April 21, 2016
Administrator's Corner

It's a busy time of year! Here are some important dates coming up:
  • Prom will take place on Saturday 4/23 (details below)
  • AP Testing will take place 5/2-5/13 (details and schedule below)
  • The all school Talent Show and Backyard Bash will take place on 5/13, followed by the rescheduled Night Out
  • Senior Checkout is 5/17 (second day of checkout is 5/18)
  • Graduation is 5/25! Seniors will get their 5 free tickets the day they checkout. Additional tickets can be purchased from the treasurer for $5 each. (see more details below)
  • Final Exams will take place 5/25-5/27; (click here for the specific schedule)
Please be sure to read the "College Prep at TJ" section below. It outlines critical information about what the district is doing to save our families money and extra stress by having students take AP classes/exams as well as concurrent enrollment classes. It's amazing how much COLLEGE progress our students are making during their high school years! 

Please continue to push attendance and achievement with your students...we're almost there and every step counts! 

Andrew Skari
Assistant Principal | Athletic Director
Quick Links
April Tutoring: 
Thursday 4/21 
Thursday 4/28
Saturday School will take place Saturday the 23rd from 8-11am in the library.
Kudos Korner
  • Kudos to the advanced robotics students and their aquabot...they placed 2nd in in the regional competition and are headed to nationals!
On Saturday, April 16th, 2016, Thomas Jefferson High School students competed in the SeaPerch 2016 Denver Regional Competition. Leo Busse, Jacob Hermelink, Tegan Suzuki, Beck Moore, and Roger Nakagawa took first place in the poster presentation and second place overall. This group of students will be traveling to Baton Rogue, Louisiana, to compete in the National Competition in May. 
Principal Selection Process Update
Click here to view the list of  School Leader Characteristics c ompiled by the Office of Family and Community Engagement. The list includes feedback received online from Thomas Jefferson High School community members and families.
Mr. TJ! And The Winners Are...
The Mr. TJ "Raining Men" have come and gone for 2016. A fun night was had by all. A great big round of applause to the Class of 2016 for putting on quite a show. After much deliberation by the fine judges; Grant Laman, Jeremy Anderson, Norm Shearer (Class of '90), Tony Pigford (Class of '91), and Seniors Jordan Graham and Maddie Jacobsen, the honors go to Mr. Congenialities, Franz Torres and Alec Stolz, Mr. Talent Ben Salinger, Runner-Up Chris Scarborough and the title of Mr. TJ 2016 goes to Jonny Sundeen.

These fine young men and women put in countless hours during lunch, on weekends and late nights bringing the show together to help raise money for Prom 2016. Thanks to everyone that came to the performance last Friday. We look forward to seeing what the Class of 2017 has in the forecast for next year...
April 27th - Community Meeting with Councilwoman Black
College Prep at TJ..."Did you know?"
Here at TJ we are placing great emphasis on college readiness. We pride ourselves on our AP and Concurrent Enrollment offerings and opportunities. Read the questions below to learn more about how well our students are doing (correct answers are in red)!

What % of the Class of 2016 has taken a Concurrent Enrollment and/or Advanced Placement Class?
[A] 40%             [B] 50%             [C] 60%            [D] 70%             [E] 80%            [F] 90%
What is the overall Pass Rate for students enrolled in AP classes at TJ and what is our Goal (circle 2 answers if needed)?
[A] 20%              [B] 30%             [C] 40%           [D] 50%             [E] 60%                   [F] 70%
How many students at TJ are currently enrolled in a Concurrent Enrollment and/or AP class?
[A] 1000             [B] 900               [C] 800             [D] 700              [E] 600                    [F] 500
What is the pass rate for TJ students in Concurrent Enrollment Classes?
[A] 100%          [B] 93%               [C] 72%           [D] 31%             [E] 40%                   [F] 52%
What % of the Class of 2016 has applied to a 2 or 4 year college (as of 4/11/16)?
[A] 100%           [B] 91%              [C] 83%            [D] 74%            [E] 62%                   [F] 51%
What is the average number of college credits (or equivalent) that a member of the Class of 2016 will have earned by May, 2016?
 [A] 12              [B] 3                      [C] 8                [D] 5                    [E]  6                        [F]  1
How many college credits can a student earn by passing a CLEP test?
 [A] 1-2            [B] 3-4                  [C] 4-7              [D] 6-9                [E] 10-12                 [F] 13-15
How many college credits do you need to qualify for ASCENT?
  [A] 3                 [B] 12                   [C] 10                 [D] 7                   [E] 15                       [F] 9

Student Journalist Selected for National Media Event
Lucy Peterson takes her love for journalism to new heights as she attends a nationwide conference.
TJ sophomore Lucy Peterson has been nominated to represent her school and city at the 2016 Washington Journalism and Media Conference (WJMC) at George Mason University in Washington D.C. She is one of over two hundred students from all over the country who will be attending. Peterson was chosen because of her academic accomplishments and her interest in journalism and media studies. Read more
Attention 8th Graders/Incoming Spartans!
9th Grade College Readiness Summer Camp 
The 9th Grade College Readiness Summer Camp is sponsored through a partnership between Denver Public Schools and the Center for Urban Education at Metropolitan State University of Denver for entering 9th grade students and their families. 

The 9th Grade College Readiness Summer Camp is aimed at strengthening student educational interest, motivation and achievement that will lead to the development of a successful vision and plan for high school success, college access and degree completion. We seek participants from DPS 9th
grade students, including Denver Charter Schools. 

Click here to read more and access the application in English.
Click here to read more and access the application in Spanish. 

Please note: all applications are due May 4th!
TJ Boys' Basketball Futures Tryouts
GT News
"Mile High Discussions" is in its season premiere on  DPS' own TV network.  The premise of the show is to feature and elevate s trong student voices to another dimension by inviting a panel of 3-4 high school students each show to have w ell-balanced and "deep dive" conversations with popular and randomized topics.  Guests enjoy in-depth, intellectual discourse with "twists."
Interested Spartans should contact Mr. Weaver immediately!
Night Out - Rescheduled for Friday, May 13th
Health Screening
Each year DPS conducts health screenings for students in specific grades. At the high school level all 9th graders are screened as well as testable students in special education. The screening consists of vision and hearing screenings as well as height/weight (BMI) measurements. At Thomas Jefferson High School the screenings will take place on April 22 & 25; Recheck dates are April 26 & 27. If you would NOT like your student screened you must notify the school nurse prior to April 15, 2016 via e-mail to Deborah_Samuels@dpsk12.org

Cada año DPS lleva a cabo exámenes de salud para los estudiantes en grados específicos. En el nivel de secundaria todos los estudiantes de 9º grado son examinados, así tambien como estudiantes en educación especial que puedan ser examinados. Los exámenes consisten en exámenes de la vista y la audición, mediciones de altura/peso (IMC). En la escuela, Thomas Jefferson los exámenes tomaran lugar los días 22 y 25 de abril; revisiones son el 26 y el 27 de abril. Si NO le gustaría que su estudiante sea examinado debe notificar a la enfermera de la escuela antes del 15 de abril del 2016 a través de un correo electrónico a
All for One Community Golf Tournament - May 21

$95.00 per player (includes green fees, cart, great lunch, prizes) 
4 Person Teams - Modified Scramble - 7:30am Shotgun Start
Lots of Team and Individual Men/Women Prizes! 

Attention All Parents: Get Social!
Have you or someone close to you experienced the FOMO blues?
If your fear of missing out (FOMO) on the opportunities, people and goings on at TJ keeps you up at night (or even if it doesn't), know that there is help for people like you. TJ's web site and social media spaces are loaded with information, resources, announcements, updates, and great photos that will dial you into the incredible school culture that is TJ. There IS hope in even the most extreme FOMO cases. We invite you to review the website regularly, and connect with us on  TwitterFacebook and  Instagram. And know that in your FOMO you are not alone. We don't want to miss the opportunity for you to share your team or event photos, celebrations and milestones, interesting resources and opportunities. So please include @TJSpartans on Twitter and Instagram. Use a hashtag or two such as #SpartanPride #BrownAndGold #GoForTheGold and #TJSpartans to make these social shares searchable and tie them into TJ's social cloud. Warning: social engagement with TJ may lead to bouts of spontaneous pride and uncontrollable laughter. TJ may be held liable for these and other positive side effects including those that lead to closer friendships, indelible memories, greater performance and higher test scores. 
Bringing Down the Hammel
Assistant Principal Paula Hammel brings order and discipline to Thomas Jefferson.
Paula Hammel, a member of TJ's administration and a fairly new face to TJ, is helping teachers and students around the school by creating a well-rounded environment through her disciplinary actions, as well as offering support in certain areas of curriculum. The addition of Hammel to the TJ family has brought even more structure to the school and has uplifted TJ's appearance to students and parents outside of TJ and DPS. Read more
Class News You Can Use
All Classes 
Class of 2016 - Seniors

The countdown is ON - 24 school days until the Class of 2016 will no longer be DPS students.  You may be having a plethora of emotions as we get closer and closer to graduation; happiness, sadness, confusion, anxiety, and excitement just to name a few.  We thought it would be helpful to lay out a few dates that you will want to have on your calendar over the next few weeks.
If your student had Cap and Gown pictures taken, the order form proofs are available in the main office.
4/23 - 8-11pm - SENIOR PROM
· Curtis Room at Landmark - 5345 Landmark Pl, Greenwood Village, CO 80111
· Tickets must be purchased ahead of time - $35 for single, $60 for couple
· Prom corsages and boutonnieres - Class of 2016 are providing corsages ($15) and boutonnières ($10) for Prom, place your order with Sara at:   tjprom2016@gmail.com .
·We are looking for parent volunteers to help with the candy station  and volunteers to help set up decoration and tear down as well as chaperones. 
5/3 - 5-8:30PM - Senior Awards Dinner (By Invitation Only)
5/11 Office Hours Seniors Recognition 
5/17 - Last Full day of classes for Seniors - Senior Checkout!
5/18 - 8-10 a.m. - MANDATORY Mini-Graduation Rehearsal in TJ Auditorium
· Seniors must attend to participate in graduation ceremonies. 
5/18 - FINAL CHECKOUT with Counselors
5/24 - 8-11AM Graduation Rehearsal
· Auraria Campus Physical Education/Event Center (PE), 1255 10th St, Denver, CO 80204
· Seniors must attend to participate in graduation ceremonies
5/25 - 5-7PM - GRADUATION
·   Auraria Campus Physical Education/Event Center (PE), 1255 10th St, Denver, CO 80204 (more info on when to arrive will be provided at rehearsal)
· Seniors will get their 5 free tickets the day they check out. Additional tickets can be purchased from the treasurer for $5 each. Parking is at the Tivoli, parents do pay for parking. 
Congrats - YOU MADE IT.  Time to celebrate!  Best Wishes to the Class of 2016 as they move on to the next adventure in their lives.  You will be missed, Spartans!
Class of 2017 - Juniors
  • How to stay in the loop and share your ideas for the Class of 2017:  tjhs2017@gmail.com
  • Class of 2017 t-shirts - at  mkt.com/tj2017 online store for Class of 2017
  •  Follow 2017 Class on Twitter - @2017TJHS
Class of 2018 - Sophomores
  • To Donate to the class of 2018 fund for after prom and other events, go online to the TJ Spartan Store , and see the button in the sectioncalled "All Fundraisers." 


Class of 2019 - Freshmen
Teens Take the Wheel
May 5th - Save the Date! Induction and Senior NHS Celebration 
Attention all students who will be Juniors or Seniors during the 2016/2017 School year! If you have a GPA of 3.75 or higher you should receive a letter inviting you to join the Thomas Jefferson High School Chapter of the National Honor Society. Extra Letters and lists of eligible students can be found on the door of room 229. Applications with essays are due by April 21st 2016. Decisions will be posted on April 25th 2016.
The Induction and Senior NHS Celebration  will occur on May 5 th  from 6:00-8:00 pm. 
at Thomas Jefferson High School in the Community Room.
Tickets are $20.00 a person
Dinner catered by Jim & Nicks BBQ  
You do not need to attend the dinner to be inducted into the TJ NHS chapter.
Formal invitations will be sent with chapter acceptance letters
AP Testing Schedule
News from the Future Center

For upcoming events, college visits, financial aid workshops, scholarships, and much more, visit the Future Center wikipage!
Rena Maez 
College Advisor, Thomas Jefferson High School 
Denver Scholarship Foundation | a 501(c)(3) Public Charity  
3950 S. Holly Street  |  Denver, CO 80237 
O 720.423.7134   F 720.423.7098
rmaez@denverscholarship.org |   www.denverscholarship.org