Administrator's Corner
It's the final stretch! Strange, but true...the end of the first semester is upon us! The 2nd six weeks grades are due in less than two weeks AND the Final Semester grades are going to be due in less than 6 weeks! That's right, the last "6 weeks" is ONLY four weeks long and that's including the finals week! There will be no school November 23-27 (Thanksgiving break), and then students only have two more weeks of classes before final exams. This is a critical reminder that students need to be taking advantage of Office Hours and tutoring, and doing their best to end the semester on a strong note. A reminder about building hours: please note that the building is not open to students until 6:45 a.m. unless they have made arrangements with a teacher or coach (in which case that adult will need to meet them at the front doors). Unless students are involved in a sport, club, or tutoring, they must exit the building at 3:15 p.m. On Wednesdays during Office Hours if students are not in a classroom or getting tutored, they will be asked to leave the building. Especially as cold weather approaches, please plan accordingly. Thanks for your ongoing support regarding attendance and achievement; it takes a village!
Suzanne Morris-Sherer
The next ACT practice test will be offered on
Saturday November 14, 2015 from 8:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. here at TJ. It is free for all Juniors and they will get there scores back in two weeks. Students can sign up on the sheet on the window outside the office.
The big culture shift at TJ wouldn't be complete without a website makeover. Beginning tomorrow, November 6, TJ's new website will go live, and on it you will find all your favorite features--the TJ Journal and Spartan Edition--along with plenty of helpful, easy-to-access information and resources galore. Everything you need to know to be successful in high school and beyond, right at your fingertips. Why a new website, you ask? Well, the TJ Journal was one of the first online student newspapers in the country, and as such, it was precedent-setting and award-winning. It was never intended to serve as TJ's website, however, but that's exactly what evolved over the years. Time for a refresh. TJ's new website will continue the tradition of excellence in student journalism by being one of the only websites anywhere with loads of student-driven content. Students will continue to gain valuable experience producing articles, photography and video for the site. But now parents and community members will be able to easily navigate the site to sign up for weekly newsletters or peruse archives, locate important college readiness information, and learn how to get involved with PTO or the Community Partner Program, for example. Please keep in mind that it will be a work in progress with other exciting features in the works. The school would like to extend big kudos to TJ's CCTM and DoTs Web Development Team as well as the TJ Web Committee for leading this project and for developing a site that will help TJ continue to stand out among its peers! Go Spartans!
Theatre News - Marisol Opens Tonight!
TJ Black Box Theatre Troupe Presents
Marisol November 5, 6, 7, 2015 @ 7:00 P.M. In TJ's Black Box Theater
You are invited to see TJ's Black Box Troupe perform this powerful work of urban theatre. Jose Rivera keeps a sense of humor in this post-apocalyptic journey while commenting on issues we see in the news every day. This is a great opportunity to watch our best actors perform in an intimate setting. Seating is limited to 70 per night. For tickets, contact Michael Palmieri @ This is an age 12 and over show. See you there!
Palmieri's Drama Three class presents Jose Rivera's Marisol November 5th, 6th, and 7th.
Although Thomas Jefferson no longer offers an annual fall production, this year, drama teacher
Michael Palmieri
is bringing a play to the TJ Black Box theater:
by Jose Rivera. "I have been wanting to do
ever since I came to TJ, which is ten years," Palmieri expressed. Read more
Ladies Of ValuE (L.O.V.E.) Fundraising Night at Chili's - Tonight!
Ladies Of ValuE is an organization dedicated to strengthening the self esteem of young ladies. Our goal is to illuminate the value that is hidden within, thus allowing young women to have the courage to meet their full potential. We want our young ladies to be so comfortable in their skin that they are ready to take on the world!
Your donations will help with operational cost, supplies for lessons, speakers etc. these donations will help fund L.O.V.E for the remainder of 2015 and 2016. Ultimately your donation will help young women get one step closer to loving themselves completely, just as she is.
Click here
to read more and to donate to this great cause!
Heading to Regionals!
The Lady Spartans will play at
Berthoud High School on Saturday, November 7, at noon and 2 pm. If they win the Regional, they qualify for State! Please head out and support these hard-working athletes!
Good luck, ladies!
CCTM Eighth Grade Open House - Thursday, November 10, 6-8:00 p.m.
Tell your friends and neighbors about us!
The Center for Communication Technology (CCT) Magnet Program is having an Open House night for prospective future Spartans on
Tuesday November 10, 2015 from 6 to 8 p.m.. See the labs, talk to students and faculty, and learn how to apply to be in the program.
Scan the "Open House" code below or
click here to RSVP.
College Ready in Math - Need Parental Assistance
There are two critical pieces of information that the math department would like to relay to parents about their students becoming college ready in math.
- The district requirement for graduation is four years of math. (Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 are the minimum requirements), as a senior students can take (pre-calc, AP stats, or AP Calculus). On the ACT a 21 or higher is need on the math portion to be determined college ready. This score should be easily obtained for students who are averaging 75% or higher in their math classes.
- The TJ math department is working very diligently to assist your student, but we are in desperate need of your help. We give a lot of time for your students to work in class but mastery will only come to students who put in extra time. I would say if a student spends an additional thirty minutes of time practicing their math skill at home we can assure your student is college ready in math.
Please continue to support your student and the district in making these goals a reality! Feel free to get in touch with Tim Owens, Math Teacher/Department Chair with any questions:
SkillsUSA Holiday Food Drive - November 4-13th
Holiday Food Drive
The holiday food drive began on November 4th and will run through the 13th, benefitting TJ families.
Food donations are being collected in all classrooms, and cash donations are also accepted in room 105.
Food items needed:
turkey dressing
canned corn
canned green beans
box potato scallop
box mash potatoes
Soups- chicken or mushroom soup
dry french onions
canned Pumpkin
brown sugar
Canned beets
Canned fruit
Cranberry sauce
Evaporated milk
pork beans
Pinto beans
Black beans
B&B Sauce
Box breakfast cereal
Oatmeal cereal
Pancake mix
Apple Sauce
Pie filling
Any dry food or canned items are used. Some people bring in pasta noodles like spaghetti or macaroni and cheese.
Thanks for your support!
University of Colorado Visit - November 12
Juniors will be taking a field trip to the University of Colorado in Boulder on November 12.
In order to participate, students must have a GPA of at least a 3.0 and/or a 17 on their mock ACT test. Qualifying juniors can pick up a permission slip from Ms. Stone in the counseling office during
their lunch period.
Music and Audition Update
Cast/Chorus of the Show-Three Component Audition
- 3 min Max
- Clean- no curse words! (Special permission to be granted by Ms. Reed before the audition date)
- Showcase your strengths!
- Acting Audition Nov. 9th 3-6pm
- Musical or Disney
- 2-3 min. What will showcase your voice and vocal range?
- Provide sheet music to Ms. Hussey or bring a track for your phone to play through the speakers.
- Singing Auditions Nov 10th 3-6pm
- Learn the counts/movements in the DANCE ROOM Nov. 3, 4, and 6th 3-4:30pm
- Do auditions in groups 4-5
- Dance Auditions will take place in the DANCE ROOM Nov 11th 3-5pm
Selection process is specific to each crew you wish to join.
There will be a participation fee of $60.
More information will be distributed after auditions of
crews have been completed.
Choir Pictures - November 10th
Choir pictures are on November 10th for the year book. All choir students need to bring their dresses/tuxes that day for pictures during their choir class. The pictures will take place in the auditorium.
Giving Back - Gloves and Socks Drive to Benefit L.O.V.E.
Donations will be accepted in the main office through December 18.
An exchange program brings new life to TJ.
German exchange student, junior
Paul Kuetzel,
is taking TJ by storm as he joins varsity soccer and integrates himself into the community, demonstrating the great qualities of being a Spartan. Coming from Hamburg, Germany, Kuetzel is a long way from home, but is quickly forming his own home here in Denver. With a loving host family and new friends, Paul is extremely happy to begin a new adventure at TJ. Read more
We are excited to announce our Challenge day dates are this January 19
th and 20
th. We are asking for a $20 participation fee for each student however NO Junior student will be denied participation in the day. We made I easy to financially support the program, please click on the link below for payment and description of the program . Contact Samanda Davis, TJHS school social worker for questions or concerns
Colleges, scholarships, and tests...oh my!
As seniors enter their last year of high school, many often begin to relax; however, the work is not over. With college and scholarship application due dates nearing, as well as the stress of classes and standardized tests, seniors should be keeping these critical deadlines in mind. Read more
Entry Fees: Registration is $5 and will support the North High School Chess Club. Send registration in by November 11.
On-site registration is limited.
Divisions: K-2 grade, 3-4 grade, 5-6 grade, and 7-12 grade (this in a non-rated tournament, USCF membership is not required)
Age sections may be combined or modified if necessary
Times: Check-in 8:30-9:00 a.m. Player meeting (all competitors must attend) at 9:15 a.m. Four games - First game is at 9:30 a.m.
This is a non-elimination tournament - all players will participate in four rounds. The tournament will end at approximately 1:30 p.m.
Free Adult Chess Lessons: Chess coaches will provide free lessons to adults between 10:45 a.m.-12 p.m.
Prizes: Medals awarded to the top 3 finishers in each division and participation awards will be given to all players.
Location: North High School is located at 2960 Speer Blvd., Denver 80211. The main entrance in on W. 32
nd Ave. The tournament will take place in the library. North's phone number is 720-423-2708.
Lunch: Snacks, fruit, and juice will be sold during the tournament.
Supervision: All children required to have adult supervision. Tournament directors will supervise the tournament area.
Chess is only one aspect of GT Lunch - and certainly not just for GT! If you are interested in taking chess to the next level, we are organizing a team on Tuesdays at 3:00 after school to prepare for the All City Chess Challenge at North on Saturday, Nov. 14. Registrations due to Mr. Weaver's team by November 11.
News from the Future Center
For upcoming events, college visits, financial aid workshops, scholarships, and much more, visit the Future Center wikipage!
Rena Maez
College Advisor, Thomas Jefferson High School
Denver Scholarship Foundation | a 501(c)(3) Public Charity
3950 S. Holly Street | Denver, CO 80237
O 720.423.7134 F 720.423.7098