April 9, 2018
Administrator's Corner

This week is an incredibly important week for all of our students. We have some very important assessments that will show off just how great our TJ community is. We appreciate all the hard work our students and teachers have put in this year and can't wait to see how well our students do on these tests.
Tuesday, April 10th
Juniors will be taking the SAT
All other grade levels do not have school
Seniors in Edgenuity enter through the JROTC/ Robotics doors

Wednesday, April 11th
Freshmen and Sophomores will take the PSAT.
Seniors and Juniors do not have school.
Seniors in Edgenuity enter through the JROTC/ Robotics doors
Please remember to get a good night's sleep and have a good meal the night before and the morning of the test.  Don't forget your calculator! You will not be allowed to use your phone!
The Parent Perception Survey went home with students last Thursday. Please fill out the survey and put it in the mail. Please do not send it back with students, as that will invalidate the survey.

Esta semana es una semana increíblemente importante para todos nuestros estudiantes. Tenemos algunas evaluaciones muy importantes que mostrarán cuán grande es nuestra comunidad TJ. Agradecemos todo el arduo trabajo que nuestros estudiantes y maestros han realizado este año y no podemos esperar para ver qué tan bien nuestros estudiantes lo hacen en estos exámenes.   

Martes, 10 de abril 
Juniors tomarán el SAT Todos los demás niveles de grado no tienen escuela Las personas mayores en Edgenuity ingresan a través de las puertas de JROTC / Robótica 

Miércoles, 11 de abril 
Freshmen y Sophomores tomarán el PSAT. Las personas mayores y los jóvenes no tienen escuela. Las personas mayores en Edgenuity ingresan a través de las puertas de JROTC / Robótica   

Recuerde dormir bien por la noche y disfrutar de una buena comida la noche anterior y la mañana de la prueba. ¡No olvides tu calculadora! ¡No podrás usar tu teléfono!   

La encuesta de percepción de los padres se fue a casa con los estudiantes el jueves pasado. Por favor complete la encuesta y envíela por correo. Por favor no lo envíe de vuelta con los estudiantes, ya que eso invalidará la encuesta.   


Jon Poole
Administrative Intern
Quick Links
Week at a Glance - Week of 4/9-4/13
  • Please click here (or see the above "Athletics Schedule" quick link) to see athletic events for the week
  • SAT Testing (no school for 9th, 10th and 12th grades)
  • PTO meeting: 6:00 p.m.
  • PSAT 9/10 Testing (no school for 11th and 12th grades)
  • 9th grade choice of studies: 6-7:30 p.m.
Thursday -
  • 9th grade choice of studies: 6-7:30 p.m.
  • Mr. TJ: 6:00 p.m.
  • Saturday school: 8-11 a.m.
Kudos Korner
Congratulations to senior  Molly Jordan Little for being selected as a recipient of the Boettcher Foundation Scholarship! 

Boettcher Scholarships recognize Colorado's top students by providing them with the funds to attain an excellent in-state education and access to additional opportunities to enrich their time in college and beyond. Established in 1952, the Boettcher Scholarship program awards 42 full-ride scholarships each year.
Congratulations to  Raquel Angelita Muniz and  Rebekah Gezahegne Yohannes for receiving Daniels Scholarships!

The Daniels Scholarship is an exciting and challenging program that provides the opportunity to obtain a four-year college education at any accredited nonprofit college or university in the United States, complete with financial and personal support throughout the journey. The Daniels Scholarship Program offers resources, encouragement, and inspiration far beyond the financial assistance needed to earn a college degree. Our goal is to help each Daniels Scholar succeed in college and ultimately become independent, successful in a rewarding career, and actively engaged in their community.

Every year, Daniels Scholars are selected from our four-state region of Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming. Since 2000, Daniels Scholars have attended more than 400 colleges and universities in 49 states.
Congratulations to seniors  Vasi Reiva and  Andrew Villescas  for receiving the 2018 Denver Tech Center Rotary Scholarship (Value:  $2,000.00 each). They really earned it!
Testing Reminders for this Week
Reminder that only Juniors need to come to school on April 10th for the SAT which will be from 7:30am to 12:30pm. No other students should be on campus that day unless they are in Edgenuity. For the PSAT 9 and PSAT 10, we will need all Sophomores and Freshmen to come from 7:30am to 12:30pm. Again, no other students should be on campus that day until athletics start. Please help get your students here on time so that we can begin on time. Please make sure that student bring approved calculator, their ID, and leave all smart watches and other devices at home. We will be collecting phones on the day of the exam. 
Gardening Season is Coming in Hot
TJ Green Team is taking preorders!
  • For every preorder we will throw in an extra plant (of our choosing)
  • All Proceeds go to the Special Education Green Team
We will be selling:

Tomatoes (several varieties)
Jalapeno peppers

Please email Elizabeth_lynch2@dpsk12.org with your preorders
Yearbook News
The yearbook is now $65 and can be purchased online. The book will be available until sold out, so act fast!  Anything that you need to know about the yearbook can be found on the yearbook website here !
Want to Join Gymnastics?
Gymnastics season starts in the fall! Any ladies interested in learning gymnastics, making new friends, or getting involved in the school community should consider joining the gymnastics team. 

We are a competitive team, who won City Championships in 2015 and qualified to state our last 2 seasons, and are looking for athletes who are willing to learn new things and want to have fun with a good group of girls!

Experience preferred but not necessary, coaches can teach you what you need to know! We are welcoming athletes and managers. There will be an informational meeting coming soon, details to follow. 

If you have any questions, email Coach Molly
at  tjspartansgymnastics@gmail.com  or talk to Tori Conroy, Chloe Richter, Hanna Channell, or any of the gymnastics girls!
Spartan Spirit Store
The  TJ Spartan Spirit Store  is now in two places for your convenience-online and in the main hallway at TJ between the gym and auditorium. The store is also set up at select school events including athletic events, concerts, plays and conference nights.  Click here  for more information!
  • On-campus Spirit Store hours are on Fridays during lunch only. A couple of our wonderful parents alternate shifts to make the store convenient and accessible to students. It's also open during various special events. Julie Thibodeau will continue to be available at other times for the occasional urgent or spontaneous purchase.
  • We take cash and credit cards!
  • Order Spartan wear online. Great gifts for every class, parents and grads, too. 
  • Purchases from the Spirit Store directly benefit PTO's activities to build community, improve school spirit, and have a positive impact on every student at TJ! 
Questions?  Contact Erin Markham for more information:   Erin@saucynoodle.com or  303-809-5449.
Counseling News
PTO News
  • Want to help make your students high school experience the best it can be?  
  • Want to support the staff at TJ? 
  • Want to get to know some parents at TJ?                                    
      Come to a PTO meeting!

We meet monthly and have 1-2 events each month that we support. You can help out as your schedule permits.   Email  tjhspto@gmail.com  with any questions.
Mental Health and Social/Emotional Tips
Did You Know?
There are some quick and easy things you can do to prepare for upcoming tests?

Whether we like it or not, the school "testing season" is upon us! Some people stress a lot, a little or not at all. Here are some simple things any test-taker can do to help with preparation for the big day:

1)    Get some sleep : Cramming the night before is not the best use your time. Adolescents need the most amount of sleep per night, and the night before a big test is no difference. Aim for 8-9 hours- plan ahead to go to bed earlier and make sure your alarm is set in the morning to give you plenty of time for breakfast and to get ready.
2)    Do something relaxing before bed : Put away your phone and all electronics at least an hour before bed (eye-roll, we know). Take a shower or bath, listen to music, draw, read, color, journal, talk with family, etc.
3)    Eat the right food : Dinner the night before and breakfast the morning of- keep it as healthy as possible, and limit sugar and caffeine intake. High-protein foods like scrambled eggs are often best for aiding concentration and minimizing fatigue.
4)    Wear comfortable clothing : This would be a good day to wear sweatpants or workout gear that is loose and breathable.
5)    Visit the Bathroom 15-30 minutes before : Limit water intake starting an hour before the test.
6)    Answer the questions you know : If you come across something that you can't answer, star it, and move on! Come back to the "starred" after completing all the items you know.
7)    Read the question in full before trying to answer it . At least some of the answer choices will be designed to trap students who don't read the question fully. Also identify the answer first before looking at the answer choices, since some of the choices will be designed to prime you into misinterpreting the question. Don't jump to conclusions.
8)    Take a deep breath: If youbecome anxious or overwhelmed, take a deep breath, try closing your eyes for a few seconds (but don't put your head down on the table!). Get back to it! Just do your best.

Mental Health and Social Emotional "Did You Know":  Compiled by Samanda Davis, LCSW, MSW and Natalie Koncz, Ed.S., NCSP. 
Lifeguard Training Class
This course includes Lifeguard Training, CPR and First Aid in one package.   (For those who have never taken the class before)  Must be 15 years old by the end of the course. 
All classes are held at Littleton High School
Dates: (Must attend All dates)  Wed April 18th at 6:30 pm,
                                                        Tues April 24th at 7:30 pm
                                                         Wed May 2nd  at 6:30 pm
                                                         Wed May 9th  at 6:30 pm
                                                         Wed May 16th at 6:30 pm
Lifeguard Training  Review  (for those that have taken the Lifeguarding Class before and have a current Card or one that  has expired no more than 30 days before class)
Dates:  May 22nd and May 23rd   6 pm  ( must attend both dates and includes first aid and CPR)  These classes will fill up soon! To register or for more information please call Linda at 303-771-2286
Part Time Custodian Wanted
To apply, please visit our website http://careers.dpsk12.org

Select " Work in DPS " and go to School support Operations and select " Apply Now. " Select " External Candidates. " Enter " Custodian " in Keyword box. Click the " Apply for the Job " button and enter your information. 
Class News You Can Use
All Classes 
  • Great news! All Class T-Shirts are now available (as well as other TJ gear) in the Spartan Store!

  • Supporting our TJ students, classrooms and teacher is as simple as a click of a button. Visit the online store to donate to TJ PTO today: Online Spartan Spirit Store for TJ Gear
Class of 2018 - Seniors
Class of 2018 parents: 
We need your help. Please sign up here to assist with After Prom. 

We are also in need of many items: We are looking for items to use in the transformation of the lobby and the gym for after prom.  The theme is "Enchanted Castle."  Please contact Amy Leonard if you have any of these items.  amy.leonard@comcast.net 

                        - Dungeon Lounge:  bean bags, large chairs or couches, benches, rugs, dark blankets
                        - Garden Food Court:  astro turf, garden tables and chairs, large glass jars & mason jars 
                        - Drawbridge Entry: two beams (like the kind you use for edging in a garden) to 
                          be used to mark the bridge as you enter the "castle doors" at the entrance to the school

Class of 2019 - Juniors
The Class of '19 is raising money for senior year activities including After Prom.

How you can support:
Class of 2020 - Sophomores
All parents are invited to attend the Class of 2020 Doce de Mayo Fiesta at 7:00 pm on Saturday, May 12th at the home of Lisa and Brad Freedberg. $30/per person at the door, with all proceeds going directly toward the Class of 2020's Senior year activities (including Prom, After Prom, Mr. TJ, etc).  The total raised at this party will be matched by the company of a 2020 family, so please join and help us with this fundraising effort!  Please RVSP  HERE

If you are interested in helping host this party, please reach out to Lisa LoJacono (lisalojacono@gmail.com) or Megan Perkins (megandperkins@gmail.com).
  • Thank you to Megan Perkins and Lisa LoJacono, the parent representatives for the Class of 2020. Please look for important information to come.  If you are interested in getting involved please email Megan at:   megandperkins@gmail.com  or Lisa at:   lisalojacono@gmail.com .
Class of 2021 - Freshmen
  • New Graduation Requirements! DPS has adopted new, evidence-based graduation requirements that will go into effect this year for the graduating class of 2021. Click here
    to read more!
  • Click here for a video about the new graduation requirements.
News from the Future Center
Seniors are encouraged to stop by the Future Center to set up a time to discuss their plans for next year.  

Rena Maez 
College Advisor, Thomas Jefferson High School 
Denver Scholarship Foundation | a 501(c)(3) Public Charity  
3950 S. Holly Street  |  Denver, CO 80237 
O 720.423.7134   F 720.423.7098
rmaez@denverscholarship.org |   www.denverscholarship.org