Administrator's Corner
Welcome back from Thanksgiving Break - we hope you enjoyed time with family and friends! Believe it or not, Finals are rapidly approaching. Attendance is very important all year, but we want to encourage all students to be at school every day to get the most out of the last few weeks of the semester. As a reminder, TJ offers tutoring and office hours throughout the week:
Tutoring: Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays in the Library from 3:00 - 4:00
Office Hours: Wednesdays from 2:15 - 2:55
¡Bienvenido de nuevo desde las vacaciones de Acción de Gracias, esperamos que haya disfrutado el tiempo con su familia y amigos! Créalo o no, las Finales se acercan rápidamente. La asistencia es muy importante durante todo el año, pero queremos alentar a todos los estudiantes a estar en la escuela todos los días para aprovechar al máximo las últimas semanas del semestre. Como recordatorio, TJ ofrece tutoría y horarios de oficina a lo largo de la semana:
Tutoría: lunes, martes y jueves en la biblioteca de 3:00 a 4:00
Horario de atención: miércoles de 2:15 a 2:55
¡Haga clic aqui para ver el Calendario de exámenes finales!
TJ's Tardy/Truancy Policy
Thank you for your su
pport in keeping our attendance at its best!
click here
to view TJ's attendance policy.
click here
to view Colorado's student attendance policy
Week at a Glance - Week of 11/27-12/1
- Please click here (or see the above "Athletics Schedule" quick link) to see athletic events for the week
- Office Hours: 2:14-2:55 p.m.
- Immigration Forum: 6:00 p.m.
- We are so excited to share this news! Out of 2075 students state-wide TWO of TJ's finest have made it to All-State Choir: Sam Chappell and Maddi Abram. Be sure to congratulate these fine musicians on this accomplishment!
A big thank you to the members of the Pearl Street Church who
graciously provided more than 10 of our TJ families with food boxes this year for Thanksgiving. They delivered the boxes straight to the homes of these families. We appreciate their partnership and support!
Sydney Thompson
won the John Lynch Award for October. Sydney is a 5 sport athlete (softball, football kicker, basketball, soccer, track). She has a 3.78 GPA and is a positive leader at TJ both on and off the field.
- The Support Staff at TJ toured the Metro ACCESS Center to learn about college readiness and support. Please see any of these staff members to learn more about these supports!
Calling All Volunteers for ArtFest 2017!
this link to sign up for this awesome event!
Please gather up all your gently used books, CDs, DVDs, VHS cassettes, audio cassettes and yes, even, 8-track tapes and donate them to Thomas Jefferson High School. ArtFest & Used Book Sale, the fundraising event for TJ's PTO (the parent-teacher organization for TJ), will be held on
Saturday, December 9th, 2017, from 9 am to 4 pm in the gymnasium and cafeteria.
If you have donations, you may drop off at any of these locations (pick up is available for 3 or more boxes - see below):
We welcome your donations right up to the day of the event, December 9th. We will provide a receipt for your tax-deductible contribution! Tell your friends, family and neighbors that we will be happy to accept their contributions as well. SPREAD THE WORD. Last year we raised over $700 from the book sale alone for programs that support TJ students and teachers.
Thank you for your consideration and support of your neighborhood high school!
Immigration Forum This Thursday
Thomas Jefferson High School, Room 111
November 30, 2017 @ 6 p.m.
The T.J. Hispanic/Latino Club wants to give you the opportunity to obtain information about DACA, and immigration issues from an immigration lawyer
Free Dental Day is Saturday, December 2
There is an awesome opportunity for FREE dental care for residents in the area that do not have proper access to the care required! Here are the links to the website and the FB event page:
Free Dental Day is Saturday, December 2, 8am-2pm at
Hampden Dental (7090 E Hampden Ave).
Please help us spread the word about this great opportunity and a very generous business in southeast Denver!
Student Travel Opportunities
We are holding our Annual DECA Leadership Conference for District 3 at Johnson & Wales University on Friday, December 8
from 7am-3pm and we need your help. We need approximately 80 judges to run our conference and so far we have 36 confirmed judges. We will be providing coffee, continental style breakfast, and an amazing lunch so bring the whole office down
It really is a fun experience and we hope to see you there. Feel free to forward this to anyone you feel might like to help us.
Please take a minute and reply to Mr. Nicolo @ with one of the following responses and we really do appreciate all that you do to support Colorado DECA!
-Yes I would like to judge on the 8th of December
-No I can't make it this year
National Lung Cancer & COPD Awareness Month
- Not On Tobacco (N-O-T) -A 10-week, voluntary, smoking cessation program for teens 14-19 developed the American Lung Association.
- Participants learn to identify their reasons for smoking, healthy alternatives to tobacco use, and people who will support them in their efforts to quit.
- The best thing about N-O-T? It really works. Of 12,000 teens participating in the N-O-T program nationally, about 90 percent of the teens either quit smoking or cut back.
- Contact school nurse/Denver Health clinic for more info or to get help quitting.
Click image to see video about quitting!
The yearbook is still at a discounted price! It is now $55, but will eventually go up to $65, so act now! The $55 discount will last until 1-19-18.
To see if we received your senior portrait, please go to the yearbook website or check the poster on the office window.
Anything that you would need to know about the yearbook can be found on the yearbook website
Glove and Sock Drive - Donations Requested!
Dependable Cleaners Coats
1701 S. Broadway Denver, CO: 303-777-2673
Coats offered at no cost for those in need.
Anyone in need. Parents do not need to bring children to receive children's coats. Bring bags to put coats in.
Call to learn more!
Coats for Colorado
Those interested in receiving a coat can call 303.777.2673 to schedule an appointment.
TJ Spartan Spirit Store is a virtual store which is online. The store is also set up at some school events such as athletic events, concerts, plays and conference nights.
Click here for more information!
We will be opening the spirit store:
- Tuesdays at lunch: 11:15 -12:00
- Wednesdays after school - 2:15 - 3:00
- Thursday mornings before school 6:45 - 8:30
- Fridays at lunch: 11:15 - 12:00
- At all home Volleyball Games, Basketball games & JV Football Games
We take Cash and Credit Cards!
New PopSockets are in for $9 each or buy with a friend and save, 2 for $16.
When the store is open we will be in front of the physical store by the auditorium. For games, we will be in front of the gym in the lobby.
Laura Whalen
cell: 303-681-7226
- Want to help make your students high school experience the best it can be?
- Want to support the staff at TJ?
- Want to get to know some parents at TJ?
Come to a PTO meeting!
We meet monthly and have 1-2 events each month that we support. You can help out as your schedule permits.
with any questions.
Mental Health and Social/Emotional Tips
Did You Know...?
"Gender, a sociocultural construction, is an inherent facet of socialization that begins at birth and continues throughout the life span. Irrespective of variations in form and approach, socialization for gender roles is ubiquitous, so much so that even "learned roles" often tend to be regarded as a natural phenomenon." -(Shagufa Kapadia and Jigisha Gala)
Separating "sex" from "gender"
The above quote addresses the ways in which individuals assign categories to one another based on biological sex, i.e. "man" and "woman". These prescribed categories attach meaning to biological sex, and are structured and enforced by society. All cultures prescribe gender norms, which give rise to gender stereotypes, thus, influencing development. When an individual's gender identity does not match their assigned birth gender, they may experience a great deal of stress. Understanding the difference between "sex" and "gender" is an important first step for helping teens cope with the rift between their biological sex and gender identity.
Terms to Be Familiar With
Gender Identity: Gender Identity is how you, in your own mind, perceive yourself; one's innermost concept of self as male, female, a blend of both, or neither. One's gender identity can be the same or different from their biological sex assigned at birth.
Gender Expression: Gender Expression refers to the external appearance, or demonstration of one's gender identity, based on traditional gender roles. Gender is expressed through behavior, clothing, haircut, or voice.
Biological Sex: Biological Sex refers to the objectively measurable organs, hormones, and chromosomes. Female: vagina, ovaries, XX chromosomes; Male: penis, testes, XY chromosomes; Intersex: a combination of the two.
Sexual Orientation: Sexual Orientation refers to who you are inherently emotionally, spiritually, or sexually attracted to; based on their sex/gender in relation to your own.
Transgender: An umbrella term for people whose gender identity or gender expression is different from cultural expectations based on the sex they were assigned at birth.
Resources for Supporting Transgender Students
Human Rights Campaign
- Guide for Supporting Transgender Students
- 10 Things Parents Can Do to Show Their Love and Support for Transgender Students
Mental Health and Social Emotional "Did You Know":
Compiled by TJHS Mental Health Team. Resources:
Gender Across Cultures: Sex and Socialization in Childhood.The Oxford Handbook of Human Development and Culture: An Interdisciplinary Perspective
- Great news! All Class T-Shirts are now available (as wells as other TJ gear) in the Spartan Store!
- Please look for more opportunities this school year for parents to socialize, get connected and contribute to the Class of 2018 fundraising efforts. Please email if you're interested in helping out at any point this year. We need you!
The Class of '19 is raising money for senior year activities including After Prom.
How you can support:
Class of 2020 - Sophomores
Thank you to Megan Perkins and Lisa LoJacono, the parent representatives for the Class of 2020. Please look for important information to come. If you are interested in getting involved please email Megan at:
or Lisa at:
- New Graduation Requirements! DPS has adopted new, evidence-based graduation requirements that will go into effect this year for the graduating class of 2021. Click here
to read more!
News from the Future Center
If you are striving to apply to a Common Application university/college before Thanksgiving, keep in mind the following:
11/17/17- Last Friday before Thanksgiving
*Remember to check your Naviance account for college visits!
Seniors and Families- Check out the resources below to help you plan your college and financial aid processes:
Meetings with Ms. Maez- Seniors are encouraged to stop by the Future Center to set up a time to discuss their plans for next year. A calendar of her availability is posted on the door.
Download the new TJHS Mobile App today!
We encourage you to download the app from the App Store or Google Play at no cost (scan the QR codes below or simply search for "TJHS"). We will be finalizing formatting and loading new content in the coming weeks, so please be patient and check the app frequently for new information! Our hope is that this will be yet another way to strengthen communication for our community.
Helpful hint: make sure your push notifications are on,
so that you can get
updated info and event reminders!