Read on to find out what YOU made possible at Talbot Interfaith Shelter this month! | |
Thanks to YOU, we served 47 people this month, including:
14 Single Individuals
12 Families
22 Children (and 1 newborn baby boy!)
Guests ranged in age from newborn to 67 years old
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Throughout March at TIS, as the warmth of a new season breathes life into the world around us, we find ourselves equally invigorated by the spirit of compassion that continues to blossom within our community. As Spring unfolds its petals, we extend our gratitude to each and every one of our dedicated volunteers whose support provides the nourishment and care our shelter thrives upon. In this season of renewal, we stand united in our efforts to create a brighter tomorrow for those experiencing homelessness.
Read on to see what YOU made possible in March!
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This month, we are thrilled to highlight the steady progress and successes of our guests at TIS. Through diligent case management and tailored support, three core themes that are integral to the path to stability have emerged in March: education, career coaching, and mental health support. These pillars signify the holistic approach we are able to undertake with your support to empower our guests towards sustainable independence.
One guest who recently moved into her new transitional apartment is continuing her education while employed full-time and enrolling in a writing course for the Spring Semester, exemplifying her effort to improve her professional skillset. She is also attending, with her partner, the parenting class under the TIS S4 Program every other Tuesday sponsored by the Talbot County Department of Social Services. In other educational news, two young men who recently made the wonderful steps of 1) securing jobs and 2) moving out of Evelyn's Place into their own transitional apartments are optimistic and looking forward to building long-term career paths under the guidance of their TIS Case Manager. They are working with Mr. Deluca at Chesapeake College at their upcoming Career Counseling appointments, and while both are open to exploring vocational options, one has already developed a strong interest in drafting/technical drawing.
Another of our long-term guests who has been considering a career shift throughout her time in the S4 Program was recently hired by Mid-Shore employer who has offered to cover the tuition expenses for her to become a Medical Assistant. Her transition to a new role, coupled with tuition assistance from her employer, highlights the transformative impact of your support in facilitating career advancement. All of the Transitional Housing Program participants mentioned above pay their portion of the rent in a timely manner and cooperate wonderfully with the requirements and suggestions of the S4 Program. They are making progress and things are working out, and we thank YOU for making their path to self-sufficiency and well-being possible.
For all guests at TIS, mental health support remains integral to our mission of holistic care. The implementation of a new standardized mental health assessment for S4 Program entrants underscores our commitment to addressing the emotional and psychological well-being of our guests. This proactive approach, that includes a Wellness Goal Plan, ensures that individuals receive the necessary support to navigate life's challenges and cultivate resilience. Many of our guests have started to take great care of their physical health as well with access to the Choptank Community Health Mobile Unit that visits every other Tuesday.
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Our Conscientious Kitchen!
Something many of us take for granted is being able to purchase takeout, buy groceries, and cook meals depending on what we're in the mood for each day. Due to the generosity of TIS volunteers, residents at our shelters have homemade meals dropped off daily, and rest easy knowing that they will have nourishing, healthy and delicious food that they and their families can depend on and enjoy together each day.
We want to extend a special thank you to each of the thoughtful volunteers this month who dropped off meals of sugar-conscious foods and desserts that ALL of our guests can enjoy without worry, especially those living with diabetes. We are so grateful to have such conscientious volunteers in our community.
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YOU make all of this possible. Your generosity,
kindness, and compassion changes lives for the
better. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you!
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15 Years of Changing Lives Together! | |
Talbot Interfaith Shelter was formed in 2008, and during the first week of January 2009, we first began serving our unhoused neighbors as a rotating cold-weather shelter, rotating between faith communities and serving five people at a time. Six congregations hosted our guests, and many others provided volunteers for our “homeless” homeless shelter.
Fifteen years later, we have two permanent shelter facilities and seventeen off-site transitional apartments, and often serve more than fifty people at one time. We owe it all to you and your unwavering generosity, compassion, and encouragement. We are so proud to partner with you in the fight against homelessness in our community!
Click the button below to read our full TIS-Story:
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Spotlight on Team TIS
March has been a productive month for Team TIS! We opened up ticket sales for our 2024 Lip Sync Battle fundraiser on April 27th at the Waterfowl Building, and have already raised $17,914 (and counting every minute) towards the $100,000 goal! Staff members, board members, volunteers, and Lip Sync Battle participants all showed up on St. Patrick's Day to carry a banner promoting the event and hand out invitations to the live show. Check out the 2024 lip sync videos HERE!
Executive Director, Julie Lowe, spoke about TIS at the CCE Women's Faith and Fellowship gathering on March 7th, where Holly, sister of board member Ann Davis, also shared her insight and support for the shelter and its mission. TIS Ambassador Elaina Jones facilitated the gathering and a TIS honorarium collection.
Generous volunteers like Elizabeth Parks and Faith Carroll continued to provide delicious meals and desserts each night at Easton's Promise and Evelyn's Place. We had incredible support from the community this month in regards to fulfillment of items on our Amazon Wishlist, ensuring that our guests and shelter homes are well stocked with the essentials. We received wonderful donations from the Caroline County Lions Club for guests with accessibility needs, dropped off with a smile (as always) by Dave Davis. Members of the Talbot County Garden Club brightened up our living spaces with beautiful Easter flower arrangements. We ended the month with organizer John Smith and a group of members from the Easton Lions Club giving much-needed TLC to both shelter house yards at their annual yard clean-up!
We hope you will take a few moments to watch the video below and check out some of the highlights from our wonderful Team TIS this month!
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Easton Lions Club volunteers worked hard to clean up our yards. | |
TIS staff and volunteers join the Easton St. Patrick's Day Parade! | |
A Special Message for our Promisekeepers!
Thank you to our 50 Promisekeepers who make a recurring monthly gift in support of our mission. Your reliable generosity enables us to make a significant dent in the $1.4M we need in order to meet our operating budget for this year.
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As a thank you to our loyal Promisekeepers, TIS launched a new incentive program to show our appreciation! Each month, any enrolled TIS monthly donor will automatically be entered to win wonderful monthly prizes courtesy of local businesses like Rise Up Coffee. Our March winner has been chosen - stay tuned for April's winner! | |
To become a TIS Volunteer, contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Nancy Cummings, at 410-690-3120 or nancycummings@talbotinterfaithshelter.org.
Click the button below to meet more Team TIS members!
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It's the best time of the year! Lip Sync Season has officially begun, and all 19 teams participating in our Online Video Competition, and Live Competition on April 27th at the Waterfowl Building in Easton, are well underway with fundraising to take the top spot in this year's battle! For those of you who haven't purchased tickets yet, you can do so now online via the link below - and don't forget to VOTE for your favorite team with any purchase or donation towards the Lip Sync Battle! | And, of course, don't forget to check out Team TIS jammin' to Lean On Me! | Thank You, Lip Sync Battle 2024 Sponsors | Do you know someone looking to promote their business or lend support to a great cause that empowers all kinds of people in our Mid-Shore community? We need YOUR help finding the ROCK STAR SPONSOR. Our sponsorships include various marketing promotions like event signage, digital and print advertising, and promotion via major local media outlets. Shop sponsorships easily and securely online now! | |
If you are able to help us stock up on any of the following, we would be so grateful: | |
- 39-Gallon Lawn Trash Bags
- Fresh Fruit
- 16-Gallon Storage Tubs
- Paper Towels
- Toilet Paper
- Tissues
- Newborn Diapers (0-3 Months)
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These and other items can be found on our Amazon Wish List by clicking the button below. Donations can be dropped off at or shipped to the address below:
Talbot Interfaith Shelter
107 Goldsborough Street
Easton, MD 21601
Thank you SO MUCH for helping us make sure our guests have everything they need!
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Follow our Facebook page or check the donate page on our website for weekly updates on our most pressing needs each Wednesday. | |
National Shortage of Affordable Rental Housing | |
If our beautiful state of Maryland had two fewer housing units per 100, it would be in the red zone for housing available to low-income renters.
The U.S. has a shortage of 7.3 million rental homes affordable and available to renters with extremely low incomes – that is, incomes at or below either the federal poverty guideline or 30% of their area median income, whichever is greater. Only 32 affordable and available rental homes exist for every 100 extremely low-income renter households in our state. Extremely low-income renters face a shortage in every state and major metropolitan area.
Among states, the supply of affordable and available rental homes ranges from 14 affordable and available homes for every 100 extremely low-income renter households in Nevada to 57 in South Dakota. In 12 of the 50 largest metropolitan areas in the country, the absolute shortage of affordable and available homes for extremely low-income renters exceeds 100,000 units.
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Contact our Director of Development and Marketing, Laura Richeson, at 443-786-6962 or lauraricheson@talbotinterfaithshelter.org to find out how YOU can help us reach our fundraising goals to support our neighbors in need. | |
We are incredibly fortunate to have the support of our wonderful business community! Thank you to our amazing Business Partners!
If you would like to learn more about becoming a TIS Business Partner, contact Laura at lauraricheson@talbotinterfaithshelter.org or 443-786-6962.
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Raise the Roof Level Partners | |
Home Builder Level Partners | |
Foundation Level Partners | |
Eastern Shore Title Company
Blue Heron Coffee
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Scossa Restaurant
Blue Heron Catering
Shoreline Pest Solutions
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