October 16, 2017
Administrator's Corner
This afternoon from 4 pm - 5 pm in room 111 we will be having a Collaborative School Committee meeting. Due to our increase in enrollment we will be reviewing the school's budget and making recommendations for how we will allocate the additional funds for this year. We will also be discussing our School Performance Framework results at this time. All are welcomed to attend and to provide input, however only those voted onto the committee can vote on any issues. We are still looking for another parent to be a part of our committee, if you are interested please contact Mr. Christoff at  michael_christoff@dpsk12.org

With Halloween just around the corner we wanted to provide some guidelines for costumes. Because we want this to be a fun and safe experience for everyone, we ask that anyone wearing a Halloween costume adhere to a few long-standing school policies. Theses include: 
  • No face coverings such as masks, disguising make-up, or sunglasses
  • All costumes must be school appropriate and meet our dress code policy
  • No inappropriate props such as look-alike weapons
If your student has any questions about whether or not their costume meets these guidelines, please have them see the Dean of Students or an Administrator. 

Esta tarde de 4 pm - 5 pm en la sala 111 tendremos una reunión del Comité Escolar Colaborativo (CSC). Debido a nuestro aumento en la inscripción, estaremos revisando el presupuesto de la escuela y haciendo recomendaciones sobre cómo asignaremos los fondos adicionales para este año. También estaremos discutiendo nuestros resultados del Marco de Desempeño Escolar(SPF) en este momento. Todos son bienvenidos a asistir y aportar su opinión, sin embargo sólo aquellos votados en el comité pueden votar sobre cualquier tema. Todavía estamos buscando a otro padre para ser una parte de nuestro comité, si usted está interesado por favor comuníquese con el Sr. Christoff a  michael_christoff@dpsk12.org .
Con Halloween acercandose queríamos proporcionar algunas reglas para los trajes. Debido a que queremos que esto sea una experiencia divertida y segura para todos, le pedimos a cualquiera que traiga un traje de Halloween que se adhiera a unas pocas polizas escolares. Éstas incluyen:

  • No máscaras que cubran las cara, maquillaje de disfraz o gafas de sol Todos los trajes deben ser adecuados para la escuela y cumplir con nuestra poliza de código de vestimiento
  • No hay accesorios inapropiados tales como armas que aparezcan reales 
Si su estudiante tiene alguna pregunta sobre si su traje cumple o no a estas reglas, por favor vean al Director de Estudiantes o a un Administrador.

Anne Rice
Athletic Director
Quick Links
TJ's Tardy/Truancy Policy
Thank you for your su pport in keeping our attendance at its best!  Please click here to view TJ's attendance policy.  Please click here to view Colorado's student attendance policy
The TJ App is Here!
We encourage you to download the app from the App Store or Google Play at no cost. Check the app frequently for new information! Our hope is that this will be yet another way to strengthen communication for our community. 
Week at a Glance - Week of 10/16-10/20
  • Please click here (or see the above "Athletics Schedule" quick link) to see athletic events for the week
  • CSC meeting - 4:00 p.m.

  • Office Hours/early release
  • Band concert: Stories, Legends and Folktales - 7:00 p.m.
Kudos Korner

Thank you to Appliance Factory Outlet for their generous donation of a refurbished refrigerator for the up-and-coming PTO Spirit Store and concessions area which will help PTO raise more revenue to support teachers classroom grant program. 
Saturday School Schedule
Please note: Saturday school will take place on Saturday the 21st, November 4th and November 18th. 
Yearbook Cost and Deadlines

The yearbook is still at a discounted price! It is now $50, but will eventually go up to $65, so act now! The $50 discount will last until 11-3-17.

To see if we received your senior portrait, please go to the yearbook webpage or check the poster on the office window.

If you would like to purchase a senior/baby ad, they are due by 11-17-17.  

Anything that you would need to know about the yearbook can be found   here .

PTO News
  • Want to help make your students high school experience the best it can be?  
  • Want to support the staff at TJ? 
  • Want to get to know some parents at TJ?                                                                                 
      Come to a PTO meeting!

We meet monthly and have 1-2 events each month that we support. You can help out as your schedule permits.   Email  tjhspto@gmail.com  with any questions.
Spirit Store Help Needed!
We need volunteers!
The TJ Spartan Spirit Store is a virtual store which is online. The store is also set up at some school events such as athletic events, concerts, plays and conference nights.
The PTO Spirit Store is looking for volunteers to man the store and sell items during lunch hours (M, T, Th, F from 11:19-12:04 and Wednesdays from 11:00-11:45) at school. We are also looking for volunteers to sell before and after school a few days a week.

All the inventory for the store is now housed in the glass windowed room across from the auditorium in the front lobby. So it is easy to just open the door and sell items right from there. All the inventory is easily accessible.

Call or email Laura Whalen if you are interested.
Laura Whalen
cell: 303-681-7226
Winter Sports Start Soon!
Winter sports start November 10 th .  Students must do the following to receive their "golden ticket" to participate:

1.       Register and pay online here
2.       Bring a current physical to Jasmine Locks in the Athletics Office
         a. Students who already have a current physical on file do not                     need to bring another copy
3.       Students should see Jasmine Locks to pick up the "golden ticket"
There will be a Winter Sports Informational Meeting on November 1st from 5pm - 6pm in the Auditorium.  If you are unable to attend, please reach out to the coach of your sport for information.  Contact information for coaches is located in the "Athletic Flyer Info 2017-2018" on the  Spartans Athletics page
Free & Reduced Lunch Application
Click here to apply for Free & Reduced Lunch status!
Town Hall Meeting with Kendra Black
Get Your Flu Shot!
Mental Health and Social/Emotional Tips
Did You Know...?
We all can develop resilience, and we can help our children develop it as well. It involves behaviors, thoughts and actions that can be learned over time. Following are tips to building resilience.

1. Make connections 
Teach your child how to make friends, including the skill of empathy, or feeling another's pain. Encourage your child to be a friend in order to get friends. Build a strong family network to support your child through his or her inevitable disappointments and hurts. Connecting with people provides social support and strengthens resilience. Some find comfort in connecting with a higher power, whether through organized religion or privately and you may wish to introduce your child to your own traditions of worship.


2.    Help your child by having him or her help others 
Children who may feel helpless can be empowered by helping others. Engage your child in age-appropriate volunteer work, or ask for assistance yourself with some task that he or she can master.


3.    Maintain a daily routine 
Sticking to a routine can be comforting to children, especially younger children who crave structure in their lives. Encourage your child to develop his or her own routines.


4.    Take a break 
While it is important to stick to routines, endlessly worrying can be counter-productive. Teach your child how to focus on something besides what's worrying them. Be aware of what your child is exposed to that can be troubling, whether it be news, the Internet or overheard conversations, and make sure your child takes a break from those things if they trouble them.


5.    Teach your child self-care 
Make yourself a good example, and teach your child the importance of making time to eat properly, exercise and rest. Make sure your child has time to have fun, and make sure that your child hasn't scheduled every moment of his or her life with no "down time" to relax. Caring for oneself and even having fun will help your child stay balanced and better deal with stressful times.


6.    Move toward your goals 
Teach your child to set reasonable goals and then to move toward them one step at a time. Moving toward that goal - even if it's a tiny step - and receiving praise for doing so will focus your child on what he or she has accomplished rather than on what hasn't been accomplished, and can help build the resilience to move forward in the face of challenges.


7.    Nurture a positive self-view 
Help your child remember ways that he or she has successfully handled hardships in the past and then help them understand that these past challenges help them build the strength to handle future challenges. Help your child learn to trust themselves to solve problems and make appropriate decisions.


8.    Keep things in perspective and maintain a hopeful outlook 
Even when your child is facing very painful events, help them look at the situation in a broader context and keep a long-term perspective. Although your child may be too young to consider a long-term look on their own, help him or her see that there is a future beyond the current situation and that the future can be good. An optimistic and positive outlook enables your child to see the good things in life and keep going even in the hardest times.


9.    Look for opportunities for self-discovery 
Tough times are often the times when children learn the most about themselves. Help your child take a look at how whatever they are facing can teach them "what they are made of."


10.   Accept that change is part of living 
Change often can be scary for children and teens. Help your child see that change is part of life and new goals can replace goals that have become unattainable. In school, point out how students have changed as they moved up in grade levels and discuss how that change has had an impact on the students.

Mental Health and Social Emotional Tip: Compiled by Samanda Davis, LCSW, MSW and Natalie Koncz, Ed.S., NCSP  
Musical Theatre Fundraiser
I'm raising money for Thomas Jefferson High School Musical Theatre . Please help support the cause! 

Donations will be used to help cover the cost of our amazing fall production. Your funds will provide first class professional musicians, costumes, makeup, sets, and more! You can also help by easily sharing this fundraiser out to your own network of contacts.

Simply click here to go to the fundraiser page where you can learn more details and support the cause! Thanks for all of your help!
Tambyr Reed
Download the new TJHS Mobile App today!
We encourage you to download the app from the App Store or Google Play at no cost (scan the QR codes below or simply search for "TJHS"). We will be finalizing formatting and loading new content in the coming weeks, so please be patient and check the app frequently for new information! Our hope is that this will be yet another way to strengthen communication for our community. 

Helpful hint: make sure your push notifications are on, 
so that you can get  updated info and event reminders!
Class News You Can Use
All Classes 


  •  Great news! All Class T-Shirts are now available (as wells as other TJ gear) in the Spartan Store!


Class of 2018 - Seniors
  • Please look for more opportunities this school year for parents to socialize, get connected and contribute to the Class of 2018 fundraising efforts. Please email karycramer@msn.com if you're interested in helping out at any point this year. We need you!
Class of 2019 - Juniors
The Class of '19 is raising money for senior year activities including After Prom.

How you can support:
Class of 2020 - Sophomores
  • Thank you to Megan Perkins and Lisa LoJacono, the parent representatives for the Class of 2020. Please look for important information to come.  If you are interested in getting involved please email Megan at:   megandperkins@gmail.com  or Lisa at:   lisalojacono@gmail.com .
Class of 2021 - Freshmen
  • New Graduation Requirements! DPS has adopted new, evidence-based graduation requirements that will go into effect this year for the graduating class of 2021. Click here
    to read more!
News from the Future Center
Seniors and Families-  Check out the resources below to help you plan your college and financial aid processes: 

Meetings with Ms. MaezSeniors are encouraged to stop by the Future Center to set up a time to discuss their plans for next year.  A calendar of her availability is posted on the door.
Rena Maez 
College Advisor, Thomas Jefferson High School 
Denver Scholarship Foundation | a 501(c)(3) Public Charity  
3950 S. Holly Street  |  Denver, CO 80237 
O 720.423.7134   F 720.423.7098
rmaez@denverscholarship.org |   www.denverscholarship.org