Administrator's Corner
This week is College Week!
All TJHS students will be going to the computer labs in their English classes to work on Naviance (ICAP), College Board, and Khan Academy in preparation for PSAT9, PSAT, and SAT.
Freshmen- Monday
Sophomores- Tuesday
Juniors- Wednesday
We are also inviting the seniors to come on Thursday for "Get it Done" Day. We will have the computer labs open to seniors in order for them to work on college applications with the support of teachers, and counselors. Mr. Christoff, your favorite principal, will be providing juice, coffee, and donuts for the seniors that show up to "get it done!"
Esta semana es la semana de la universidad
Todos los estudiantes de TJHS irán a los laboratorios de computación en sus clases de inglés para trabajar en Naviance (ICAP), College Board y Khan Academy en preparación para PSAT9, PSAT y SAT.
Grado 9 - lunes
Grado 10 - martes
Grado 11 - miércoles
También estamos invitando a los del grado 12 a venir el jueves para el día de "Get it Done". Tendremos los laboratorios de computación abiertos para el grado 12 para que puedan trabajar en las solicitudes de la universidad con el apoyo de maestros y consejeros. El Sr. Christoff, su director favorito, proveerá jugo, café y donas a las personas que se presenten para "Get it Done."
Andrew Skari
Assistant Principal
TJ's Tardy/Truancy Policy
Thank you for your su
pport in keeping our attendance at its best!
click here
to view TJ's attendance policy.
click here
to view Colorado's student attendance policy
Week at a Glance - Week of 10/23-10/27: College Week!
- Please click here (or see the above "Athletics Schedule" quick link) to see athletic events for the week
- Freshman College Work (see above)
- Sophomore College Work (see above)
- Choir concert - 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium
- Junior College Work (see above)
- Office Hours: 2:14-2:55 p.m.
- No School for Students - District Blue/Green Day
- "Get it Done Day" for Seniors (see above)
- No School for Students - Comp Day
Congrats to the Softball team! The Lady Spartans had a terrific season and advanced to the 4A State tournament! They finished their season with a record of 19-3. Way to go, ladies!
Congrats to the Robotics students...they had quite the competition last weekend!
Sparkfun AVC (Autonomous Vehicle Challenge) is the third largest Autonomous Vehicle competition in the nation.
There were nearly 200 teams from all over the U.S. competing in a number of different competitions. We had student teams in 4.
Classic AVC we took 1st and second place in the k-12 bracket and 2nd place overall beating out a number of college and adult teams.
Team Zeke (#1 in High School Division)
Leora Busse
Camy Guenther
Kennedy Perry
James Oss
Cristina Kuta
Team Barbie Jeep (#2 in High School Division)
Chloe Richter
Kage Fortney
Michael Allsup
Jake Tracey
Nate Brill
In the Featherweight (30 pound and under) Combat Bot Division (overall standings competing agains adult, college, and professional combat bot builders)
7th Place Team
Def Smooth aka Dr. Sheets:
Max Nastri
Logan Cecil
Evan Kelley
9th Place Team
Something Appropriate
Rachel Golledge
Laura Brandon
Cole Bellomo
Vance Hood
Garret Bedford
In the 12 pound division (Hobby Weight)
9th place overall
Jamaal Gaines
Ahmed Mohammed
Jeremy Monroy
We also had two teams in the Beetle weight division
in 25th place: DCA Bot
Dallas DeHerrera
Clark PAtterson
Ahmed Khattab
in 33rd place: BRAINSTORM
Tony Capra
Chris Anver
Way to go, Spartans!
Please note: Saturday school will take place on November 4th and November 18th.
The Library will be closed from Wednesday, November 1
through Monday, November 6. It will be open again on Tuesday, November 7.
We need volunteers!
TJ Spartan Spirit Store is a virtual store which is online. The store is also set up at some school events such as athletic events, concerts, plays and conference nights.
We will be opening the spirit store:
- Tuesdays at lunch: 11:15 -12:00 (starting 10/17)
- Wednesdays after school - 2:15 - 3:00 (starting 10/25)
- Thursday mornings before school 6:45 - 8:30 (starting 10/19)
- Fridays at lunch: 11:15 - 12:00 (starting 10/20)
- At all home Volleyball Games, Basketball games & JV Football Games
We take Cash and Credit Cards!
New PopSockets are in for $9 each or buy with a friend and save, 2 for $16.
When the store is open we will be in front of the physical store by the auditorium. For games, we will be in front of the gym in the lobby.
Laura Whalen
cell: 303-681-7226
Yearbook Cost and Deadlines
The yearbook is still at a discounted price! It is now $50, but will eventually go up to $65, so act now! The $50 discount will last until 11-3-17.
To see if we received your senior portrait, please go to the yearbook webpage or check the poster on the office window.
If you would like to purchase a senior/baby ad, they are due by 11-17-17.
Anything that you would need to know about the yearbook can be found
- Want to help make your students high school experience the best it can be?
- Want to support the staff at TJ?
- Want to get to know some parents at TJ?
Come to a PTO meeting!
We meet monthly and have 1-2 events each month that we support. You can help out as your schedule permits.
with any questions.
Town Hall Meeting with Kendra Black
Winter Sports Start Soon!
Winter sports start November 10
. Students must do the following to receive their "golden ticket" to participate:
1. Register and pay online here
2. Bring a current physical to Jasmine Locks in the Athletics Office
a. Students who already have a current physical on file do not need to bring another copy
3. Students should see Jasmine Locks to pick up the "golden ticket"
There will be a Winter Sports Informational Meeting on November 1st from 5pm - 6pm in the Auditorium. If you are unable to attend, please reach out to the coach of your sport for information. Contact information for coaches is located in the "Athletic Flyer Info 2017-2018" on the Spartans Athletics page.
Free & Reduced Lunch Application
Click here to apply for Free & Reduced Lunch status!
Mental Health and Social/Emotional Tips
Did You Know...?
Adolescents who are rejected by their peers are at greater risk for anxiety and depression.
Here are 6 ways to accept others as they are:
1. WATCH YOUR THOUGHTS. Think about what you're thinking about. We often think things about other people, judging them, without even realizing it. Work on paying more attention to your thoughts and do your best to push them in a non-judgmental, more accepting direction.
2. LOOK FOR THE POSITIVE. Not accepting others is a result of seeing the negative in them. Instead of focusing on why someone is different, focus on what's good about that person and their choices and actions.
3. AVOID RIGHT/WRONG DICHOTOMIES. It's very tempting to see the world in black and white with a right and wrong way to do things, but that's just not how it is. Things don't have to be right or wrong if we choose to accept them as they are. One way we can do this is if we stop labeling our way as "right."
4. STOP JUDGING YOURSELF. Our judgments of others are often a result of our personal criticisms. If we stop putting pressure on ourselves to do things the "right" way, we can also stop putting pressure on others as well. Not judging ourselves or others is a crucial step to acceptance.
5. FOCUS ON THE NOW. A lack of acceptance can generate from comparing things to the past. Comparing things to the past always hinders an acceptance of what is.
6. REVERSE THE SITUATION. Ask yourself: What if someone were judging me and not accepting me? How would I feel? Keep these questions in mind the next time you are not accepting others.
Mental Health and Social Emotional Tip:
Compiled by Samanda Davis, LCSW, MSW and Natalie Koncz, Ed.S., NCSP
Musical Theatre Fundraiser
I'm raising money for Thomas Jefferson High School Musical Theatre
. Please help support the cause!
Donations will be used to help cover the cost of our amazing fall production. Your funds will provide first class professional musicians, costumes, makeup, sets, and more! You can also help by easily sharing this fundraiser out to your own network of contacts.
Simply click here to go to the fundraiser page where you can learn more details and support the cause! Thanks for all of your help!
Tambyr Reed
Download the new TJHS Mobile App today!
We encourage you to download the app from the App Store or Google Play at no cost (scan the QR codes below or simply search for "TJHS"). We will be finalizing formatting and loading new content in the coming weeks, so please be patient and check the app frequently for new information! Our hope is that this will be yet another way to strengthen communication for our community.
Helpful hint: make sure your push notifications are on,
so that you can get
updated info and event reminders!
- Great news! All Class T-Shirts are now available (as wells as other TJ gear) in the Spartan Store!
- Please look for more opportunities this school year for parents to socialize, get connected and contribute to the Class of 2018 fundraising efforts. Please email if you're interested in helping out at any point this year. We need you!
Join Parents and Friends of the Class of '19 on
November 4th for a party to help raise money for Senior Year Activities! $20/pp - you can pay at the door or on the PTO website.
Click here to RSVP!
The Class of '19 is raising money for senior year activities including After Prom.
How you can support:
Class of 2020 - Sophomores
Thank you to Megan Perkins and Lisa LoJacono, the parent representatives for the Class of 2020. Please look for important information to come. If you are interested in getting involved please email Megan at:
or Lisa at:
- New Graduation Requirements! DPS has adopted new, evidence-based graduation requirements that will go into effect this year for the graduating class of 2021. Click here
to read more!
News from the Future Center
If you are striving to apply to a Common Application university/college before Thanksgiving, keep in mind the following:
11/17/17- Last Friday before Thanksgiving
11/3/17- To give your counselor two weeks to prepare and send your Common Application materials (including letters of rec and transcripts), you must submit your Common Application by this date. You can fill out an application checklist with Ms. Maez.
*Remember to check your Naviance account for college visits!
Seniors and Families- Check out the resources below to help you plan your college and financial aid processes:
Meetings with Ms. Maez- Seniors are encouraged to stop by the Future Center to set up a time to discuss their plans for next year. A calendar of her availability is posted on the door.