May 17, 2021 I I 616-574-7307
Tracing the Steps of Lottie Wilson Jackson

by Sophia Ward Brewer

Virtual program
Thursday, May 20th, 7:00 pm

During our community's and our organization's pandemic history, Greater Grand Rapids Women's History Council board member Sophia Ward Brewer has been a mainstay. Stay tuned in the near future, when we will honor her more fully. For now, please take our word for her amazing continued research on local African American women's history and reinvestment of technological talent in our projects, for the GRCC library, for the Board of Commissioners of the Grand Rapids Public Library, and on city projects.

Hurray for Sophia!
Continuing 2020 into 2021 in all aspects of our work, we will honor women’s long and costly battle for the right to vote and to run for office and will be reconsidering how more fully and effectively to embrace the women’s histories of our entire community.
Because many of the challenges of the past year continue, the Greater Grand Rapids Women’s History Council will carry on with virtual programming for now—but stay tuned! And please continue to keep up with us virtually and in print. Watch for us via this electronic newsletter; follow us on Facebook; find our monthly features in Women’s Lifestyle Magazine; and sign up for our hard-copy newsletter, if you haven’t already, at! Stay tuned, stay safe, and stay exercised!
Stay home and stay safe--but celebrate with us virtually and in print! 
GGRWHC |  | 616-574-7307
Hats off to the historical women who have shaped West Michigan!
Please take a moment to forward this message to others you know who may be interested in women's history. If you've received this message as a forward, consider joining our mailing list in order to receive future updates about programming.

Thank you for your interest in preserving and celebrating the history of the many phenomenal women who've helped to shape West Michigan!  If you aren't already a supporter of the Greater Grand Rapids Women's History Council, consider investing in our work as a volunteer or with an annual donation. Visit our website for more information and the ability to donate online.