March 17, 2016
Administrator's Corner

Denver Public Schools has been named one of the districts that has shown the most growth in AP - both in number of students taking the tests as well as pass rates. This means we are on the AP Honor Roll from College Board. TJ hosted the AP presentation on Thursday, March 10th, and we are so honored to have been recognized as one of the schools that has shown much growth.    

Students, remember - your AP exams start on May 2nd, so you only have about 30 days of instruction before then! Make sure you are going to the teacher study sessions as well as the Saturday study sessions based on your content. Keep up the hard work, Spartans! 
Choice of studies should be completed by March 18th. Ask your student if they've completed selecting their courses for next year. Go to and click on the "choice of studies" button on the main page for much more information.
Las Escuelas Públicas de Denver ha sido nombrado uno de los distritos que ha demostrado el mayor crecimiento en AP (exámenes avanzados) - tanto en número de alumnos que tomaron los examenes, así como los que pasaron el examen. Esto significa que estamos en la lista de honor de "College Board" (Consejería de Educación Superior). TJ anfitrióno la presentación AP el jueves, 10 de marzo y nos sentimos muy honrados de haber sido reconocida como una de las escuelas que ha demostrado un gran crecimiento .
¡Estudiantes, recuerden- los exámenes AP comienzan el 2 de mayo, por lo que sólo tienen 30 días de instrucción antes de esa fecha! Asegúrensen de ir a las sesiones de estudio dirigidos por maestros, así como las sesiones de estudio los sábados basados por contenido. ¡Sigan esforzándose, Spartans (Espartanos)!
Selección de Clases para el próximo año debe ser completado antes del 18 de marzo. Pregúntele a su estudiante si han completado la selección de sus clases para el próximo año. Vaya a y haga clic en el botón "choice of studies" (selección de clases) en la página principal para mucha más información.
Andrew Skari
Assistant Principal | Athletic Director 
Quick Links
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Seniors taking APEX are invited to come to school on April 11th and April 19th to get some APEX work done without any other distractions!
Tomorrow (3/18) is the last day in the Choice of Studies window.
Kudos Korner
  • Kudos to the SkillsUSA students who qualified for State!
The competition for SkillsUSA was held on February 4th, 5th, 11th, and 12th. Students competed in 3d animation, web design, video, photography, and programming.  Congratulations to the following SkillsUSA students who qualified for the SkillsUSA Colorado State Conference. The state conference will be held in Colorado Spring on April 6th, 7th, and 8th. 


Rachel Sadler - Asianae Jackson- 1st Place
Kate Overn - Zach Service- 2nd Place

Keith Joyner- Eli Webb

Hunter Holmes - Sam Trout- 1st Place
Rogelio Flores - Scott McMahon- 2nd Place
Stephanie Chavez - Tyler Weiskopf- 3rd Place

Izzy Ryan- 1st Place
Avery Herrick- 2nd Place
Katie Schelock- 3rd Place

Julio Munoz - 1st Place
Luis Merlin- 2nd Place
Corey Spielman- 3rd Place

$$$$$ - AP Money Due TOMORROW! - $$$$$
Parents and students: just a reminder that all AP money is due by March 18th so that we can order AP exams in time. 2 weeks and counting!!
Beau Jo's - Last Day! Get the flyer from a student or Mr. Sheehan!
All Dolled Up
TJ Theatre prepares for opening night of their upcoming musical, Hello, Dolly!
TJ's theatre department has performed countless plays and musicals from all dramatic eras and genres, and their upcoming production of Hello, Dolly! will take audience members back to classic Broadway roots. Opening night is March 16th, and the crew is perfecting each detail to be ready for their premiere. Read more
Principal Selection Process - Update and Forms
Click on the links below to learn more about the hiring timeline and nomination forms for the Advisory Committee:
Nomination form - Advisory Committee for SPSAC (Spanish)

See below for information about the Community Meetings:
Blood Drive Recap
Thomas Jefferson High School sponsored a Blood Drive on March 1st, 2016, in connection with Bonfils Blood Center.  Bonfils provides a life saving blood supply to patients at approximately 100 healthcare facilities in Colorado and beyond.  Through the efforts of students and staff, Thomas Jefferson High School gathered enough blood to potentially save the lives of 78 patients!  Twenty of our donors on that day were first-time donors!  A sincere thank you to everyone who participated.  
Get Your Class T-shirts - Classes of 2016 and 2017!
Seniors can get a 2016 Senior class t-shirt at
or contact laura whalen,

Get the Class of 2017 shirt with the Colorado Spartan 2017 logo for only $15.00.Buy online at or contact laura whal en,

Special Thanks from the WES Program

Thank you for all the support from the TJ staff and community for donating clothing to the Work-Study (WES) students to wear for interviews.  One student was able to put together and wear a nice outfit for a CareerX job shadow, and we have a rack ready for others to browse through.  The donations have consisted of dress pants, skirts, blouses, dresses, button downs and shoes.  We would like give shout outs to the following people for giving our students the opportunity to represent themselves and TJ like young professionals!  Thanks again to Suzanne Morris-Sherer, Garien Behling, Bridget Couch, Natalie Koncz, Mary Longnicker, Elizabeth McMahon, Joanne Moreno and Christina Shea.

TJ science teacher Corielyn Cummins has introduced Forensic Science, a new class incorporating past science knowledge and skills.
just a reminder Beginning this semester, Thomas Jefferson High School has added a new science course: Forensic Science, a class which takes topics learned from other science classes, such as biology, chemistry, and physics, and applies them to criminal science. Read more
Night Out - March 25th

Upcoming Testing Schedule
Read below for upcoming testing dates.
3/24/16 Mock AP Stats and AP Calc 7:30-12:00 (library and room 111)
4/5/16 Mock Environmental 7:30-12:00
4/6/16-4/15/16 PARCC 9th grade (schedule below)
4/19/16 PSAT 10 (10th graders) and ACT (11th graders) No 9th or 12th graders 
4/25/16 CMAS 11th grade....still developing schedule
5/2/16-5/13/16 AP Exams (schedule attached...still working on rooms and proctors)
End of May...district finals
PARCC Testing is on the Horizon
Please note: participation rates for 2016 testing may impact SPF scores. All students are expected to attend school during these testing periods.
The PARCC online testing will begin at TJ in April.  Our 9th graders will take the PARCC ELA/Math test. The purpose of the state test is to formally assess how students can perform in regards to grade level Common Core Standards. This is also an accountability measure to ensure that schools are adequately preparing students. We will receive the results in much more timely fashion this year. This will allow us to adjust school-wide instructional strategies at the beginning of the year. I am glad to say this is a much better set up than last year.
9th graders will begin testing on April 6th.  We will work on an adjusted schedule so students will still attend all classes during our a djusted schedule.   See the modified schedule below.  All students are expected to attend school during this testing period
Please contact Julie Thibodeau at 720-423-7149 or  with any questions.

PSAT 10 and ACT - free for all students! 
Thomas Jefferson is excited to announce that we will be administering the PSAT 10 along with the ACT this year on April 19th starting at 7:30 am.  Sophomores will take the PSAT 10 and Juniors will take the ACT.  Due to testing, there will be no school for 9th and 12th graders that day. Be sure your students are well rested and come prepared.  Students should bring with them: pencils, approved calculators(TI84 or similar is acceptable) and their school id's.  Please contact Julie Thibodeau at 720-423-7149 or with any questions.

Rejects Rock
Local band SB Rejects played a sold-out show at the Bluebird theatre in January.
On January 30, 2016, several TJ students had the opportunity to play a sold-out show at the Bluebird Theatre with their band, the SB Rejects. SBR, composed of juniors Aidan Brown and Alex Morales and senior Jabril Jeylani, is a ska-punk band that has been able to tour around the nation playing their unique style of music. Read more
2016 Pipeline Conference
Class News You Can Use
All Classes 
Class of 2016 - Seniors
  • Graduation Information: The Commencement Ceremony will be held at the Auraria Campus (Event Center, 1255 10th St., Denver, CO 80204) from 5-7 p.m. On May 25th. Each student will get 5 free tickets and additional tickets will be for sale for $5/each. P arking is at the Tivoli, parents do pay for parking, staff is free. 
  • Prom Dress Shopping 3/17, 3/18 - want a bargain, check these sites for very cost effective options:
  • Prom Attire for the Gents! Al's Formalwear and Men's Wearhouse have coupons on their website, and mention TJ so proceeds come back to the school. Reserve early to get the best cost and selection. 
  • Mr. TJ, Fri. 4/15 -  . Nine  of the esteemed class of 2016 young men will be joined by their escorts and emcees to compete for the title of Mr TJ by showcasing their style, grace and talents.   It's going to be "Raining Men" and you won't want to miss it.
  • Prom, 4/23, 8-11pm at the Curtis Room in Landmark (DTC). I t's sure to be a grand time! We will be looking for parent volunteers to help with various aspects of prom in the coming weeks, stay tuned to the newsletter for updates. Class of 2016 are providing corsages ($15) and boutineers ($10) for Prom.
  • After Prom Event - A
    fter much discussion with the students, it has been decided that there will be no official after prom event held this year.  The After Prom committee will be working with the prom committee to support prom efforts and host other special events for the seniors in the coming months to support the Class of 2016 as they look toward their futures!!  Watch the newsletter for more updates coming soon. 
  • Get your class T_shirt! at:
Class of 2017 - Juniors
  • Prom 2017 meeting  on Mon, 3/21 at 3pm in Ms. Reed's room. Come share ideas and help out.
  • March 14-18   - all week - Beau Jo's . This week you can support the Class of 2017 by eating at BeauJos. Diners must bring flyer for TJ 2017 to get credit. (Flyer in newsletter and being handed out at school or pick one up in the office).    
  • How to stay in the loop and share your ideas for the Class of 2017:
  • Class of 2017 t-shirts - at online store for Class of 2017
  •  Follow 2017 Class on Twitter - @2017TJHS
Class of 2018 - Sophomores
  • April 8th, 7-9 PM - Class of 2018 Parent Social at the home of Jim and Kary Cramer, 3103 S. Milwaukee Street. Break out of the smaller circles you know at TJ and meet the rest of the 2018 families! Click here for the Evite or contact Kary Cramer,  for more information.
Class of 2019 - Freshmen
Hello, Dolly!
Cabinet in the Community with Mayor Hancock
April 2: Join Councilwoman Black, Mayor Hancock, his Cabinet and department heads, and TJ Principal Suzanne Morris Sherer for a quarterly neighborhood Cabinet meeting. Hear first-hand what's happening in our community and around the city. Following the meeting, attendees can engage one-on-one with the Mayor and his leadership team. April 2, 9-11 am at Thomas Jefferson HS.
Health Screening
Each year DPS conducts health screenings for students in specific grades. At the high school level all 9th graders are screened as well as testable students in special education. The screening consists of vision and hearing screenings as well as height/weight (BMI) measurements. At Thomas Jefferson High School the screenings will take place onApril 22 & 25; Recheck dates are April 26 & 27. If you would NOT like your student screened you must notify the school nurse prior to April 15, 2016 via e-mail to

Cada año DPS lleva a cabo exámenes de salud para los estudiantes en grados específicos. En el nivel de secundaria todos los estudiantes de 9º grado son examinados, así tambien como estudiantes en educación especial que puedan ser examinados. Los exámenes consisten en exámenes de la vista y la audición, mediciones de altura/peso (IMC). En la escuela, Thomas Jefferson los exámenes tomaran lugar los días 22 y 25 de abril; revisiones son el 26 y el 27 de abril. Si NO le gustaría que su estudiante sea examinado debe notificar a la enfermera de la escuela antes del 15 de abril del 2016 a través de un correo electrónico a
Clothes for Kids
Clothes to Kids is one of our Community Partners.  They allow students with free and reduced lunch to pick out a weeks worth of clothing.  They also provide volunteer hours to one of our students working towards a WES Diploma.  It has been a great working partnership and would like to put the word out about this great organization conveniently located in the Sprouts shopping center in the Colorado Blvd and Yale area.

Clothes To Kids provides a wardrobe of FREE school clothing to preschool-12th grade students in need or in crisis. A wardrobe includes 5 tops, 4 bottoms (pants/shorts/skirts), 1 coat, 1 pair of shoes and 5 pairs each of new underwear and socks. 

Students can be referred by schools/school districts, human service agencies, hospitals, clinics, shelters, youth programs and places of worship. We currently have a big selection of clothing and no wait for an appointment:
Gifting Graduation
TJ's Graduation for All Fund is helping seniors reach their goals and graduate on time.
With the second semester underway, seniors should be thinking about graduation on May 25 at Auraria Campus. For some students, graduation is just out of reach; although they have the grades and all of the requirements to graduate, the financial burden of the necessities of graduation holds them back. Read more
News from the Future Center
Save the date!
Thomas Jefferson is hosting a "How to Apply to College Workshop" on  Saturday, April 16 th, from 8:00-11:00 a.m.  This event will have sessions devoted to helping students and families prepare for college, with special emphasis on juniors.  Sessions that will be covered will include the following:
  • What to expect senior year
  • How to apply to a two or four year college/university
  • How to apply to a highly selective college
  • How to apply for financial aid
  • What to know about scholarships
If you have questions about your child's pathway to college, this event is for you.  More details to follow!

For seniors who have not yet completed their FAFSA, Ms. Maez is available to help! She has reserved the following Fridays for drop in FAFSA/financial aid support on 3/18, from 8-2:45 p.m.  Students and families can make appointments with her if those dates/times do not work. Click here for more information! 
For upcoming events, college visits, financial aid workshops, scholarships, and much more, visit the Future Center wikipage!

Rena Maez 
College Advisor, Thomas Jefferson High School 
Denver Scholarship Foundation | a 501(c)(3) Public Charity  
3950 S. Holly Street  |  Denver, CO 80237 
O 720.423.7134   F 720.423.7098 |