July 3, 2024 - The Season After Pentecost

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"We gather as one humanity at God’s Table. We share a journey of discovery as a welcoming community of ever-deepening faith. We rejoice in serving one another and our neighbors through the love and grace of God in Christ. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are part of the tapestry that makes us one."

From the Vestry:

Dear friends,

I am excited that in less than one month our Interim Rector Reverend Dr Dorothy White will be with us! I know you look forward to welcoming her warmly into the St. George’s family, as do I. Mother Dorothy White’s first day with us will be Thursday, August 1, and her first Sunday as celebrant with us will be August 11. Please be on the lookout for details about opportunities for you to meet and get to know Mother Dorothy.

Under Mother Dorothy‘s leadership, we will enter a period of discernment. Discernment is a time of hearing from God in order to see clearly. What we are trying to see is who we are as a church and what we need in a permanent Rector. Discernment challenges us because it requires patience and listening, qualities that are too often missing from our modern life.

One of the ways that Christians in the Anglican church tradition have pursued discernment is through what is called a “quiet morning”. This is a time that is set aside for the Church family to gather in the church, not for a structured worship service, but for a semi-structured time of learning, listening, and praying. I am grateful to Bishop Phoebe for this suggestion and to our very own Elise Patterson for helping us take the first steps. Elise is in a program of learning about discernment and shared some of what she has learned with me and Molly Prewitt recently over coffee. I look forward to finding out more and scheduling a quiet morning at St. George’s in the coming weeks.


Perry Pennington

Senior Warden

Sunday Schedules

Sunday, July 7

Seventh Sunday after Pentecost

9:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist*

10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist*

Nursery, Children's Chapel

( livestreamed at 10:30 a.m. also posted later in the day)

11:45 am Coffee Hour

*Preacher and Celebrant is Rev. Donna Gerald from St. John's Episcopal Church

Music for both services by Dr. Stephen Karr, Director of Music Ministry with guest musicians

Lectionary readings are Track 1

Lectionary Link

Sunday, July 14

Eighth Sunday after Pentecost

9:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist*

10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist*

Nursery, Children's Chapel**

( livestreamed at 10:30 a.m. also posted later in the day)

11:45 a.m. Coffee Hour

12:00 a.m. Bldgs & Grnds Meeting

*Preacher and Celebrant is Rev. Anne Carriere from Grace-St Luke's Episcopal Church

Music for both services by Dr. Stephen Karr, Director of Music Ministry with guest musicians

Lectionary Readings are Track 1

Lectionary Link 

Worship with us In-Person or Online

We continue to provide a worship service online each Sunday,  livestreamed at 10:30 a.m. on our YouTube Channel and on Facebook then recorded and posted on our YouTube page and our Facebook page for later viewing. You can also access these from the front page of our website at https://stgchurch.org under Worship or Sunday Schedule by clicking wherever our YouTube channel is mentioned.

Eucharist We will not drink from the common cup; rather, if you would like to receive wine, the priest or the LEM will intinct the wafer into the chalice before placing it in your hand.

DOK logo

Healing Prayers each Sunday

If you would like to have healing prayers for yourself or through you for a family member or friend, members of the Order of the Daughters of the King or clergy will be available in the chapel in the back of the nave to administer healing prayers with laying on of hands and anointing if desired. Just go back to the chapel after you take communion or at the end of the service where they will meet you for prayer.

Events This Week & Next



Compassion Camp Cookout, July 10

Join Calvary, Grace-St. Luke’s, Holy Communion and St. George’s Episcopal as we celebrate the end to a beautiful VBS offering at our family cookout here at St. George’s from 6pm-7:30pm on July 10th. Help us make this last hoorah of Compassion Camp super special with your attendance. Your child need not have been at other events for your family to participate! Please see Karrie for more details.

Next Lancers Friday, July 12

Lancers will continue to meet monthly through the summer months. Join us Friday, July 12, in the Parish Hall for our regular monthly get-together for all adults. BYO drink (beer, wine or sodas), an appetizer, main dish, side or dessert to share. Social Hour at 6:30, dinner about 7 p.m. We will need several people to host to come early to set up and to ensure clean up. For information or to volunteer as hosts, contact Kit Decker (901-830-6366).

St George's Online Pictorial Directory - Input Requested Please


We are happy to inform you that we're in the process of creating a password protected online pictorial directory. We would like to thank those of you who had your photo taken in Sturni Hall recently. For those of you who weren't able to have your photo taken, there will be an option to upload your photo later.

Below is a link to a Google doc asking you to indicate the elements you wish to include in your family profile. Please note that we will not be able to publish your photo and information until we have your completed form. Paper copies of the form are available in the narthex.

Please be sure to click on the purple bar at the top of the survey, as seen in the screenshot above, otherwise you will not be able to submit the form; or if it does not appear, be sure to click on the purple "Submit" button at the bottom of the form and wait to receive the "Submission Received" message.

Click Here for Link

Please respond no later than Friday, July 12. If you do have any questions, please email directory@stgeorgesgermantown.org

We will contact you with further instructions for accessing the directory once everything is loaded.

July Activities

Coming Activities

July 04 - Independence Day, Office Closed

July 05 - Office Closed

July 07 - Sunday, Holy Eucharist, Rev. Donna Gerald, Preacher & Celebrant

July 08 - Knitting Gathering, No Sweat Soirée website opens

July 10 - Compassion Camp Cookout at St. George's 6-7:30 pm

July 12 - Lancers

July 14 - Sunday, Buildings & Grounds meeting, Rev. Anne Carriere Celebrant and Preacher

Looking Ahead

July 17 - Bible Study, Pokeno

July 19 - Artist Reception (5-7 pm)

July 20 - Ordination of Bishop Dorothy Sanders Wells

July 21 - Sunday, DOK Meeting, Rev. Rob Courtney

July 28 - Sunday, Rev. Amanda McGriff, Vestry Meeting

Aug. 01 - Rev. Dorothy White, first day at St. George's

Aug. 09 - Lancers

Aug. 10 - No Sweat Soirée wine & card pulls and pickups 10-12 noon

Aug. 11 - Sunday, Rev. Dorothy White, Blessing of the Backpacks, fall program year begins

Weekly Events

Sunday – St. George's Consort and Sanctifica Rehearsals on hiatus for the summer.

Tuesday – Tai Chi, 6:30 pm in the Activity Center

Wednesday – DOK Bible Study (10:00 a.m.) / Coventry Choir rehearsal on summer break

Thursday - Exultemus rehearsal( as called)

Giving To St. George's

Giving on Line

Just use this QR code or button below, to give or to pledge! It’s that simple! We thank you for your support! 

To pledge time and offerings, you can use the link below, click on the QR code or contact the church office. The report delivered at the Annual Meeting on January 28 details the many areas where you can volunteer, including once-a-year opportunities (with a fair helping of more frequent slots as well). If you have any questions, please contact me.

Jim Vogel, Treasurer
Giving Online

Parish News

Many of our Regular Church Activities Take a Summer Break

Please note that our regular musical group rehearsals, youth activities, and many of our formation studies take a summer break. Check calendar and articles to note those that are meeting. We look forward to resuming our full schedule in August - September after our leaders have had a break! Watch this space for announcements.

Our Fifth NO SWEAT SOIRÉE Fundraising Event is Coming Up Quickly this August 10th. 

Because of past success, and for your convenience, we will have a drive-thru wine, whiskey and gift card pull that day. In addition to the drive-thru pulls, ‘Need a Hand - No Sweat’ goods we can all use are available on the website! 


To aid in the church’s event success and make this fun, we need your donations of $25+ retail value bottles of red and/or white wine and $25+ gift cards. For the whiskey pull we need your donation of $40+ retail bottles of whiskey (not party size please) to appeal to the growing number of connoisseurs that would enjoy that offering. We are also looking for volunteers to cook. We’ll simplify it and give you the recipe, pan and label. Don’t forget if you frequent a restaurant or business to ask them while you are there if they will give a gift certificate too! Your gifts stock our website!


Sponsorships are a MAGNIFICENT way to support this important fundraising effort! Sponsorships of No Sweat  Soirée are available on the website and allow you to provide a monetary gift at a variety of levels, so please consider this path of participation. The website opens July 8 at https://no-sweat-soiree.myshopify.com/


The wine and gift card drop-offs have started and will continue through early August. On Sundays, donations may be left on the designated cart in the Narthex during all services. Monday through Friday please use the front Church Office door (Garth side). You will see a cart just inside the door with a form that we need filled out for a record of your donation. If you want to get a recipe, pan and label to cook, please contact Karrie LaCroix in the church office at 901-754-7282. Thank you!


With the generous support of people like you, St. George’s will continue to lend a hand to our Ministry Partners with this year’s No Sweat Soirée. We are all on the same team proudly supporting Room in the Inn, Carpenter Art Garden, MIFA, and Church Health Center through our annual No Sweat Soirée Fundraiser. Also, we are looking for a 2024 Vice Chairperson. Contact Margaret Hatter at 901-286-0344 to train during the month of July!

Do You Want to Know Why We Do What We Do in Worship?

Altar Guild Needs You!

If you have an interest in learning more about the church liturgy and traditions, please consider joining the Altar Guild. Also we have recently lost several long-serving members to health problems and we need new people to step up to join this ministry.

Weekly teams meet one Saturday morning per month to prepare the altar for Sunday services and clean up following services on Sunday. The rewards are a quiet satisfaction that you are a vital part of St. George’s worship team and a deeper understanding of the Episcopal Church liturgy and traditions. If you are interested, please contact Marion Rossman at dmrossman7@bellsouth.net.


Buildings and Grounds Needs Your Help

If you can contribute some of your time and have some “Green Thumb” talent, you can help Buildings and Grounds maintain the various plantings beds around the church. Please call Don Rossman (483-8247) or email him (dmrossman7@bellsouth.net) if you are interested. There is also a sign-up sheet in the Narthex.  

St George's grounds have recently been selected for a Germantown Beautification Award. Watch this space for details when the award is made.

Pastoral Care Committee Forms, Please Fill Out Volunteer Interest Survey

Jesus said, "Love one another, as I have loved you" (John 13:34). One of the most vivid examples of Christ's love in the church is when we care for one another in a time of need. At St. George's, we are blessed by members of the congregation who, when they find out about a need, go out of their way to visit others, write cards of encouragement, and deliver meals. We are forming a Pastoral Care Committee to better coordinate our love and support to parishioners who are in need. Connie Douglass will be leading this ministry. 

We invite you to choose how you would like to be involved in Pastoral Care at St. George's. This survey allows you to indicate how you might like to help others in the church in a variety of ways such as cooking meals, writing cards, or driving someone to the doctor. It is an interest survey only; you are not committing yourself to a monthly meeting! 

Thank you for thoughtfully and prayerfully considering how you can help. The survey link is below. If you would prefer to complete a paper version of the survey, copies are available in the Narthex on Sunday or through the Church office. 

Pastoral Care Volunteer Interest Survey

Adult Beginner Watercolor 3-Day Class 

Have you always wanted to try Watercolor? In this adult beginner class Stacey Meredith will introduce you to techniques, supplies, and a variety of projects to introduce you to the wonderful world of watercolor painting. Projects will include a landscape, floral, and an abstract. No experience is necessary. Date, time, and supply details at the link: https://www.meredithdesignco.com/adult-watercolor-class or feel free to reach out to Stacey Meredith at 901.488.1785 or slmeredith@me.com.

New Ministry at St. George’s

Newcomers are very important to the life and growth of our parish. To that end, a Newcomers Ministry is being formed to make sure that we not only welcome newcomers to St. George’s, but also give them support as they seek to become part of our wonderful church family. If you would like to be a part of this new ministry, or have questions about it, please contact Susan Westbrook at westbrooksb@gmail.com or 901-292-7608.

The Pem Field Library has been updated and brought online!

Virginia Baird has reorganized our Library to catalog recent gifts and make it even more user-friendly by including a listing of its contents online (https://www.librarycat.org/lib/stgeorgelibrary). The Library employs the Dewey Decimal classification system with the OOO’s starting to your left as you enter the library and continuing clockwise around the room, culminating in the Children’s collection on the far right. The Gibson and Marquis collections have been integrated into the main collection and designated with the initial call letters GIB and MAR respectively. For instructions on how to use the Library in-person or online

Read More Here

CPR and First Aid Classes Now By Demand Only

Bev Holllingsworth is no longer regularly scheduling CPR and First Aid Classes. However if you need to be certified or to recertify, contact Bev at bmhmom74@gmail.com to request a class.

Looking for an Exercise Class? Tai Chi, Tuesdays, at 6:30 p.m.

With the passing of Richard Link, Sandra Keller will continue to offer Tai Chi for Healthy Living on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Activity Center.; (901) 486-0036 or mizfrog@comcast.net.

Music News

Notes on the Notes

Thanks to all who have pitched in to keep music at St. George’s running while I was helping make opera in NW Arkansas. I have now returned and we had our first summer choir sing for the service on June 30. If you enjoy singing and would like to join us, all are welcome: please join us in the choir room at 9:30 to pick up music and find vestments, then come to the choir stalls at the end of the 9:00 service, when we will have a quick rehearsal for the 10:30.

Summer choir is a relaxed environment where we come together on Sunday morning and rehearse a relatively simple anthem in the half hour before the service. If you would like to try the choir but are unsure of the commitment, this would be a great way to sing with us with very little pressure. The next dates are July 28 and August 18. Please come and sing with us, whatever your level of skill!

Stephen Karr

Director of Music Ministry

Adult Formation

Wednesday Morning Bible Study Open to All

St. George's Chapter of the Order of the Daughters of the King hosts a Wednesday morning Bible study from 10 - 11 a.m. that is open to all interested persons. This group plans to continue through the summer months. On June 26th they began a survey of women in the Bible. The study guide is called Brave and Beloved by Meredith Storrs which is available in paperback through Amazon Books online.  All are welcome!

St. George's Book Club Taking a Break for the Summer

 Book Club is on break until we reconvene in September. If you are on the Book Club email list, you will have received a list of the selected books so you can add them to your summer reading. If you would like to join the group, contact Kit Decker at kit.decker@earthlink.net to be put on the email group list for the Book Club to receive announcements and meeting information. Our September book will be Covenant of Water by Abraham Verghese, author of Cutting for Stone. It's a long book and we recommend reading it over the summer. The Book Club Schedule for reading year 2024-25 has been posted to the church website. You can access it here.

A new trifold brochure for the Reading Year 2024-25 with a description of Book Club, scheduled dates and a brief synopsis of each book is now available for pickup in the Bookshoppe.

Thursday Night Bible Study on Hiatus for the Summer

Watch this space and join us for an exciting year's study of the Psalms starting this fall.

EDUCATION FOR MINISTRY on Hiatus for the Summer

Education for Ministry is a program designed to help laypersons identify/discern how God is calling them to use their spiritual gifts; it involves reading and studying scripture, church history, and issues facing Christians today in a small group setting. This year, our focus theme has been Growing in Spiritual Maturity, and our discussions have been inspiring, challenging and enlightening.

Our next group begins on Monday, September 9, so watch for more information in upcoming Tip newsletters and please talk to any of the people in our group to learn more.

Forward Day by Day Available

Forward Movement offers beautiful books, apps, mobile-friendly websites, and podcasts to support a roving life of prayer. Visit prayer.forwardmovement.org to find morning and evening prayer, the daily scripture readings, Forward Day by Day meditations, special seasonal meditations and more. Or visit forwardmovement.org/podcasts to discover our various podcasts.

The May - July issue is now available for pick up in the Narthex. You can also subscribe to an emailed daily version of the publication here.

Family Ministry

Please click here for a Google calendar with more detailed information. Please email Karrie for any questions or to RSVP for an event.

July Activities for Families and Youth

Our "Worship and Wonder" class for children ages 3 years old through 5th grade meets Sundays in Classroom B during a portion of our 10:30am service. "Our Journey with God" class for EYC (6th-12th grade) meets at the same time in Classroom A. Children will be dismissed from church after the reading of the first lesson and return to church at the Peace. Older students will be asked to be good stewards and help assist the younger children in the classroom.

July Events with details have been added to the calendar; so, please click here for a Google calendar with more detailed information. Please email Karrie for any questions or to RSVP for an event!

Compassion Camp Cookout July 10

Join Calvary, Grace-St. Luke’s, Holy Communion and St. George’s Episcopal as we celebrate the end to a beautiful VBS offering at our family cookout here at St. George’s from 6pm-7:30pm on July 10th. Help us make this last hoorah of Compassion Camp super special with your attendance. Your child need not have been at other events for your family to participate! Please see Karrie for more details.

Children are so very welcome at St. George’s!

Families, please know that children’s activity bags can be found in the Narthex! These bags include activities to help your entire family talk about the day’s scripture lessons. Please place bags in the basket under the coat rack after use so that we can refill them with supplies!

How Can We Serve Others: #Serve901

Serving More Than a Meal!

We serve More Than a Meal on the 3rd Sunday of each month at Grace-St. Luke's Episcopal Church from 3 - 5 p.m. Join your St. George’s friends (and make new ones, too), when we next serve More Than a Meal and help make this season a hospitality-filled one for our neighbors. There are a number of roles for Sunday afternoons, from making nametags for guests, to plating food in the kitchen, to serving guests. We’ll start setting up at 3 p.m., and the meal will be served at 4 p.m. with cleanup usually finished by 5 p.m. Our next More Than a Meal Sunday will be July 21.

Cooking for More Than a Meal

It is St. George’s delight and honor to lead the 3rd Sunday cooking team. If you enjoy making your way around a kitchen, and would love to have a hungry crowd to appreciate your cooking, here's your opportunity! Many thanks to PZ and Selby Horton for leading the cooking team. Please contact PZ Horton at hortonpz@gmail.com for more information about joining the cooking team.

Share Men's Coats and Pants with Calvary's Clothes Closet

Even though Calvary's building is under renovation, the Clothes Closet will remain open for neighbors experiencing homelessness. We will be thankful to receive your donations at the Welcome Inn next door, 82 N. 2nd Street. Men's pants, belts, and shoes are a huge need. Please call 901-525-6602 for questions. Thank you for helping our neighbors!

Calvary Closet needs gently-used seasonal clothing, especially for men, in large and extra large sizes, shoes, and blankets/ throws/ sleeping bags are especially needed for those sleeping outside. Also desired are duffle bags and wheeled suitcases. See the list of items needed and place your bags in the donation tubs in the Narthex. You can also order from the Amazon wish list (search for "Calvary Memphis Outreach"), and they will be sent straight to Calvary! Other needed items include


Rolling Suitcases


New Underwear

Work Boots

Men's Belts

Plastic grocery bags


Umbrellas/rain ponchos

Elastic waist pants/sweats (M/L+)


Sleeping bags

Large/XL t-shirts



Sneakers/Casual Shoes

A Letter from MIFA

Editor's Note: MIFA is one of St. George's long-time ministry partners and a recipient of proceeds from our No Sweat Soirée fundraiser, but individual donations are also needed to help them fulfill their mission to feed the hungry seniors in our community.

Memphis ranks third in the nation for senior hunger, with 10.8% of our senior population at risk. The number of older adults in Shelby County at the highest risk of food insecurity—those scoring highest on the USDA’s screening tool—is estimated at over 5,800.

That number provides a sobering snapshot of the state of senior hunger in our community. And as our aging population continues to grow, so will the challenge of serving those who need these meals most.

In FY24, our program faced an 8% increase in food cost. As we enter FY25, which begins July 1, that cost will again increase by 5.2%. These significantly higher costs come at a time when pandemic-era grants that allowed for program growth are being phased out. 

The volunteers and staff members who deliver MIFA Meals on Wheels are on the front lines of our community’s response to senior hunger. But more than just delivering nutrition, they also provide social connection and status checks that help to safeguard clients’ emotional and physical health. As we close FY24, our program has served 725,000 meals to 4,381 seniors across Memphis and Shelby County.

But the most meaningful demonstration of our program’s impact comes from our clients. On a recent survey, meal recipients sent us the following comments:

“MIFA! You do an excellent job and your drivers do too, and I thank you. MIFA! Keep on doing what you’re doing—there is a blessing in store for you!”

“I appreciate every meal. It makes me feel very good knowing someone really cares.”

"I love MIFA Meals on Wheels. I think you people do a great job for those of us who are in need of your service. Thank you so much for MIFA. God bless you.”

I invite you to help prepare MIFA for success and continued service in FY25 with a donation to support our programs, including MIFA Meals on Wheels. Thank you for helping us provide this vital service for another year. 


Sally Jones Heinz

President & CEO

Ways to serve our St. George's parish family

Be a Part of Our Worship Team

Crucifers and Torch Bearers Needed

Thank You to all of our children and youth who will serve as acolytes! It's never too late to join in so please contact Mary Margaret Freeman (marymargaretfree@gmail.com, or 901-336-1790) for more information.


Welcoming Teams, LEMs, & Acolytes Needed

We continuingly need a few more ushers/greeters to greet and help our worshippers find seats, and LEMs for 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. services.

For more information about serving, please contact or respond to:

Andrew Proctor (LEMs, lectors, at proctorandrew@hotmail.com)

Stan Walker (ushers, stanlwalker64@gmail.com)

Mary Margaret Freeman (Acolytes, marymargaretfree@gmail.com

Join a Music Ministry

Most of St. George's music ensembles have suspended regular rehearsals through the summer months. Contact the persons named for additional information about St. George's music ensembles:

Children’s choir will resume next fall

Please contact Stephen Karr at music@stgeorgersgermantown.org.

Coventry Choir, Sunday mornings, July 28 and August 18 at 9:30 a.m. - Please contact Stephen Karr at music@stgeorgersgermantown.org.

Exultemus!, our folk guitar and vocal ensemble -  Please contact Tom Fields (901-674-0652).

St. George’s Recorder Consort – Please contact Angela Saunders (901-438-9975).

Sanctifica Wind & Brass Ensemble – Please contact Karen Moore (901-486-0417).

Learn and Be A Part of Our Livestream Team

Do you have an interest in learning how to stream live video to the internet? Become part of our livestream team on Sunday mornings at 10:30am, no experience necessary. We have a new system in place that we are all learning how to use. Community service hours signoff available for students. Please contact Joe Austin at josephgaustin16@gmail.com if you are interested.

Other ways to support our neighbors

Forward Movement Seeks Donations to Support Their Work

Forward Movement publishes spiritual and formation resources for the Episcopal Church and there are many ways our donor community provides free resources to inspire disciples and empower evangelists.

Over the past few days, we have highlighted just a few ways our donor community provides free resources. Whether you suggested upcoming AdventWords, followed along with the General Convention Lent Madness round, or are excited to pray Compline with the new podcast, these are just a few of the ministry resources provided for all by our donor community. 

Donations also provided 92,000 free copies of Forward Day by Day to friends in prisons, hospitals, assisted living centers, and countless places of need, ensuring that everyone can begin their day in a community of prayer.

We hope you will consider supporting our ministry with a donation today

Scott Gunn,

Executive Director

Relief and Support for neighbors suffering following international conflicts, natural disasters, and refugee needs.

Episcopal Relief & Development has :

  • partnered with HIAS to Provide Mental Health Support in Response to Israel-Hamas War in Israel and with the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem to provide emergency medical support in the Gaza Strip in response to the Israel-Hamas war with the establishment of the Episcopal relief and development middle east fund.
  • developed an International Crisis Response Fund to support the families of the thousands of persons who have died in an earthquake hitting Morocco, flooding that has struck Libya – and left many thousands more without shelter, resources or employment. Please visit EpiscopalRelief.org to support the International Crisis Response Fund.
  • developed a Hawaii Response Fund to support our neighbors in Lahaina, Maui, following the devastating fires. Please visit EpiscopalRelief.org to support the Hawaii Relief effort.
  • developed a fund to support our neighbors in Turkey and Syria who have been devastated by a recent earthquake. Please visit https://support.episcopalrelief.org/syria-turkey-earthquake/ to learn more and to give.
  • developed a Hurricane Relief Fund to support those who are suffer from the effects of hurricanes and natural disasters in the USA and abroad. Please visit https://support.episcopalrelief.org/hurricane-relief/.
  • partnered with The Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe to aid Ukrainian refugees. Please visit  https://support.episcopalrelief.org/ukraineresponse.

Give to ERD

A reception to meet and greet the artists will be Friday, July 19, 7-9 p.m.

A portion of the proceeds from sales in The Gallery supports the work of Carpenter Art Garden, which brings the arts to the underserved Binghampton community. St. George’s Art Gallery is located within St. George’s Episcopal Church and is accessed through the front doors. The Gallery is open M – F from 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. and Sundays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 

St. George's Bookshoppe

Summer Sale Promotion

Be sure to take advantage of our Summer Sale promotion: take 15% off merchandise that is Red, White, or Blue! There are cute items to please Kids of all Ages, and the Pop-Up Sale Table is loaded with bargains!

Stop by the Bookshoppe and let Connie or Pat help you find that special gift on Sunday between 10:00 and 12:30. 

New gifts for all occasions

Also check out our weekly Sale table in front of the Bookshoppe

Red, White & Blue gifts

Page Pals

St. George's Preschool

For information about the program, contact the Preschool Director, Sarah Bettendorf at: 901-757-2675


Easy Ways to Support Our Church

Kroger Community Rewards continues to support St. George's. If you shop at Kroger for your groceries and sundries, please register with Kroger so that your purchases earn contributions to St. George's.

Other Parish News

  • Need to sign someone up for the parish Prayer List or the DOK confidential prayer list? Contact Eileen at office@stgeorgesgermantown.org for Parish List; contact Kit Decker at kit.decker@earthlink.net or leave prayer request in the Prayer Box in the Narthex for DOK confidential prayer list.

Remember or Honor someone with Altar Flowers. Donations for altar flowers are always welcomed. Is there a special date or occasion you would like to commemorate? Provide the date and name of the person(s) you wish to remember or honor or occasion (birthday, marriage, anniversary, new birth, death) and donate by check (envelopes in the pews) or online. Suggested donation is $75 for our two Sunday bouquets). Contact Whitney in the Office for more information. (901-754-7282 x 103) or


Diocesan & Community News

Diocesan and Community Events Coming Up

The Diocesan Communicator

The Diocesan Communicator of the Episcopal Diocese of West Tennessee is full of news and events listed below. For more information click on the Diocesan Communicator link above and click on the current issue.

2024 Diocesan Cycle of Prayer

Make praying for the ministries and churches of the Diocese of West Tennessee a part of your prayer practice in 2024. The Diocesan Cycle of Prayer for 2024 is now on our website. Access it at http://tinyurl.com/WTNDCOP24

Save the Date: Barth House Theological Society Fall Lecture:

Dr. James McClintock with The Rev. John Burruss, November 14, 7 p.m. at Grace-St. Luke's, 6 pm Reception.  Barth House Theological Society will present a community lecture featuring Dr. James McClintock, a renowned expert on the effects of climate change on marine life in Antarctica. Additionally, the Rev. John Burruss will discuss the role of people of faith in addressing creation care. 

78th Annual Conference of the Episcopal Laymen of Tennessee | August 9-11 at St. Mary's Retreat Center in Sewanee

Please join us for the 78th Annual Conference of the Episcopal Laymen of Tennessee at St. Mary’s Retreat Center in Sewanee. The theme of this year’s conference is “Brothers Dwelling Together in Unity.” The beautiful mountaintop setting is the perfect location to host the next generation of Laymen’s Conferences. Click below to learn more.


Full Information & Registration

Barth House seeks certified arborist 

Barth House Episcopal Center at 409 Patterson Street, Memphis, TN 38111 is seeking a certified arborist that would be willing to look at our beautiful trees and get us started on a plan to steward them. If you can help, please contact BarthHouse@episwtn.org.

Subscribe to Diocesan News....

Subscribe to the Diocesan Communicator! Each Wednesday, the Episcopal Diocese of West Tennessee sends an email containing updates, inspiration, and events going on in our Episcopal community. To subscribe to the Communicator and find out more on what is going on in this Diocese, go to: edwtn.org

Coming Events (Click on The Diocesan Communicator link above for details and more.)

  • Centering Prayer, Saturday, July 6; 9-11:25 a.m. at Holy Communion Church, 4546 Walnut Grove Road, Memphis
  • Ordination of Bishop-elect Dorothy Wells, July 20 at 11:00 a.m. at St. Andrew's Episcopal School, Ridgeland, MS; extended musical prelude begins at 10:30 a.m.
  • Music at St. Mary's presents Sourires d'Ete | July 28 at 3 p.m. at St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral (Memphis)
  • The Philadelphia Eleven film screening | July 28 at 6 p.m. at Crosstown Concourse (Memphis) 

News from The Episcopal Church & Anglican Communion

A Post-General Convention Message from Bishop Phoebe

View video here.

General Convention wrapped up June 26

The 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church completed it's work in Louisville, Kentucky with the election of the new Presiding Bishop and other church work. Joining Bishop Phoebe Roaf for this important event were eight deputies and two alternative deputies from The Episcopal Diocese of West Tennessee. They have posted brief videos from Louisville , so check out our diocesan social media channels:


Instagram @episcopalwesttn

Churchwide survey seeks feedback from, about next generation of Episcopal leaders

Seeking to grow and strengthen The Episcopal Church’s ministries that support members of Generation Z, the Department of Faith Formation is launching a churchwide survey geared toward young people and those who serve them.

Community Events

Ladies, Save the Date

Please mark your calendars for October 17th-October 20th (Thursday-Sunday). There is also a 2-night option to arrive on Friday night instead of Thursday. The St. Clare Community has been planning for our 2024 weekend silent retreat

at St. Columba Camp and Conference Center. We are thrilled that our spiritual leader this year will be the insightful and radiant Ardelle Walters. You won’t want to miss her gentle, yet powerful meditations. We are counting down the days until we meet in our beloved, sacred, silent space with you! Watch this space for Registration details coming later.

News from St. Columba

Summer is here. It is heating up. The staff opened up the World-Famous Mud Hole and Lochness Monster Slide. The camp staff has been trained and is currently running its wonderful program for Junior High aged young people. Camp Able was a huge hit June 4-8 and there is excitement and energy all around our natural sanctuary. I am particularly thankful for our Camp Able donors, volunteers, and supporters. Offering camp to children who otherwise don't get the same childhood experiences is so rewarding and we are so blessed by the contributions of every single camper! Mud Camp and Overnight Camp are now in session through July. We want you to watch Mud Camp on Facebook. Daily photos, wonderful communities, and awesome campers are a part of the life of St. Columba. 


Teen Mental Health & Social Media: Guideposts for Caregivers

Learn the latest research on social media and adolescent mental health and leave with some evidence-based recommendations from the APA on how to support healthy teen social media practices.

Speaker: Dr. Lindsay Pate, PhD, LHSP

Location: Church of the Holy Communion, 4645 Walnut Grove

Register here for August 1 event

We are Here for You

The past several years has affected all of us in unforeseen ways. Do you need help? St. George's is YOUR community.. If you need help--be it spiritual, mental, financial, physical, or emotional--the wisest action for you to take would be to reach out to a discreet resource that cares about you. There is no shame in saying, "I need help." It is a courageous act of self-care.


We have confidential prayer warriors wanting to add you to their list. Let us know of any burden or joy you'd like to share.

During this period when we are without a parish priest, contact Eileen in the church office (901) 754-7282 and she will contact a priest within the Diocese for your special needs.


Birthdays and Wedding Anniversaries updated 07/03/24

'Birthdays: Tom McFadden (01-Jul), Leslie Darr (02-Jul), Hayley Lambert (02-Jul), Thomas Lambert (02-Jul), Allison Miller (02-Jul), Tony Sperry (02-Jul) Gordon Lescinskis (03-Jul) Gaye Walters (03-Jul) Denise Wood (03-Jul) Parker Bass (04-Jul) Curtis Higgins (05-Jul), Jackie Arevalo-Fagan (06-Jul), Carol Sigman (06-Jul), Bill Bettison (07-Jul), John Planchon(08-Jul), Jim Middlebrook (09-Jul), Ann Nichols (10-Jul) Angela Saunders (10-Jul) William Lloyd (11-Jul), Elise Patterson (12-Jul), Brandon Rooney (12-Jul), Judy Freeman(13-Jul), Will Sciubba (13-Jul), Emme Stevens (13-Jul), Callan Rooney (14-Jul), Tricia Austin (15-Jul), Carolyn Martin (15-Jul), Shepherd McCulloch (15-Jul), Jean Stuart (15-Jul), Cathy Verbeck (16-Jul), Lucie Calvin (17-Jul), Sherry Carpenter (17-Jul), Cynthia Dabney Stevens (17-Jul), Missy Walker (17-Jul), Billy Freeman (18-Jul), Bruce Freeman (18-Jul), Cap Herrington (19-Jul), Lynn Western (19-Jul), Elizabeth Burns (20-Jul), Reilly Burns (20-Jul), Noah Jenkins (21-Jul), Mollie Newman (22-Jul) Vivian Weatherspoon (22-Jul), Greg Gallagher (25-Jul), Theresa Crider (26-Jul), Brandi Sharp (27-Jul), Mims Van Zandt (27-Jul), Carsten Haddad (28-Jul), John E. Hannum (28-Jul), Jewell Nichols (28-Jul), Merilynn Rowan (28-Jul), Carter Hawkins (30-Jul), Ava Lange (31-Jul), Kay Russell (31-Jul) Janet Wright (31-Jul)

Wedding Anniversaries: Marion and Don Rossman (07/10/1971), Susan and Richard Hitchcock (07/03/1976), Glynis and Stan Sampson (07/10/1982), Claudia and John Sims (07/07/1990), Jessica and Tony Sperry (07/08/2000), Meredith and Zeke Vezina (07/12/2008), Olena and Joshua Timmerman (07/16/2016)

Please Pray For (updated 07/01/24)

The Rev. Ronald Valentine, Renee Clark Guibao, Claire Grant, Robin Hendon, Joan, Billie Moore, Beth Beston, Erin Brophy, Mary Newman, Wendy Stoltz, Barbara Apperson, Linda and Wendel Stoltz, Don Cook, Jaxton Knobloch, Betsy and the Lambert family, Willa Reese Johns and family, Brian Hailey, Jan Hume, Karen and George Geerdes, Brenda, Yolanda, Tom, Linda Miller, Sarah Long, Ralph Davies, Whit Stuart, Ian McDevitt, Gary Norwood, Carrol McIntire, Ashley Fields, Pam Williams, Judy Freeman, Barbara Conaway, Carole Freeman, Barbara Stapleton,

Pam Ehrhart, Feyla Torres, Gabrielle, Kurt Zellner, Martha Crook, Ann Caroline Orr, Hank Meisinger, Tameka Dennis, Anna Ruby, Janet Austin, Bud Wilson, Lynde Sain, Nancy Dick, Michael Bronstein, Ellen Suchomel, the Collins family, Don Hampson, Joanna McIntosh, Margaret Knudson, Colenzo Hubbard, Debby Valentine, Pete Decker, June Scrivener, the Daniel family, Greta Young, Nina Sublette, Joy Wilson, the Gross and Spivey families, Mary Fields, Linda Davidson, Mary Boaz, Charles Scurlock, Shantih Smythe, Ted Davis, Gates Mims, Kathy Hocevar.

St. George's Clergy and Staff 


Interim Supply Priests

The Rev. Amanda McGriff, Assisting Priest (part-time)

 The Rev. Peter W. Hawes, Rector Emeritus 



Stephen Karr,

Director of Music Ministry

Eileen Fields,

Parish Administrator for Operations and Finance

Whitney Boyd,

Finance Office Assistant

Karrie LaCroix

Director of Children's,

Family, Youth Ministry

Sarah Bettendorf,

Preschool Director

Staff (Cont.)

Kelly Flaherty,

Preschool Assistant Director

Joe Austin, Webmaster

Volunteer Staff:

Kit Decker, Communications; 

Connie Douglass and

Pat Gallagher

Bookshoppe Managers; 

Sarah Bettendorf, Weddings; 

Tom Fields, Exultemus Director; 

Billie Moore, Sanctifica Director; 

Andrew Proctor, Cantor

Joe Austin and Herb Wells, Video and Live-streaming

The Vestry:

Perry Pennington

Senior Warden; 

Molly Prewitt

Junior Warden

Jim Vogel,  Treasurer 

John Planchon, Sr


Wayne Carpenter

Leslie Darr

Lou D'Eri

Courtney Felts

Steven Jenkins

Dan Lange

Jimmy Luke

Carolyn Mason

Amery Moore

Helen Morrow

Elise Patterson

Angela Saunders

Church Phone number (901)754-7282

Staff Phone Extensions and Email Addresses:

Contact office@stgeorgesgermantown.org for pastoral concerns


Parish Administrator: Eileen Fields: ext. 101, eileen@stgeorgesgermantown.org 

or office@stgeorgesgermantown.org


Director of Music Ministry: Stephen Karr ext.102 music@stgeorgesgermantown.org


Coordinator of Children's/Family/Youth Ministry: Karrie LaCroix, ext 109



Finance Office Assistant: Whitney Boyd, ext. 103


Preschool Director: Sarah Bettendorf: ext. 106 or direct 901-757-2675 sarah@stgeorgesgermantown.org


Website Admin: Joe Austin


Newsletter Editor: Kit Decker, kit.decker@earthlink.net

The Tip of the Lance

Editor: Kit Decker,. Content is due on the Monday preceding the next publishing date to kit.decker@earthlink.net. Next TIP is July 18. For Happenings (Sunday bulletin) send content to office@stgeorgesgermantown.org.

Visit us at Stgchurch.org 
St. George's Episcopal Church
Germantown, TN 38138 

 Or call us at 901-754-7282
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