October 22, 2015
Administrator's Corner    
P lease read on for some important procedures and dates:
Building Hours
Please note that the building is not open to students until 6:45 a.m. unless they have made arrangements with a teacher or coach (in which case that adult will need to meet them at the front doors). Unless students are involved in a sport, club, or tutoring, they must exit the building at 3:15 p.m. Especially as cold weather approaches, please plan accordingly.

Halloween Costumes
Students are encouraged to dress up in costumes on Friday, October 30, but there are some restrictions:
-no masks (face paints are okay, but students must be recognizable by teachers and staff)
-no weapons of any kind (light sabers, toy guns, plastic swords)
-no provocative clothing
If students are not in compliance with the above restrictions, they will be sent to the passroom.

Trick-or-Treat Street (Friday Oct. 30, 4-6 p.m.)
Double check to see if your club or organization is involved in this event! It is a great opportunity to reach out to the larger community with fun Halloween festivities. See Danny Showers with any questions.

Mock ACT Scores
Our scores from the mock ACT are in! Please see Mrs. Thibodeau in the main office to see your score. On average, we scored 1 point higher than last year, and are excited about the ongoing ACT prep and the possibilities for growth between now and the spring.

Suzanne Morris-Sherer
Quick Links
Math Tutoring
Need help with math?
Math tutoring is available in the Library Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 3:00-4:00 p.m. Bring your math materials and any questions....Great way to stay on top of your class!
Saturday School
Saturday school will take place on October 24th, from 8:00-11:30 a.m. Students who are expected to attend have been contacted by Ms. Hammel.
ACT Prep Today
Get ready to rock the ACT!
The first ACT Prep session will take place today, October 22nd, at 3:00 p.m. in room 134.

"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."
- Thomas Edison
Documentary Screening Tonight in the Auditorium: 5:30-9:00 p.m.
Conversations on Race 
Denver Public Schools (DPS) kids come from all different backgrounds. And DPS educators add to the diverse makeup of DPS and the community. Race is all around -- so why is it so hard to talk about?

Across the country, students of color face a disproportionate rate of discipline referrals, as well as gaps in opportunities and academic measures -- gaps that remain large even when economic circumstances of students are taken into account.

To really understand and change why race negatively impacts DPS students, first one needs to be able to openly talk about race and the biases that come with it. DPS is ready to start the conversation, and everyone is invited to join.

This semester, DPS is a partner in screening documentary programs that look at race, both in schools across the nation as well as right here in DPS.

Class of 2017 Shirts Available
Support 2017!
Class of 2017 t-shirts are now available with a new custom design.  Visit the webstore for purchases. 
We're raising funds for afterprom & other senior year activities. 

2017 has TJ spirit!
Wear it!
Music and Audition Updates
Tech Interviews- Oct. 20-23
  • Q/A with Ms. Reed and panel of tech crew leaders
  • Schedule and Commitment
  • Expectations
Hair/Make-up and Costuming- Oct. 26-Nov 1.
  • Demonstration and Tutorial with Gina-Hair and make-up lead, Lauren and Carolyn
  • Practice of skills
  • Audition with a model provided by you.
  • Sewing/mending demo and interview with Ms. Reed
Cast/Chorus of the Show-Three Component Audition
  • 3 min Max
  • Clean- no curse words! (Special permission to be granted by Ms. Reed before the audition date)
  • Showcase your strengths!
  • Acting Audition Nov. 9th 3-6pm
  • Musical or Disney
  • 2-3 min. What will showcase your voice and vocal range?
  • Provide sheet music to Ms. Hussey or bring a track for your phone to play through the speakers.
  • Singing Auditions Nov 10th 3-6pm
  • Learn the counts/movements in the DANCE ROOM Nov. 3, 4, and 6th 3-4:30pm
  • Do auditions in groups 4-5
  • Dance Auditions will take place in the DANCE ROOM Nov 11th 3-5pm

Selection process is specific to each crew you wish to join. 
There will be a participation fee of $60.
STUDENTS WILL RECEIVE 5 CREDITS BY COMPLETING THE PROCESS START TO FINISH!  More information will be distributed after auditions of  ALL
crews have been completed.

For the most up-to-date information, please see the wikipage: tj-Reed.wikispaces.com 
Scary Movie Night - Thursday, October 29, 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Join Leadership for a scary movie night on October 29th!
Tickets will be sold the week of October 26
th. Tickets will be $3 and that comes with a bag of popcorn. We will have five chaperones in the auditorium that night. Class of 2018 will be selling candy until 6:15, popcorn will also be served during that time. Candy will be $1. Students are expected to be out of the building by 8:15pm. We are looking to have some fun right before Halloween, so we will be showing a scary movie. Spartans, get ready to enjoy the night!
TJ's Service Learning Tour to Costa Rica
It's not too late!

Parents, there is still time to get your child enrolled in TJ's SERVICE LEARNING TOUR to COSTA RICA in June 2016.  Unfortunately, the price increased by $75 on Oct 1. 

Enroll now to lock in your price and avoid future price increases! (Why do airlines increase fares and never lower the price to anyplace decent? Just sayin'...)

For information (and current price), click here . For additional information, contact Nina Barber, 720-423-7016 or Nina_Barber@dpsk12.org
News from the Future Center
Upcoming Events:
Colorado State University Application Workshop-
11/11, office hours
Complete your CSU college application with the support of representatives from UNC and receive a fee waiver (if you are eligible). Sign up in Naviance, under college visits.
Gates Millennium Scholarship
- 10/27, during lunch, Future Center
Click here for scholarship eligibility.
This is a VERY labor intensive scholarship, more so than the Daniels Fund. However, if selected, this scholarship pays for a bachelor's, master's, and a doctorate degree. Email Ms. Maez at rmaez@denverscholarship.org to confirm your space.
Visits from Colleges at TJ (Future Center):
Please sign up for college visits in Naviance.
Thu October 22, 2015
12:30 PM
Fri October 23, 2015
9:00 AM
Fri October 23, 2015
10:00 AM
Mon October 26, 2015
10:45 AM
Tue October 27, 2015
9:00 AM
Mon November 2, 2015
12:15 PM
Wed November 4, 2015
10:00 AM
Colorado Mountain College
Thurs, November 5, 2015
1:30 PM
*These are application workshops. Please sign up in Naviance to confirm your space.
College and Scholarship Acceptance Notification
Remember to notify Ms. Maez of your college and scholarship acceptances. To see who's been accepted, check out the monitor about the security guard desk at the front of the building.
Rena Maez 
College Advisor, Thomas Jefferson High School 
Denver Scholarship Foundation | a 501(c)(3) Public Charity
3950 S. Holly Street  |  Denver, CO 80237 
O 720.423.7134   F 720.423.7098