April 30, 2018

Administrator's Corner

Dear Spartan Families,

We are quickly approaching the end of the year and wanted to make everyone aware of our AP Exam and Final exam schedules. Please click here to view the AP testing schedule, and click here to view the schedule for Finals week. A reminder, strong attendance is a key to academic success, so please continue to encourage your student to make it a priority. 

Thanks TJ!

Queridas familias Spartan,  

Nos estamos acercando rápidamente al final del año y queríamos que todos conozcan nuestros exámenes AP y los horarios de exámenes finales. Haga clic aqui­ para ver el cronograma de pruebas de AP, y haga clic aqui para ver el cronograma de la semana de Finales. Un recordatorio, la asistencia fuerte es la clave del éxito académico, así que por favor continúe alentando a su estudiante para que sea una prioridad.  

Gracias TJ!

Andrew Skari
Assistant Principal
Quick Links
Week at a Glance - Week of 4/30-5/4
  • Please click here (or see the above "Athletics Schedule" quick link) to see athletic events for the week
  • Senior Awards Night at the Courtyard Marriott (by invitation only): Dinner at 6:00 p.m. and Program at 7:00 p.m.
  • Office Hours: 2:14-2:55 p.m.
  • Immigration Forum - 5:30 p.m. (details below)
Thursday -


  • Dance To Your Future Powwow (details below)
Kudos Korner
Congratulations to advisor Jerry Esparza and all of the SkillsUSA students! They once again represented TJ with outstanding conduct and skill. TJ has become the model of excellence in the SkillsUSA student organization nationwide. We were awarded the Chapter Gold Distinction and will be one of 24 finalists to go to the National competition in Louisville this June. There are over 4,000 chapters nationwide. 26 students received award medals at State and we have two students that were elected as State officers.

State Officers
Matt Bulger
Jack McCord

3D: Gold, Silver and Bronze medals
Daniel Medina
Nathan Vaugh
Conner Side
Jack McCord
Corey Spielman
Harrison Seremet

Web Design: Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals:
Katie Schroeck
Luis Merlin
Noah Mintz
Grace Leonard
Kate Overn
Nick VanWagner

Photography: Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals:
Miles Harrison
Jackson Reid
Tim Bulger

Computer Programming: Gold and Bronze medals:
Matt Bulger
Grant Junkermeier
Broadcasting: Gold
Avery Hericks
Cecelia Allen
Laura Brandon
Ariel Shunneson

T-Shirt Design: Bronze medal:
Tylin Holzer

Entrepreneurship: Silver medal:
Jack Thibodeau
Malek Abusina
Jack Kraus
Lucas Dines

Way to go, Spartans!
Your brain on Edible Marijuana:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUhJnKKQDTE
TJ's Food Bank
Greetings TJ parents,
TJ's food bank has been restocked and ready to serve to any family who would benefit.  Please contact Samanda Davis for more information or visit the foodbank during school hours.  It is open from 7:15-3:00 any day of the week.  Appointment is not necessary however it is not guaranteed someone will be in the mental health office to assist without a prior appointment. 
Samanda Davis
Immigration Forum - May 2

The Hispanic Latino Club has scheduled our Spring Immigration Forum at TJ on May 2nd at 5:30 pm in 111. Arturo Jimenez will be presenting the latest information on Immigration Law. We need help getting the word out, and would like to include all TJ community members that are impacted by current immigration issues. 
Dance to Your Future Powwow 2018 - Saturday, May 5
Native American Clubs and Alliances from several DPS high schools are organizing the Dance to Your Future Powwow, College Fair, Art Show, and Community Feed. Powwows are a strong pillar of Native American culture and a way to keep traditions going as well as honor the resiliency of Indigenous peoples. This powwow is to provide their community of Denver, DPS members, teachers, family and friends an opportunity to learn more about their different tribal cultures, learn about different college/career opportunities for Native students, share their art, and come together around a community feed. We hope to see DPS representing!
Job Opportunities
Star Playgrounds
We're looking for people to help with our summer playground installations, specifically highschoolers who would need a summer job. Basic requirements: are no felony background, be able to lift a bag of concrete, and be able to get to our office on SantaFe & Titan Parkway. Last year we had kids biking here! We start at 7am, pay $13-15/hr, and have an awesome office manager! They get to work outside assembling playgrounds. Right now we're looking for bodies from end of April or May until the fall. Click here for more information!
Young Americans Bank
There are some potential job opportunities that we have for your students at Young Americans Bank. If you do not know anything about us we are a bank that is designed to teach the youth about financial literacy. Please feel free to visit us our website at  www.yacenter.org   for additional information.
I am looking to hire 6 New Account Representatives for our Cherry Creek location and one for our Lakewood location. This position is a year round position, during the school year the students will primarily work every Saturday and can work 3-4 days a week during the summer/winter/spring break. The students will need to be at least 16 years old and be excited to work and learn about the financial industry. I have enclosed a job application and a job description for your review. I would be happy to come out and interview students who are interested. Please call me at the number listed below with any questions.

Click here for the job description, and click here for the employee application!

Lila Rodriguez
Operations Officer
Young Americans Bank
3550 E. 1
st Ave
Denver, CO  80206
Main: (303) 321-2265

Direct: (303) 320-3206
To apply, please visit our website http://careers.dpsk12.org

Select " Work in DPS " and go to School support Operations and select " Apply Now. " Select " External Candidates. " Enter " Custodian " in Keyword box. Click the " Apply for the Job " button and enter your information. 
Yearbook News
The yearbook is now $65 and can be purchased online. The book will be available until sold out, so act fast!  Anything that you need to know about the yearbook can be found on the yearbook website here !
Gardening Season is Coming in Hot
TJ Green Team is taking preorders!
  • For every preorder we will throw in an extra plant (of our choosing)
  • All Proceeds go to the Special Education Green Team
We will be selling:

Tomatoes (several varieties)
Jalapeno peppers

Please email Elizabeth_lynch2@dpsk12.org with your preorders
Spartan Spirit Store
The  TJ Spartan Spirit Store  is now in two places for your convenience-online and in the main hallway at TJ between the gym and auditorium. The store is also set up at select school events including athletic events, concerts, plays and conference nights.  Click here  for more information!
  • On-campus Spirit Store hours are on Fridays during lunch only. A couple of our wonderful parents alternate shifts to make the store convenient and accessible to students. It's also open during various special events. Julie Thibodeau will continue to be available at other times for the occasional urgent or spontaneous purchase.
  • We take cash and credit cards!
  • Order Spartan wear online. Great gifts for every class, parents and grads, too. 
  • Purchases from the Spirit Store directly benefit PTO's activities to build community, improve school spirit, and have a positive impact on every student at TJ! 
Questions?  Contact Erin Markham for more information:   Erin@saucynoodle.com or  303-809-5449.
PTO News
  • Want to help make your students high school experience the best it can be?  
  • Want to support the staff at TJ? 
  • Want to get to know some parents at TJ?                                    
      Come to a PTO meeting!

We meet monthly and have 1-2 events each month that we support. You can help out as your schedule permits.   Email  tjhspto@gmail.com  with any questions.
Mental Health and Social/Emotional Tips
Did You Know?
Spring is here- let's start the cleaning!
It is that time of the year that some people look forward to- opening the windows, deep-cleaning the house, getting rid of old items they no longer need; others may wince at the thought of going through closets, drawers, cabinets and feeling pressured to make the "to get rid of this, or to keep it?" decision. Though it can be difficult, time consuming and possibly argument-invoking, it can be important for your physical and mental health. Let's find out how!

What can "Spring Cleaning" do for me?
  • By making the effort to de-clutter areas, you can actually increase your productivity! Cleaning off your kitchen table, work-space, entry table, etc. can help support a more organized approach to work and facilitate ease with completing tasks. Plus, it may look nicer and more welcoming to guests and visitors in the home.
  • The cleaning process itself can increase your energy levels!
  • Spring cleaning can benefit your physical health! Do you ever think about the amount of dust and dirt that build up within the house? Cleaning your living space can help with asthma and allergies.
  • People who have a clean and tidy home are happier. Hello strong mental health! Cleaning your space can provide a sense of accomplishment, pride and satisfaction. And perhaps decrease conflict with family members, roommates, etc.
  • Regularly cleaning and de-cluttering can help increase focus and decision making! By removing obstacles (which are often the physical presence of stuff) from your space, you now can focus on problem solving and decision making.
  • You can give back to your community. All those un-used items can be donated to charities for people and families in need. Or you can plan a garage sale with your neighbors and use the collected money to do something nice for the neighborhood or community (basketball hoop on the street, plants for some homes, donate to a local foodbank, etc.)
Now, put on some tunes and get going!
Mental Health and Social Emotional "Did You Know":  Compiled by Samanda Davis, LCSW, MSW and Natalie Koncz, Ed.S., NCSP. 
Class News You Can Use
All Classes 
  • Great news! All Class T-Shirts are now available (as well as other TJ gear) in the Spartan Store!

  • Supporting our TJ students, classrooms and teacher is as simple as a click of a button. Visit the online store to donate to TJ PTO today: Online Spartan Spirit Store for TJ Gear
Class of 2018 - Seniors
Class of 2018 parents: 
We need your help. Please sign up here to assist with After Prom. 

We are also in need of many items: We are looking for items to use in the transformation of the lobby and the gym for after prom.  The theme is "Enchanted Castle."  Please contact Amy Leonard if you have any of these items.  amy.leonard@comcast.net 

                        - Dungeon Lounge:  bean bags, large chairs or couches, benches, rugs, dark blankets
                        - Garden Food Court:  astro turf, garden tables and chairs, large glass jars & mason jars 
                        - Drawbridge Entry: two beams (like the kind you use for edging in a garden) to 
                          be used to mark the bridge as you enter the "castle doors" at the entrance to the school

Class of 2019 - Juniors
The Class of '19 is raising money for senior year activities including After Prom.

How you can support:
Class of 2020 - Sophomores
All parents are invited to attend the Class of 2020 Cinco de Mayo Fiesta at 7:00 pm on Saturday, May 12th at the home of Lisa and Brad Freedberg. $30/per person at the door, with all proceeds going directly toward the Class of 2020's Senior year activities (including Prom, After Prom, Mr. TJ, etc).  The total raised at this party will be matched by the company of a 2020 family, so please join and help us with this fundraising effort!  Please RVSP  HERE

If you are interested in helping host this party, please reach out to Lisa LoJacono (lisalojacono@gmail.com) or Megan Perkins (megandperkins@gmail.com).
Class of 2021 - Freshmen
  • New Graduation Requirements! DPS has adopted new, evidence-based graduation requirements that will go into effect this year for the graduating class of 2021. Click here
    to read more!
  • Click here for a video about the new graduation requirements.
News from the Future Center
Seniors are encouraged to stop by the Future Center to set up a time to discuss their plans for next year.  

Rena Maez 
College Advisor, Thomas Jefferson High School 
Denver Scholarship Foundation | a 501(c)(3) Public Charity  
3950 S. Holly Street  |  Denver, CO 80237 
O 720.423.7134   F 720.423.7098
rmaez@denverscholarship.org |   www.denverscholarship.org