October 2nd. Seniors will report to the gym at the start of 7th period. Juniors will report to the gym half way through 7th period. There are over 60 colleges and universities scheduled to attend. This is a great time for students to connect with Admission Representatives and ask questions!
Please mark your calendars and spread the word that the College Fairs of Greater Denver are coming soon! We will have approximately 250 colleges at each location. Visit our website,, for a complete list of colleges attending.
Mountain Vista High School In & Out-of-State College Fair & Workshops, Highlands Ranch Saturday, September 29, 2018 10:00AM - Noon
Monarch High School Out-of-State College Fair, Louisville Wednesday, October 3, 2018 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Lakewood High School Out-of-State College Fair, Lakewood Thursday, October 4, 2018 6:30PM - 8:00 PM
Please encourage students to register at Those who register and get scanned at one of our fairs will be entered into a raffle for a $50 Visa gift card!
News from the Future Center
1. 12th graders are invited to sign up in Naviance for the following College Visits at the Future Center:
- Hawaii Pacific University: Friday, September 28th @ 12:04 (6th period)
2. TJ's FAFSA Workshop is October 25th from 10-2 in room 122!
All eligible 12th graders will sign up for a 1-hour appointment (between 10-2). Please bring your parent and 2017 federal income tax information plus other important documents! See list of documents at
3. When any TJ student (grades 9-12) completes a scholarship application, they need inform Sophie at the Future Center. They can email me at their scholarship application confirmation or they can complete a scholarship raffle entry ticket to win a gift card!
Seniors are encouraged to stop by the Future Center
to set up a time to discuss their plans for next year!
Sophie Vogel
College Advisor, Thomas Jefferson High School
Denver Scholarship Foundation | a 501(c)(3) Public Charity
3950 S. Holly Street | Denver, CO 80237
O 720.423.7134 F 720.423.7098
Part-Time Custodian Wanted
The TJ Spirit Store is stocked and ready to sell! The store inside TJ will be open every lunch hour August 27-31. Show your TJ pride in style and comfort with hoodies, t-shirts, hats, blankets and stadium chairs. After August 31
, the store will be open during events like the Homecoming football game, some volleyball & basketball games and ArtFest. Or, make an appointment to shop with Carrie (
). The store accepts cash, credit cards and checks. You can view several items
, but we are not currently accepting online orders
Mental Health and Social/Emotional Tips
Did You Know?
Healthy Relationships #2:
Starting a conversation and knowing what to look for can be tricky. Here are some resources for you!
Characteristics of Not So Healthy Relationships
- One person tries to change the other
- One person makes most or all of the decisions
- One or both people drop friends and interests outside of the relationship
- One or both people yell, threaten, hit, or throw things during arguments
- One person makes fun of the other's opinions or interests
- One person keeps track of the other all the time by calling, texting, or checking in with friends
- There are more bad times than good
What are warning signs of an unhealthy relationship?
- Your child's partner is extremely jealous or possessive.
- You notice unexplained marks or bruises.
- Your child's partner emails or texts excessively.
- You notice that your child is depressed or anxious.
- Your child stops participating in extracurricular activities or other interests.
- Your child stops spending time with other friends and family.
- Your child begins to dress differently.
Conversation Starters
- Goal is to have a conversation, not lecture- and not just one time!
- Be calm, present, sympathetic, fact based, and open minded
- Look for moments in everyday situations or TV shows/movies to help guide the conversation
- Open ended questions work best:
- "I care about you so I want to talk about..."
- "What would you do if...?"
- "What do you think about...?"
- "What do you want in a relationship/partner....?"
- If the answer is "I dunno", guide with your own thoughts on the topic
- If your child doesn't want to talk, assure them that you are here for them when they feel ready to talk and bring it up another time
Need more info?
Mental Health and Social Emotional "Did You Know":
Compiled by Samanda Davis, LCSW, MSW and Natalie Koncz, Ed.S., NCSP. Resources: Information compiled from Gillian Grant, Denver Health Educator.
Help Prevent Prescription Drug Abuse / Misuse
Hey TJ Families! Click here to t
ake a look at this short video about quick and simple ways to help keep your child safe!
Food and Nutrition Resources for Families
Great news! All Class T-Shirts are now available (as well as other TJ gear) in the Spartan Store!
- Supporting our TJ students, classrooms and teacher is as simple as a click of a button. Visit the online store to donate to TJ PTO today: Online Spartan Spirit Store for TJ Gear
The Class of '19 is raising money for senior year activities including After Prom.
How you can support:
TJ AVID is selling Do it yourself Senior Shirts!
Join the new TJ tradition!
Tie Dye, paint and decorate to your Style!
The Class of 2020 will raise money throughout the year for senior year activities including After Prom.
How you can support:
- Host an event and donate the proceeds to the class of 2020!
- Make a tax deductible financial donation by clicking here. Be sure to find out if your employer will match our donation!
Class of 2021 - Sophomores
- We're also looking for volunteers to host future events for our class parents. If interested, please come to the next PTO meeting, or send an email to; or to find out more.
- If you have any questions or interest in joining a team of parents to help coordinate fundraising efforts and community building, please email for more information.