Administrator's Corner
We are in the last few weeks before finals - finish the semester strong! Be sure your student attends class every day and gets extra help from teachers when needed. Please click here for the finals schedule.
Estamos en las últimas semanas antes de la final-terminar el semestre fuerte! Asegúrese de que su estudiante asista a clase todos los días y reciba ayuda adicional de los maestros cuando sea necesario. Por favor, haga clic aquí para el calendario final.
Week at a Glance - Week of 11/26-11/30
- Please click here (or see the above "Athletics Schedule" quick link) to see athletic events for the week
- SkillsUSA Holiday Food Drive
- SkillsUSA Holiday Food Drive
- SkillsUSA Holiday Food Drive
- Office Hours: 2:14-2:55 p.m.
- SkillsUSA Holiday Food Drive
- SkillsUSA Holiday Food Drive (last day!)
- Jostens in room 111 during lunch for make-up orders (details below)
- Saturday School: 8:00 a.m.
- TJ's HP kicked off the drill season, hoping to earn a spot to the 5th Bde Western Regional Championships in Jan. Despite having a young team, the Spartans showed up and rocked the house! The young team will begin their official Drill season on 26 Jan down in San Antonio TX representing TJ and the Denver JROTC Brigade at the Western Regional Drill Championships. The team will follow up a very seasoned and senior-heavy team from last year that placed seventh overall in the world at the All-Services Drill Championships for JROTC in Daytona Beach FL last May.
Way to go, Spartans!
- Please give an enormous congratulations on the spectacular work of these students selected to the 2018-2019 Colorado All-State Choirs! They are not only some of the brightest and kindest students TJ has, they are truly musically gifted.
Madeleine Abram
Sam Chappell
Nick VanWagner
- Here are a couple pictures from the recent Mayor's Design Award. Thank you to everyone who helped on this project and your help on beautifying Southeast Denver!
Only 3 Weeks of Classes Left!
Spartans, it's the final push! We only have three weeks of classes left before Finals. Please make sure you are getting your work done and communicating with your teachers so that you can end the semester on a strong note.
Click here for the schedule for Finals Week!
Jostens - Last Chance for Ordering Here at School!
Jostens will return for a make-up ordering day on
Friday, November 30th during lunch in room 111. This will be your last opportunity to place orders directly with them here at the school. It is also the last day for the group discount. You can still order after this day through the website.
TJ Family Holiday Food Drive
Help a TJ family have a holiday dinner by donating your non-perishable food items to your child's 1st period class! Encourage your child to bring in items between
November 9th through November 30th. A special treat will be rewarded to the 1st period class that collects the most.
Examples of items you could send with your child:
Turkey dressing, gravy, can corn, can green beans, box potato scallop, box mash potatoes, soups- chicken or mushroom soup, dry french onions, can pumpkin, yams, marshmallows, brown sugar, can beets, can fruit, cranberry sauce, evaporate milk, pork beans, pinto beans, black beans, B&B Sauce, box breakfast cereal, oatmeal cereal, pancake mix, apple sauce, pie filling, olives, rice. Any dry food or canned items are used. Some people bring in pasta noodles like spaghetti or macaroni cheese.
Contact Mr. Esparza ( or any SkillsUSA officer with any questions. Thank you TJ friends and families for your kindness during this holiday season.
Holiday Resources for Families
Please visit the links below for information about where & when to apply for holiday meal baskets & gifts. These links are hosted by Mile High United Way 2-1-1, and will keep being updated as new resources are added, and registrations close.
Countdown to ArtFest 2018
Bring us your books -
The PTO needs gently used books, CDs and DVDs! Please gather up those books and media that you no longer use and donate them to the annual TJ ArtFest & Used Book Sale.
We especially appreciate books, CDs and DVDs that are designed for children but gladly accept donations for all ages.
Last year, we raised over $700 from the book sale alone for programs that support TJ students and teachers! Tell your friends, family and neighbors that we will be happy to accept their donations as well. SPREAD THE WORD. If you have items to donate, you may drop them off
now through December 7
at either of these locations...
Thomas Jefferson High School (drop off in Main Office during school hours)
3950 S Holly St, Denver CO 80237
Home of Carrie Oss (drop off on porch) 3614 S Hudson Street, Denver, CO 80237 (House has a pergola and the address is on a rock in the front yard.
For questions, please call Lisa Marlin at 303-827-5732.
Still need volunteers - We only have a third of the volunteer positions filled. Please take a moment to look at the sign up and see if you can help! It takes a village to make ArtFest a success and we want you to be a part of it. As a bonus, any volunteer that helps with setup and/or cleanup will earn $10/hour for the TJ club/activity/class of their choice! Students should talk to their group/club sponsor to get signed up. Please donate your time to help set up, welcome guests, sell items at Book Sale or Spirit Store or tear down. This is a great way to meet new people in your community! Sign Up Here
We have a fantastic day planned for everyone to enjoy! Here's a sneak peek at all the happenings on the Schedule Events.
to help with set up, clean up, and a number of other tasks that
make the event possible. Psst! No creativity required! ;)
Doing some holiday shopping on Enter the site through
AmazonSmile and 0.5% of your purchase will go to support TJ! When you shop at
you'll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of your purchases to our school. As you gear up for your holiday shopping, please identify
Thomas Jefferson High School Partners
(aka TJ PTO) as the recipient of your AmazonSmile purchases.
Shop here
or go to from the web browser on your computer or mobile device. It is so easy to set up TJ as the recipient of your AmazonSmile purchases! #FreeMoney #StartWithaSmile
Give back to your community and make a difference working with youth!
If you love to have fun, and wish to gain experience with youth for your future career goals such as education, social work, recreation, psychology or human services, then this is the job for you. You will be engage with kids ages 5-11 years, play gym games and do fun art projects! Whether you are looking to gain experience or simply for a job that is different and fun and outside of the norm, then this is the job for you! Position details include: assisting the Site Director in all aspects of the after school program which include: building relationships with the kids and community, taking attendance, leading activities, actively supervising the kids and engaging with youth.
Our hours are flexible and you can work 2-5 days a week after school until 6pm with additional hours available on school breaks.
Apply online here
and search for program aide and program leader positions in Denver towards the bottom of the job offerings. Must be 16 to apply. Pay range is: $10.20-$11.05 depending on age.
We look forward to you joining our great team of youth developers!
Locations near TJ:
Holm Elementary (3185 S. Willow St Denver CO) 2:45-6:00pm
RMSEL-Rocky Mountain School of Expeditionary Learning (1700 S. Holly St Denver CO) 3:00-6:00pm
Schlessman YMCA (2625 S. Colorado Blvd Denver CO) 2:30pm-6:00
Yearbook Announcements:
- Please check to see if we received your senior quote and photo. There's a poster hanging on the office windows, or you can check the yearbook website to make sure.
- Price: Get your book at the price of $55 until 1-18-19. The price will eventually increase to $65, so act fast!
information about the yearbook can found on the journal under the News & Events tab or by clicking here.
News from the Future Center
Our DSF volunteer will be at the Future Center on Wednesday, November 28
from 11-1 to support 12
graders with essay editing for college and scholarship applications.
Thank you!
Sophie Vogel
College Advisor, Thomas Jefferson High School
Denver Scholarship Foundation | a 501(c)(3) Public Charity
3950 S. Holly Street | Denver, CO 80237
O 720.423.7134 F 720.423.7098
Part-Time Custodian Wanted
Facilities Management Jobs Available
The TJ Spirit Store is stocked and ready to sell! Show your TJ pride in style and comfort with hoodies, t-shirts, hats, blankets and stadium chairs. The TJHS Spirit Store is open every Friday at lunch time.
Great news: the huge SALE has been extended through November! l 2019 retro-Joe Spartan t-shirts are $5, all other short-sleeved t-shirts are $10, long-sleeved shirts are $20, and hoodies are $25. We also now have beanies with pom poms for $20 and beanies without for $15. We accept cash, credit cards and checks.
The store will be open during events like certain athletic games and other community events such as the ArtFest. Or, make an appointment to shop with Carrie (
). The store accepts cash, credit cards and checks. You can view several items
, but we are not currently accepting online orders
Please contact Julie Thibodeau in the front office if you need help with the store at times other than Friday at lunch.
Mental Health and Social/Emotional Tips
Did you know that today's teenagers are spending nearly 9 hours per day consuming electronic media?
This includes texting, social media, messaging apps, television, and video games. This phenomenon has resulted in fewer teens engaging in activities outdoors. The rise in the use of electronic media has paralleled the rise in childhood obesity and the number of students experiencing symptoms related to anxiety and depression.
What can we do to combat the negative impacts of electronic media? While escaping from the ever-changing world of technology is practically impossible, putting the phone down and engaging in outdoor activities or spending time in nature has many positive benefits.
Benefits of Outdoor Activities & Nature Engagement
Physical Benefits
* Makes teens healthier by stimulating higher levels of physical activity; refined locomotor and fine motor skills.
* Increased lung function, contributing to muscle, bone, and joint health, and the strengthening of the heart
* Increases flow of oxygen rich blood to the brain.
* Sensory stimulation: kids are more observant and curious of their surroundings.
Mental Health Benefits
* Increase sense of wonder and imagination, observational skills and curiosity, improved awareness and ability to concentrate, increased problem-solving and critical thinking.
* Strengthening social bonds and self-efficacy; fostering emotional well-being and confidence.
* Better able to manage symptoms related to ADHD; specifically increasing self-regulation and attention.
* Sunlight can help produce serotonin, which is linked to children's feelings of well-being, calmness, focused attention, and memory.
How to Promote Outdoor Activities/ Nature Engagement
* Encourage teens to engage in outdoor activities
* Plan weekend adventures, there are many day-hikes within 30/40 minutes of Denver.
* Invest in the outdoors, instead of buying your teen that new video game, consider investing in something that they can use outdoors.
Food and Nutrition Resources for Families
Great news! All Class T-Shirts are now available (as well as other TJ gear) in the Spartan Store!
- Supporting our TJ students, classrooms and teacher is as simple as a click of a button. Visit the online store to donate to TJ PTO today: Online Spartan Spirit Store for TJ Gear
The Class of '19 is raising money for senior year activities including After Prom.
How you can support:
TJ AVID is selling Do it yourself Senior Shirts!
Join the new TJ tradition!
Tie Dye, paint and decorate to your Style!
The Class of 2020 will raise money throughout the year for senior year activities including After Prom.
How you can support:
- Host an event and donate the proceeds to the class of 2020!
- Make a tax deductible financial donation by clicking here. Be sure to find out if your employer will match our donation!
Class of 2021 - Sophomores
- We're also looking for volunteers to host future events for our class parents. If interested, please come to the next PTO meeting, or send an email to; or to find out more.
- If you have any questions or interest in joining a team of parents to help coordinate fundraising efforts and community building, please email for more information.