This will be the last newsletter this year.
Please look for us in the fall once we've kicked off the 2015-2016 school year.
Enjoy the summer!
Here are some very important upcoming dates:
Seniors - you are invited to come to school on Tuesday May 26th if you need to complete make-up work or Apex. Graduation rehearsal will take place on Friday, May 29th at the Ritchie Center from 9-10:30 a.m. Students must be on time, as there is another school rehearsing directly after ours.
Graduation - Saturday, May 30th at the Ritchie Center at 3:00 p.m. Students must be there no later than 2:00 p.m.!
As we conclude our year with the successful administration of 419 Advanced Placement exams and the Final Course Assessments, it is now time to look forward to the 2015-2016 academic year. On
Wednesday, October 14 Thomas Jefferson will provide all juniors and any interested sophomores and freshmen the opportunity to take the PSAT/NMSQT exam for a nominal fee. This test is the pre Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying exam.
The PSAT/NMSQT helps educators at every level promote college readiness. It is a standardized test cosponsored by the College Board and National Merit Scholarship Corporation.
The PSAT/NMSQT assesses the critical reading, mathematics, and writing skills students need for college and beyond. It helps students become college ready. It provides detailed feedback on skills, access to scholarships and personalized online tools, and excellent practice for the SAT. Over 3.6 million students take the PSAT/NMSQT each year. Only 11th-grade students can qualify for scholarships and recognition, but younger students benefit from early feedback on their skills.
Please click here for more information.
We're almost there! Thanks for your continued support.
Ms. JoAnne Moreno
Administrative Assistant
Interested in traveling to Germany and the Alps in 2016? Please come to room 217 or click
here for more details! You can also e-mail
or call: 720-423-7093
Calling all 2015-16 Athletes
Attention all athletes who plan on playing a sport in the fall: Please click
here to download the athletics packet and find all the information you need to participate in TJ sports next fall. Please note: paperwork will be collected at registration, so please be prepared!
DATE CHANGE - Staff Appreciation/Retirement Lunch June 3rd
The last TJ Staff Appreciation event will now be held on Wednesday, 6/3...You have been invited by Susan Sundeen to sign up for "TJ 2015 End of School Year Staff Appreciation Luncheon." Please click here to view the online sign up sheet.
Backyard Bash - Huge Success!
Thank you to everyone who helped us make the Backyard Bash a huge hit with the kids again this year. The JROTC teacher sponsors grilled over 750 hot dogs that were donated by Whole Foods Tamarac. The kids had a lot of fun on the inflatable obstacle course, the oversized tricycles, and playing dodge ball and volleyball. And thanks to all the parent support - they definitely did not go away hungry that day. We had tables and tables full of wonderful free food for them THANKS to your support.
-TJ Partners
We would like to send out a HUGE THANK YOU to all the staff/faculty and parents who assisted in making The Backyard Bash a success. Whether you were grilling, watching tricycle races, cleaning up, officiating volleyball, throwing dodge balls at kids, or just hanging out and having a good time with the students this event couldn't have been as successful as it was without your help.
~Matt, Erin, and Eric and all the leadership students
June 2015 Finals Schedule
Monday, June 1st:
Study Time: 7:30 to 8:00 Period 2: 8:00 to 9:30 (Final) Period 3: 9:40 to 11:10 (Final) Period 4: 11:20 to 12:50 (Final) Lunch: 12:50 to 1:50 Test make-up and teacher conferences: 1:50 - 3:00
Tuesday, June 2nd
Study Time: 7:30 to 8:00
Period 6: 8:00 to 9:30 (Final)
Period 7: 9:40 to 11:10 (Final)
Lunch: 11:10 to 12:40 (Finals Make-up)
Test make up and teacher conferences:12:40 to 3:00
Wednesday, June 3rd:
Study Time: 7:30 to 8:00
Period 1: 8:00 to 9:30 (Final)
Period 8: 9:40 to 11:10 (Final)
Lunch: 11:10 to 12:40
Test make-up and teacher conferences: 12:40 to 3:00 (Finals Make-up)
Thursday, June 4th:
Test make-up and teacher grading: 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Friday, June 5th:
Test make-up and teacher grading: 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
TJ Bucket Challenge Recap
A big thank you!
TJ Bucket Challenge raised
more than $6,000 towards the library and study lounge project. You'll see the results of these efforts when you come back to school in August. Thanks for your generous support!
TJ Gets Social!
Connect with TJ on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for fun updates and to help build our online community.
Spartans Named to CHSAA Academic All State Team
Here at TJ, the mission of our Athletic Program is to create better students, better athletes and better people. We would like to recognize the athletes from our spring programs that best exemplify what it means to be a student athlete. The following Spartans have qualified for the CHSAA Academic All State 1st Team for the spring season with a cumulative GPA of 3.6 or higher:
Shawg Ahmed, Ibtisam Ahmed, Brandon Baum, Jordyn Chappell, Kelly Cordes, Sydney Egeler, Brianne Gutierrez, Baylee Haynie, Mariya Ilyina, Jeremy Isaac, Sabrina Kohrt, Conner Langeberg, Alexandra Mesropov, Alexander Orzescu, Anja Oss, Quinn Roder, Caitlin Rogers, Kaejah Simmons, Laine Stewart, Jonathon Sundeen, Julia Turnbow, Eli Webb, John Willson and Brooklynn York.
The following Spartans have qualified for the CHSAA Honorable Mention Academic All State team with a cumulative GPA between 3.3 to 3.59 for the spring season:
Henry Allen, David Peterson, Obed Munoz, Angelica Hawley, Dane VanderMiller, Davion Todman, Einas Mohamed, De'Jour Plunkett-Elliott, Paisley Amrein, Evelyn Witterholt and Madeline Jacobsen.
In order to qualify you must be a junior or senior and you must be a varsity letter winner. Congratulations to these students, their families and their coaches for this achievement. If you are a student athlete who believes they qualified for this award but aren't listed above please stop by the athletic office or email me at
Your Change Creates Change:
Tamarac Whole Foods Partners with the TJ Community
Donate your bag credits to TJ, and continue to support our Bucket Challenge goal!
At the Tamarac Whole Foods, $.10 Bag Credits go to TJ Through July 5.
Bring your own bags when you shop at Tamarac Whole Foods and tell the cashier at checkout you want .10 to go to TJ. All monies earned between now and July 5 will also benefit our library project.
News from the Health Center
Dear Parents:
Please see below for some important Health Center News.
1. The end of the year is quickly approaching. I am sending this letter to remind, or inform you, that students' medication cannot be kept in the clinic over the summer. Also, per district policy, medication cannot be sent home with the student. It must be picked up by the parent. With this in mind, please plan to pick up your son's/daughter's medication no later than 1:00 p.m. on June 5th, 2015. Medication not picked up will be destroyed or disposed of shortly thereafter. Call me with any questions or concerns at 720-423-7061
2. Please be advised that due to a change in DPS policy, the school nurse will be unable to dispense Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen to your student during the 2015-2016 school year. Please consider consenting your students to the Thomas-Jefferson School Based Health Center as an alternative.
3. Please note: The Thomas Jefferson School-Based Health Clinic will be closed over the summer. Students needing medical or mental health services can obtain them at the Evie Dennis Campus located at:
4800 Telluride Street
Denver, CO 80249
Free 24-hour nurse line 303-739-1211
Sincerely, Deb Samuels, RN Nurse Thomas Jefferson High School
All library books are due!
Books that are overdue will be fined up to $1.50 per book and lost books will incur a $20.00 replacement charge. Seniors will be expected to return all library books and clear all library fines before they can be checked out. Please check Infinite Campus to view your missing books. Fines for books returned late do not appear on IC. Please check with Ms. Jensen to view your fines. Thank you!
Current Check out Totals:

A huge congratulations to our 10
th grade AVID students Angelica Hawley, Bienvenue Mukire, Bhawana Acharya , & Gregory Gallardo who were all finalists of the
Access Opportunity Fund Scholarship a renewable scholarship for college! We are so proud to have a receipt of this exclusive award in
Gregory Gallardo who competed with sophomores in the Metro Denver area. Congrats on making college a reality Gregg!
Congratulations to Jesse Adams on winning
The Mad Props award with the
GoodWill for his growth this school year. We are proud of you!
A Better Way to Reduce Tardies
Be a Hero!
Ms. Hammel is working to raise some funds to improve the tardy process here at TJ. Click
here to learn more about the
Hero Tardy Tracker, and click
here to donate!
City of Denver Honors Mile High Scholars
Four TJ students along with hundreds of other DPS students are recognized as Mile High Scholars.
Each year, the Mayor of Denver honors DPS students as Mile High Scholars. This is a large citywide event including every school in the Denver Public School system. Students who become Mile High Scholars are selected by the principal and faculty of their school for modeling good leadership, respect for self and others, and the school environment, as well as supporting their peers. Schools can select one student per grade for this honor. This year's ceremony was at the Buell Theatre in the Denver Performing Arts Complex on May 19
th at 5:30pm.
Read more
Orientation Night for Incoming Freshmen - May 27
On May 27th from 5:30-7:30 pm we will be hosting an Orientation Night for incoming 9th graders. All students will be tested for correct math placement.
Many TJ groups will be present to talk about various aspects of TJ life:
-PTO will be there to talk about volunteer opportunities -current students will be there to talk about sports, electives and clubs -Admininstration will talk about how to be a Spartan (daily expectations) -Members of the Center for Communication Technology Magnet (CCTM) will be there to talk about the program
Incoming students will get schedules, get a general overview of their upcoming life as Spartans! There will also be an opportunity to sign up for 9th grade academy.
Hope to see you there!
Important/Official Information from GT
Students must have an updated e-mail account that is actually used and checked in Naviance Student Profiles to participate with Gifted & Talented Programming at TJ. Update yours today to ensure your name is not "red" and inactive when important program communication is made over the summer and school year. Additionally, GT Students who have not yet completed their Strength Explorer Surveys in Naviance should make this a priority while updating profile information as part of High School Advanced Learning Plans in the ICAP. The Strength Explorer survey has been made available for all students by the GT Office.
TJ's Night Out was a great way for students to escape and rekindle some lost school spirit.
TJ's new Night Out took place on Friday, April 17th, and it was a total hit; even before the event began, students were lined up out the door. There was a buzz in the air while standing in line, and the event left students with more school spirit than ever before.
Read More
Important Summer Football Dates
July 18th, equipment hand out. 10am-12pm.
July 20th we will start our 10 ten pre-season camp. 5-7pm at TJ. Will go until
July 29th. Please contact me if you have questions about the camp. Info is below.
Jesus Escobedo
Head Football Coach
Thomas Jefferson HS
"Start a Tradition, Leave a Legacy"
Community Golf Tournament
Southmoor Park Golf Tournament to Benefit Schools
Everyone's buzzing about the 2nd Annual "All For One" Community Golf Tournament. And, why not? It's a really fun way to support our school and build a closer neighborhood. The tournament will be held May 30th at JF Kennedy Golf Course with lots of prizes and even an online silent auction. Because this is a community
event, the goal of the tournament is a donation of $1,000 per school (Samuels, Southmoor, Hamilton, and TJ).
Let's keep the trophy for another year!
On the day of the tournament, each team will be asked to declare which school they want to represent. The traveling President's (Principal's) Trophy will be awarded to the school with the winning team. The trophy will be displayed by the winning team's school until next year's tournament. A team representing Thomas Jefferson High School won the trophy last year and there's a rumor that other schools aim to take
it away this year!
Tournament Date: Saturday, May 30th
Shotgun Tee-Time: 7:30am
Golf Course: JF Kennedy Golf Course
10500 E. Hampden Ave., Denver 80014
Registration Fee: $95 per player
Includes: Green fee, cart, gift bag, lunch, prizes, and satisfaction
of supporting schools!
Print Off Sign-up Form here or sign-up by phone: 303-850-9880
Third Annual TJ Football Golf Classic - June 14th
Join us!
Our 3rd annual TJ Football Golf Classic will be held at Arrowhead Golf Club on June 14th. The Golf Classic is a charitable event held by the class of 2016 and coaching staff. It is a 100% volunteer organization made up of alumni, parents, and community members. All funds raised will provide the senior class with TJ memorabilia and end of season awards.
here to see the full flyer, and
Upcoming Community Events
KITE FESTIVAL: Free Community Event!
May 30th: 10-2PM @ Evie Dennis Campus (East Field)
Community Resources, Vendors & Event Sponsorship welcome
Please click here for more information about the Kite Festival
KATHY'S KAMP: Affordable Summer Enrichment Camp
June 8th -July 25th (7 Weeks) @ Evie Dennis Campus
Must register online. CCAP is accepted / limited scholarships are available.
Please click here for more information about Kathy's Kamp
JUNETEENTH Kids Zone: Free Community Event!June 20th 9:30-6PM @ 26th and Welton in the 5 Points. FFRC's Healthy Babies, Strong Families Program will sponsor the kids zone this year at Juneteenth. We invite Vendors and Community Partners to set up a booth for the kids zone -$150. Please contact La Toya if interested ASAP. Limited space available.
Have a Future Spartan in the Family?
for information about Ninth Grade Academy, August 10th-14th.
News from the Future Center
Dear Students and Families,
FAFSA PINS are going away! If you completed your FAFSA application, you may remember creating a PIN to pull your tax information from the IRS and to sign your application. In its place, the Federal Department of Education has shifted to a user name/password system (FSA ID). If you are in the process of completing your FAFSA or updating information, this will affect you right away. If you have completed all the steps of FAFSA, you will not need to worry about this until next year. Click here
to read more about this change and to create an FSA ID.
Rena Maez
College Advisor, Thomas Jefferson High School Denver Scholarship Foundation | a 501(c)(3) Public Charity 3950 S. Holly Street | Denver, CO 80237 O 720.423.7134 F 720.423.7098
Helpful Financial Aid Links