In 2 Peter 1 we are given a list of things to add to our lives. In 2 Peter 1:7 it says, “and to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity (love).”
God looks at being kind to others as an essential attribute in the growth of a Christian. There are many other attributes listed in this chapter of 2 Peter, but I want to focus on kindness.
Often, we engage with people that are grumpy or grouchy. They irritate us and cause us to withdraw from them. Yet, we really don’t know what is going on in their lives.
I remember a lady, who became a dear friend, came into our church thrift shop years ago. She was donating some things that indicated someone had passed away. As I talked to her, she let me know that her husband had passed away about three days earlier. I understood how she felt because I had lost a husband a few years before that.
I put my arms around her and cried with her. She was touched by this act of kindness and became part of our church. Often, we mistake grouchiness or other unpleasant actions in others as offensive. What we don’t know is what has caused them to be in that condition. A kind word can soften a hurt or hardened heart quicker than anything else.
With all the chaos in our world today there comes with it anxiousness and fear. People aren’t themselves when they are under these pressures. Being kind in spite of their actions can show them the love of God and perhaps bring a soul into God’s kingdom.
As a personal testimony I must share a story. One of my daughters worked as a cashier at a grocery store. She told me that there was a lady that came through her line that was extremely hard to please. Most of the other cashiers avoided having her come through their lines. She continuously came through my daughter’s line and often was short in her words. She even slapped her hand once for touching her tomato. This daughter didn’t let this lady’s bitterness get to her. She continued to be kind to the lady and never came back with a rude word. One day the lady came through the line and smiled (unusual for her) and thanked my daughter for being kind to her. My daughter brought that smile to the lady. Kindness prevailed.
We never know how long it might take to change a life. I learned a lesson from that daughter. Being kind even when you are tempted to not be kind shows the love of God in your life. It would have been easy for her to have gotten irritated and showed it. I thank God that we can learn lessons from others, and we are never too old to learn.
Are you a kind person? Does the love of God shine through you to others? I pray that it does. Kindness is a sign you are maturing in the Lord.