April 28, 2016
Quick Links
April Tutoring: 
Thursday 4/28
Administrator's Corner

Here at TJ we are placing great emphasis on college readiness. We pride ourselves on our AP and Concurrent Enrollment offerings and opportunities. Read the questions below to learn more about how well our students are doing (correct answers are in  red )!  Aquí, en TJ estamos poniendo gran énfasis en la preparación para la universidad. Nos enorgullecemos de nuestras ofertas y oportunidades de AP y de Inscripción Concurrentes en la Universidad. Lea las siguientes preguntas para aprender más acerca de lo bien que nuestros estudiantes están haciendo (respuestas correctas están en rojo)!

(1)  What % of the Class of 2016 has taken a Concurrent Enrollment and/or Advanced Placement Class? 
¿Qué % de la Clase de 2016 ha tomado una inscripción concurrente y/o colocación de clases avanzadas, AP?
A) 40%     B) 50%      C) 60%     D) 70%       E) 80%    
F) 90%
(2)  What is the overall Pass Rate for students enrolled in AP classes at TJ and what is our Goal (circle 2 answers if needed)? 
¿Cuál es la proporción de estudiantes matriculados que han pasado las clases de AP en TJ y cual es nuestra meta (circulé 2 respuestas si es necesario)?
A) 20%        B) 30%         C) 40%        D) 50%         E)  60%      F) 70%
(3)  How many students at TJ are currently enrolled in a Concurrent Enrollment and/or AP class? 
¿Cuántos estudiantes en TJ están actualmente inscritos en una inscripción concurrente y/o en clases avanzadas, AP?
A)1000       B)900        C) 800      D) 700        E) 600         F) 500
(4)  What is the pass rate for TJ students in Concurrent Enrollment Classes? 
¿Cuál es la proporción de estudiantes matriculados que han pasado las clases concurrentes?
A) 100%   B) 93%    C) 72%       D) 31%        E)  40%           F) 52%
(5)  What % of the Class of 2016 has applied to a 2 or 4 year college (as of 4/11/16)? 
¿Qué % de la Clase de 2016 ha aplicado a una universidad de 2 o 4 años (a partir del 04/11/16)?
A)100%     B) 91%       C) 83%       D) 74%       E)  62%         F) 51%
(6)  What is the average number of college credits (or equivalent) that a member of the Class of 2016 will have earned by May, 2016? 
¿Cuál es el número promedio de créditos de la universidad (o equivalente) que un miembro de la Clase del 2016 obtendrá en mayo de 2016?
A) 12          B) 3              C) 8           D) 5             E)  6                  F)  1
(7)  How many college credits can a student earn by passing a CLEP test
¿Cuántos créditos universitarios puede obtener un estudiante pasando el examen CLEP?
  A) 1-2    B) 3-4     C) 4-7         D) 6-9       E)  10-12               F)  13-15
(8)  How many college credits do you need to qualify for ASCENT
¿Cuántos créditos universitarios necesita un estudiante para calificar para ASCENT?
A)3           B) 12            C) 10             D) 7            E) 15                 F)  9

Suzanne Morris-Sherer
Kudos Korner
  • Kudos to the foll owing  Robert Sullivan Scholarship recipients: 
    Franz-Josiah M. Torres,  Gabriella Reina Harrison,  Evan Anderson,  Mohammad Ramadan,   Mahdi Ramadan, and  Blaise Hokkanen
Robotics Team Headed to Nationals!
On May 19th, 2016, TJ students Leo Busse, Jacob Hermelink, Tegan Suzuki, Beck Moore, and Roger Nakagawa will be traveling to Baton Rogue, Louisiana, to attend the SeaPerch national competition. If you're interested in assisting these students in covering the expenses for this trip, please click here. Thanks to the PTO/TJ Partners and the DTC Rotary Club for making significant contributions already!
Principal Selection Process Update
DPD Museum Fund Drive
TJ Spartans are participating in a community service project to help organize and develop the first Denver Police Department Museum. The museum will exhibit the history of the Denver Police department, as well as some of the past and current tools and technologies utilized by officers and law enforcement staff. The museum also wants to include interactive exhibits, especially for young visitors to the museum and older students wanting to explore the workings of law enforcement and the study of criminal science. The museum also hopes to create a bridge between the Denver Police Department and the community, attract Denver visitors and especially engage with the younger citizens of Denver and the Metro area. 

One main focus of the museum is a memorial section that serves as a tribute to officers killed in the line of duty. Starting Monday April 25, student volunteers will be working to raise money to purchase two flags that will be placed at the incident locations of fallen officers. The flags will serve as a landmark and a memorial to those officers throughout the city of Denver. Volunteer students will be collecting "Coins for Cops"  over the next two weeks, 
collecting donations before school and during the lunch hour. 

If you would like to donate to the project, please see volunteers Vasi Reiva (10), Gwen McClennan (10) or Tyler Moffat(10), or you can see Ms. Starbuck in room 125.  Our goal is to raise $300, with $200 going towards the memorial flags and $100 going to the "Coffee & Donuts with the Cops" event on May 13 here at TJ. Student volunteers and staff are invited to participate in that event and meet other volunteers working toward the development of the Denver Police Department Museum, neighborhood police officers and city council supporters. 

After our fist day of collection, we have already raised over $20, so we are on our way! If you have any questions or know of any students that would like to participate and earn community service hours and experience, or if you would like to donate, please see Ms. Starbuck in room 125! Thank you for supporting our men and women in BLUE!
April 27th - Community Meeting with Councilwoman Black
May 5th - Save the Date! Induction and Senior NHS Celebration 
Attention all students who will be Juniors or Seniors during the 2016/2017 School year! If you have a GPA of 3.75 or higher you should receive a letter inviting you to join the Thomas Jefferson High School Chapter of the National Honor Society. Extra Letters and lists of eligible students can be found on the door of room 229. Applications with essays are due by April 21st 2016. Decisions will be posted on April 25th 2016.
The Induction and Senior NHS Celebration  will occur on May 5 th  from 6:00-8:00 pm. 
at Thomas Jefferson High School in the Community Room.
Tickets are $20.00 a person
Dinner catered by Jim & Nicks BBQ  
You do not need to attend the dinner to be inducted into the TJ NHS chapter.
Formal invitations will be sent with chapter acceptance letters
Attention 8th Graders/Incoming Spartans!
The Center for Urban Education (CUE), Metropolitan State University of Denver is offering   two   3-week college readiness camps   FREE   to current 8th grade students who will be entering a DPS high school in fall 2016.  The   9th Grade College Readiness Camps  will take place at Metropolitan State University of Denver on Auraria Campus. The  June session is June 13-July 1, 2016 from 9:00 am-3:30 pm. The  July session is July 11-July 29, 2016 from 9:00 am - 3:30 pm.  Both the June and July college readiness camps include the following special features:
  • Fun, hands-on projects aimed at college readiness
  • Specially designed classes taught by university professors
  • MSU Denver students who serve as college readiness mentors and guides (Spanish speaking mentors on staff)
  • Field trips and campus tours
PLEASE NOTE:  We will accept applications on a first-come, first-serve basis until all 120 slots have been filled.  

Click here to read more and access the application in English.
Click here to read more and access the application in Spanish. 

Please note: all applications are due May 4th!
Teens Take the Wheel
Spartan Football Meeting - May 3
A meeting for all parents/guardians of Spartan football players will be in the cafeteria on Tuesday evening, May 3rd at 6:30pm. Please come meet the new Spartan Football coach, Derrick Martin and get the information you need concerning the upcoming summer and Fall season. Coach Martin will review the remaining school year workout schedule, the summer schedule, costs for players, fundraising opportunities , football camp plans and answer your questions.
TJ Boys' Basketball Futures Tryouts
5th Annual DCIS Pow-wow: May 6th
Student Services Resource Fair  - May 7
GT News
"Mile High Discussions" is in its season premiere on  DPS' own TV network.  The premise of the show is to feature and elevate s trong student voices to another dimension by inviting a panel of 3-4 high school students each show to have w ell-balanced and "deep dive" conversations with popular and randomized topics.  Guests enjoy in-depth, intellectual discourse with "twists."
Interested Spartans should contact Mr. Weaver immediately!
Spring Concert - May 10
This will be the spring concert for the bands and orchestras, and also the last concert for my seniors - some of the strongest players I've had the privilege of working with -  Scott Brandon (flute),  Jabril Jeylani & Cassidy Cobb (clarinet),  Brandon Griffith (tuba),   Sam Trout & Kham-Shem Touré (percussion), and  Alex Rico (any instrument I need - but for this performance saxophone & cello).  

T he orchestra will be playing the 1st movement of the Mozart Clarinet Concerto, which Jabril will play the solo.  The theme of the concert is music from around the world.  Sam Trout & Kham-Shem Touré have each arranged music, for the percussion ensemble.

Bring the family - a free evening of culture.  I used to take my kids even as infants and toddlers to high school and college concerts, sit in the back, and when they got wiggly, we'd quietly leave.  I was often surprised at how long they would stay interested, sometimes making it through entire concerts.   We'd love the company, so please consider setting aside the evening.

Thanks! Sincerely, Robin Johnson
Yearbook Party Signing
We will have a yearbook signing party on May 13th during the Backyard Bash. Pre-ordered yearbooks will also be distributed at this time. Students will need their IDs in order to claim their book. If you haven't already purchased a yearbook, and you would like it to arrive before the signing party, you should order online or see Mr. Forrester. He has a limited amount of books for sale. To purchase a book online, go to the TreeRing website at any time from this point forward. Please click the 'Aristocrat Yearbook' link on the tjjournal for directions on how to purchase online. It can be found under the 'News and Events' menu.
Night Out - Rescheduled for Friday, May 13th
All for One Community Golf Tournament - May 21

$95.00 per player (includes green fees, cart, great lunch, prizes) 
4 Person Teams - Modified Scramble - 7:30am Shotgun Start
Lots of Team and Individual Men/Women Prizes! 

ACT Books Available
We have 15 book sets for sale for $10. The set includes: Course Workbook for the ACT, Early Edge for the ACT, and 1,460 ACT Practice questions. The set is brand new and over a $100 value. Interested students can bring money to Ms. Cummins in room 134. Thanks!
Attention All Parents: Get Social!
Have you or someone close to you experienced the FOMO blues?
If your fear of missing out (FOMO) on the opportunities, people and goings on at TJ keeps you up at night (or even if it doesn't), know that there is help for people like you. TJ's web site and social media spaces are loaded with information, resources, announcements, updates, and great photos that will dial you into the incredible school culture that is TJ. There IS hope in even the most extreme FOMO cases. We invite you to review the website regularly, and connect with us on  TwitterFacebook and  Instagram. And know that in your FOMO you are not alone. We don't want to miss the opportunity for you to share your team or event photos, celebrations and milestones, interesting resources and opportunities. So please include @TJSpartans on Twitter and Instagram. Use a hashtag or two such as #SpartanPride #BrownAndGold #GoForTheGold and #TJSpartans to make these social shares searchable and tie them into TJ's social cloud. Warning: social engagement with TJ may lead to bouts of spontaneous pride and uncontrollable laughter. TJ may be held liable for these and other positive side effects including those that lead to closer friendships, indelible memories, greater performance and higher test scores. 
Parent/Student Portal
If you haven't signed up for the Parent/Student Portal, please do so ASAP!
1. visit myportal.dpsk12.org
2. Click the "getting started" tab on the top
3. Fill out the form on the left with your name, e-mail address, phone number, student name, school ID number (lunch number) and student's 8 digit date of birth. Click "submit."
4. Create your username and password. Click "submit."
5. You will receive an e-mail immediately from the DPS Portal Team with a link to activate your account.
Class News You Can Use
All Classes 
Class of 2016 - Seniors
5/3 - 5-8:30PM - Senior Awards Dinner (By Invitation Only)
5/17 - Last Full day of classes for Seniors - Senior Checkout!
5/18 - 8-10 a.m. - MANDATORY Mini-Graduation Rehearsal in TJ Auditorium
· Seniors must attend t o participate in graduation ceremonies. 
5/18 - FINAL CHECKOUT with Counselors
5/18 - Flippin' Flapjacks Event:  Pa ncake and sausage breakfast will be provided for all seniors after mini-rehearsal and check-out 
5/24 - 8-11AM Graduation Rehearsal
· Auraria Campus Physical Education/Event Center (PE), 1255 10th St, Denver, CO 80204
· Seniors must attend to participate in graduation ceremonies
5/25 - 5-7PM - GRADUATION
·   Auraria Campus Physical Education/Event Center (PE), 1255 10th St, Denver, CO 80204 (more info on when to arrive will be provided at rehearsal)
· Seniors will get their 5 free tickets the day they check out. Additional tickets can be purchased from the treasurer for $5 each. Parking is at the Tivoli, parents do pay for parking. 
Class of 2017 - Juniors
  • How to stay in the loop and share your ideas for the Class of 2017:  tjhs2017@gmail.com
  • Class of 2017 t-shirts - at  mkt.com/tj2017 online store for Class of 2017
  •  Follow 2017 Class on Twitter - @2017TJHS
Class of 2018 - Sophomores
  • To Donate to the class of 2018 fund for after prom and other events, go online to the TJ Spartan Store , and see the button in the sectioncalled "All Fundraisers." 


Class of 2019 - Freshmen
AP Testing Schedule
News from the Future Center

For upcoming events, college visits, financial aid workshops, scholarships, and much more, visit the Future Center wikipage!
Rena Maez 
College Advisor, Thomas Jefferson High School 
Denver Scholarship Foundation | a 501(c)(3) Public Charity  
3950 S. Holly Street  |  Denver, CO 80237 
O 720.423.7134   F 720.423.7098
rmaez@denverscholarship.org |   www.denverscholarship.org