Our end-of-year WNS picnic is this week. Sign up today!
Monday, May 13th
9am - Preschool (M-F)
11am - PW Circle 2 meeting
Tuesday, May 14th
8:30am - Men's Gathering
9:45am - PW Circle 6 meeting
10am - Staff meeting
12pm - Preschool Board meeting
12:30pm - Knitwits & Happy Hookers
7pm - Personnel committee meeting
Wednesday, May 15th
10am - Congregational Care committee meeting
1:30pm - Red Cross Blood Drive
5:30pm - Wednesday Night Supper Picnic & Live Music
6:30pm - Kairos Band Rehearsal
7pm - Chancel Choir Rehearsal
Thursday, May 16th
9:30am - Art Class
6pm - Worship committee meeting
Friday, May 17th
6:30am - Men's Bible Study
Sunday, May 19th
9:15am - Kairos worship in fellowship hall
10:15am - Education hour
11:15am - Traditional worship in sanctuary
12:30pm - High School Youth go to Top Golf
Our soul waits for the LORD; he is our help and shield.
Our heart is glad in him, because we trust in his holy name.
Let your steadfast love, O LORD, be upon us, even as we hope in you.
Psalm 33:20-22
Pentecost Sunday, May 19th
We will have Kairos worship at 9:15am, our education hour at 10:15am, and traditional worship at 11:15am. Richard Floyd will preach on this final Sunday of our regular worship schedule before summer. We'll begin our summer schedule on May 26th at 10am in the sanctuary and alternate spaces each week. A summer schedule is under the worship tab on our website.
May 13
Colby Shepler
May 15
Sylvia Kercher
May 18
Hayes Clark
Alistair Evans
Marsha Hughes
Sally Robinson
Wednesday Night Suppers
This Wednesday, May 15, we will end our Wednesdays together until the fall with an outdoor (weather permitting) picnic and live music. Bring your chair and join us! The menu for this week includes Steve Finger's bbq, pasta salad, potato salad, green salad, and assorted frozen desserts. Please sign up for dinner by 5pm on Tuesday.
Summer Worship and Punch on the Patio
Our summer worship and Punch on the Patio begin on May 26. We will worship as one at 10am and alternate worship spaces. You’ll find the worship schedule and Punch on the Patio sign-up and details on our website.
FPC Night at Hickory FC
Our first summer fellowship event is Saturday, June 1. We’ll meet for a tailgate picnic and to watch a Hickory FC soccer game. Sign up for tickets in the FPC section and get all the details on our website.
FPC Book Club
We will discuss our next read, Trust by Hernan Diaz, in the parlor on Monday, June 3 at 7pm.
Vacation Bible School
Save the date! This year’s VBS, Scuba – diving into friendship with God, will be June 17-20 from 9-12. Registration and volunteer sign-ups are now available online.
College Graduates
FPC would love to recognize our 2024 college graduates. Please EMAIL BETH TAYLORthe name of your college or grad school graduate, the name of their school, and the degree they have earned. We'd love to share this list as soon as possible.
Blessing Box
Our middle school youth have constructed a Blessing Box (with the help of Adam Oakley) beside the parking lot on 3rd Avenue. Help us keep this box filled with items to help those in need. Gently used clothing and non-perishable food items are recommended.
History Booklet
FPC has a history booklet that highlights the last 50 years thanks to Amelia Stafford. You can view the booklet on our website under the About tab. If you would like to receive a digital copy, email Beth Taylor or Kim Brookman. Printed copies are available at the church office.
Communion Servers
All ordained elders, whether currently serving on the session or not, are able to serve communion. We have added a sign-up for serving communion to our website.
Worship Flowers
You can provide flowers for one of our worship spaces in honor or memory of a loved one. Look at the sign up on our website and choose a date that is special to you.
Next Congregational Retreat
Save the date for the weekend of February 14-16, 2025 in Montreat for our next congregational retreat. All ages are encouraged to attend. More details coming soon.