In Matthew 18:1-14 Jesus talks about how precious little children are to the Lord. In Verse 2 it tells us to be unto Him as little children if we wish to enter to kingdom of heaven. That would set us up as the greatest in heaven according to verse 4.
Jesus warns us not to offend [cause to stumble] a child [vs. 6] for the penalty would be great. We are not to despise [think against, or disesteem] even one of them.
How special are they? Verse 10 tells us that every child has an angel which always stands before [in front of] the Father’s face in heaven.
Verse 14 says the Father does not wish that any child should perish or be lost. This was the true meaning of verses 12 and 13 which speak about the 99 sheep where one was lost. The shepherd [Jesus] sought out the lost one to restore the 100. The one lost one is about a lost little child whom God will restore. The whole context of these scriptures is about the children.
John Stallings, a gospel song writer, wrote about the children in a song. The chorus went like this:
“The children ran to Him, every mother’s little child.
They want just to be in His presence for a while.
They knew that He would love them and would not condemn.
And that’s why all the children ran to Him.”
Matthew 19:13-15 was the inspiration for the song. Jesus commanded the disciples [against their will] to bring the children to Him so he could lay hands upon them.
We need those qualities found in little children. What qualities might they be?
Faith. They will believe what the parent [or an adult] tells them.
Trust. They are trusting, so we must trust the Lord.
A simple approach. Children are unlike adults who like to complicate things.
There are many other characteristics that children have that are too numerous to count.
Be as a child in the hands of Jesus.