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Letter From the Pastor

Dear John Wesley family and friends, 

I was browsing through google and read an interesting article that I thought might be a good starting point with what I want to share with you. The article talked about how “busyness gets a bad name” because we have so much going on in our lives that we “feel jam-packed on a daily basis.” “Even God wants us to rest” the article mentioned. I know that’s all true in my own life; and by seeing many of you, I know you are as busy as I am. 

However, I don’t think all busyness is the same. There is busyness that can suck the energy out of our day, and may even get us down once in a while; and there is busyness that gives us life and brings purpose to our days. I personally like the latter one the best. I figure that if I am going to be busy, it might as well be with something I love or like doing. Needless to say, I love what I do as a pastor. 

This past month was particularly busy for many reasons, including the fact that I attended “General Conference,” for two entire weeks. Not all of it was life-giving. Some of it was very frustrating, but I am glad I was able to be there. Similarly, at John Wesley, a lot of good and life-giving things happened but we also experienced sad moments which I thought would be worth mentioning. I am hoping remembering them will be life-giving to you.

  • We partnered with Waquoit Church to bring the Boston Chinese Chorus. The Fellowship and Hospitality Team, led by Maryellen and Christine provided amazing hospitality.
  • We welcomed Allison back. Please stay tuned! We are planning to have her share more on a Sunday in the summer. 
  • We celebrated Pentecost. Again, the F&H team was awesome.
  • For the Men’s breakfast, we visited the Falmouth Historical Museum. Rob Blomberg, a native of Woods Hole led the awesome tour. 
  • The Stewardship Ministry team shared the video they put together about Sunday School. In case you missed it: CLICK HERE
  • We moved our 11am contemporary worship to the chapel. I think we made the right move. 
  • A wonderful and committed team led by Tom led the charge with the Plant Sale. 
  • One of the saddest but grateful moments we experienced this month was saying goodbye to Sally and Bud Tracy. We are grateful for their love of God and JW.

Thank you, everyone who made this busy month, a life-giving one. I am also grateful for everyone who did a fantastic job in leading Sunday worship while I was sick this past Sunday, including our newest preacher Betty, and our Bell Choir. 

If there is anything I take away from looking back at last month is the love we share and the hope we have to see this church thrive and become a life-giving witness of God’s love in this community. May it be so, and may the coming months be even more life-giving as we seek to follow God’s call. 


Pastor René

Worship Ministry ~ Betty Smith

Some quick summertime reminders from the worship team:

  • Contemporary Worship has moved to the chapel.
  • Celebration Sunday is June 23rd. we will have ONE service at 10:00 AM in the sanctuary. Last chance to hear the choir, children’s music and handbell choir until the fall!
  • Worship at Surf Drive Beach starts July 7th at 7:30 AM and goes through September 1st. No “Beach Worship” on July 14th (Falmouth Triathlon) or August 18th (Falmouth Road Race).
  • Matt O’Connor has graciously offered to provide a “hands on” dry run opportunity to show volunteers how to assist with setting up audio equipment for the beach worship service. Date and time to be determined. Contact Matt or he may contact you!
  • NO worship service on Road Race Sunday as John Wesley provides parking and hospitality to the runners.
  • There WILL be a worship service on SATURDAY, AUGUST 17th at 4:00 PM.


There you have it, “short & sweet”!


Enjoy your summer, but don’t forget to join us in worship!



Betty Smith

Children and Youth

The Children, Youth and Young Adult Ministry Team is looking for additional members. We have been tasked by the 2023 Strategic Planning Committee to create more opportunities for younger people in our loving community at John Wesley. We hope to recruit members who have an open heart for the younger people in our Upper Cape community and are ready to reach out to them. 

If you would like to talk to me or Bill Dorfner, Director of Children, Youth and Young Adults please email either or both of us here: Bill's email or my email.


Amy - CYYAMT Chair  

Youth News from

the Pier

Bill Dorfner, Director of Children, Youth, and Young Adults

All ages are invited to take a SUMMER PLUNGE at JWUMC!

July 10, 17, 24, and 31 from 6-8pm. Dinner is provided.

Take the JWUMC Summer Plunge, a spiritual life event for Everyone, Every Age. This is a great opportunity for everyone in our church to build connections and new friendships with each other while also building our relationship with God. Each night will include a dinner, followed by general sessions with skits and music. We’ll also break out into age-appropriate activities and discussions for children, youth, and adults.

Mark your calendars now and start talking to your friends, neighbors, co-workers, and that person who just cut in front of you at the store. ALL are welcome this summer!

Want to be a bigger part of the action?

We are looking for volunteers to help in the following areas: 

  • Meal service
  • Hospitality
  • Set up and take down
  • Audio/Visual
  • Small group/activity leaders

…and many other ways to serve!

Contact Bill Dorfner at youth.jwumc@gmail.com if you would like to help with this awesome event!

Pier270 Student Ministries

Summer Mission Trip 2024

We are getting even closer to our summer mission trip to Harrisburg, PA and the group is coming together. I am excited to announce that Allison Deyo is joining our team as a chaperone. While our adult chaperone spots are now filled, we still have openings for some more teens! 

You will be involved in community development efforts to improve the life of Harrisburg’s residents. You will have the opportunity to serve with a local children’s program, community gardens and food banks, and assist neighborhood associations with small home repair, community beautification and cleanup projects. In the evenings, you’ll visit Hershey’s Chocolate World for a chocolate tour and enjoy the beauty of Harrisburg alongside friends you make during the week. YouthWorks has partnered with this community since 2010.

If you would like to participate, please call Bill or email him at youth.jwumc@gmail.com 

Sunday Youth Events

Sunday June 2 - Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser - meet in kitchen at 3pm

Sunday June 9 - Youth group meeting in Youth Center - 5:30-7pm

Sunday June 16 - Falmouth Commodores Game/Crowd games - 5:30pm at stadium

Sunday June 23 - Celebration Sunday picnic after church

Sunday June 30 - Corn Hole Tournament Fundraiser - 2 to 7pm

“Quest” Young Adult Ministry

Game night at Bad Martha’s - Tuesday, June 4th 6:30-8:30pm

Join us for games, food, and friends at Bad Martha’s Brewery. Bad Martha’s has a selection of board and card games, beverages (inc. non-alcoholic options) and some great food including pizza, pretzels, and wings. There is no cost to join us, just bring money for whatever food and beverages you order. Bad Martha’s is located at 876 E Falmouth Highway, East Falmouth (next to Mahoney’s nursery)

We are continuing to put some fun events on the calendar as we grow our young adult ministry. We recently had a great time throwing axes and having some pizza at Timber Axe Bar and Bowl. Be sure to check our webpage at Pier270.com under “young adults”. Want to get on the notification list? Email Bill at youth.jwumc@gmail.com 

Calling all Cornhole Players!

We are hosting a community cornhole tournament on Sunday, June 30th at 2pm in the JWUMC front parking lot to raise money for our summer mission trip. The entrance fee is $25 per individual competitor. You can sign up as a doubles team or as a single. Anyone signing up as a single will be paired with another player. We will have prizes for the winners. Sodas, water, and snacks are provided to all players and will be available for purchase for all observers. 

Got a cornhole set? We are in need of cornhole sets for this tournament. If you have a cornhole set (close to “regulation”) that we could use for the day, please email Bill at youth.jwumc@gmail.com

New this summer: Team Trivia Tuesdays

A community event for all ages! Join us on Tuesday nights, starting June 25th from 7-9pm at JWUMC. Compete as a team or an individual. Come as a group, or meet some new friends. There will be a mix of trivia questions to appeal to all adult age groups, and prizes will be given to the winners. Mark your calendars now for evenings of fun, friends, prizes, and more. 

This will also serve as a fundraiser for youth missions. There will be a cover charge or suggested donation. Limited snacks and beverages will be provided. Other food and beverages may be available for purchase or you are welcome to bring your own!.

Music Ministry ~ Paula King

Sing for the Summer Service! 

Enjoy the sunny skies, surf and sand at the Beach Service! 

Instrumentalists/singers needed for the 7:30 am Beach Service to share their talents and help lead the community in song. 

If interested, there is a sign up sheet on the Music bulletin board in Fellowship Hall, or contact Paula King, Music Director via email: paula. jwumc@gmail.com

Stewardship in Action ~ Tom Hoke

Thank you to the 40 volunteers who worked the sale. They set up the tents and tables during the morning of Thursday, May 23. The rain started just when we had to unload the plants from three trucks. That didn’t slow the volunteers down or dampen their spirits. The plants were beautiful and some of the best we have ever received. The sale was Friday and Saturday, May 24 and 25. The weather was beautiful although a little chilly and windy. 

There was a steady stream of happy customers both days that resulted in great sales. Our inventory of plants was very nicely distributed throughout all varieties. We had 391 transactions. That’s transactions, not people. Some came alone, some in couples and some with the whole family for an estimate of 600+ people experiencing the spirit of John Wesley UMC. The final profit was just shy of $8,000, one of the best years ever.

Thanks to Kappy’s, Teaticket Market and the Falmouth Service Center for providing us with cardboard trays which our customers used to carry their plants home.

 The Stewardship Ministry Team hopes that you are enjoying and finding value in the videos that we are creating. In just six months we have already produced 11 Info Videos! Much thanks for this to Tracy Jaekel for working with many other church leaders to gather information and develop the videos! On the third Sunday of each month, Pastor will feature a video in our Sunday services. Last Sunday he introduced our Sunday School video. Please have a look by clicking the link HERE. Or checking out the video beow. This is really a sweet one!


Hospitality and Events: Maryellen Geoghan and Christine Quesnel

June 23RD is Celebration Sunday!!! Summer begins!!!! Save the date!!! There will be one service on Celebration Sunday at 10AM. The Hospitality Team along with Linda & Steve Adams and Bonnie & Tim Valade will be providing great food, cold drinks, and condiments for all to enjoy!!! There will be hot dogs, salads, chili, chips, deli sandwiches, clam chowder, baked beans, pickles, ice cream, watermelon and all that makes a summer picnic fun!!! The Children & Youth Ministry Team will be planning some fun activities for all!!!

Bring your family and friends!!!!

Also, during the months of July & August we will be doing “Coffee Hour Lite”. 

That means we will serve cold drinks- iced tea, lemonade, juice, and light snacks. Mixed fruit, watermelon, strawberry short cake, cookies. So many people are on vacation we thought we would lighten it up. If weather permits, we can serve outside or in the lobby or both for those of you who want to stay out of the sun. Youth & Hospitality are assigned to July and Outreach Ministry has August.

Looking forward to Summer!!!



Christine & Maryellen

Welcome and Invitation ~ Lianne Carbone

The thing our team is most excited about is working together with ALL the teams on the new July Summer Plunge (for all ages!) that will take place on four Wednesday evenings in July.  Our team will be there to welcome (with our new welcome vests on!) , and we'll be working on helping to invite the community.  


In addition: 

  • Our new big Welcome Desk is on a bit of a hold, but we have Greeters and Welcomers scheduled for the summer months at Church, including the Beach Services. 
  • We remind ourselves that our team's goal doesn't stop at getting people in the door, it continues to be sure people find it easy to connect with our community of faith
  • We hope you all use and encourage the three communication cards: Welcome (for newcomers), Suggestions, and Prayer Requests.  

See you at church!


Men's Breakfast ~ Matt O'Connor

Men's Breakfast: Due to the bustling summer schedules on Cape Cod, Men's Breakfast is going to take a break for the months of June, July and August. We will hopefully resume our monthly gatherings in September. If you have any questions or suggestions for future breakfast discussions or presentations, please contact Matt O'Connor.

Contact Matt O'Connor

Spiritual Growth ~ Jennifer Linton

Saturday, June 8, at 630PM: a discussion with Dr. Ursula Goodenough. Dr. Goodenough is author of the book The Sacred Depths of Nature: How Life Has Emerged and Evolved. This is free and open to the public, with light refreshments afterwards. This event is free and open to the public.

Goodenough completed her Ph.D. in Biology at Harvard University and served as an assistant and associate professor of biology at Harvard from 1971-1978 before moving to Washington University. She retired to Martha’s Vineyard in 2017. Throughout her career Goodenough investigated the sexual cycle of the green soil alga Chlamydomonas, ciliary motility, and algal biofuel precursors. She is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the American Microbiology Society, and served as president of the American Society for Cell Biology. 

As a speaker and writer for both the scientific community and the general public, Goodenough authored three editions of a widely adopted textbook, “Genetics,” as well as a best-selling book about the religious naturalist perspective, “The Sacred Depths of Nature: How Life Has Emerged and Evolved.”

For decades, Goodenough has contributed to interdisciplinary conversations about the intersection of science, religion and morality, including participation in the NPR shows “On Being” and “Cosmos & Culture,” and multiple PBS productions. Her talk at John Wesley UMC will explore how scientific and spiritual thought not only are capable of coexisting but can work together to help us understand our story as human beings on this planet. 

Email jennifer.v.linton@gmail.com for more information.


Rummage Sale News

The Rummage Sale will take place on July 12th, 1:30pm-6:30pm & July 13th 9am-2pm.

Items for sale include: Clothing, accessories, jewelry, books, toys, attic treasures hardware, etc.

Helpers are needed

  • Wednesday July 10th in the early evening for table and rack set up
  • Thursday July 11th 9am - afternoon for displaying items for sale
  • Cashiers for both sale days
  • Clean up after the sale

If you are able to help, please contact

Linda Duane (508) 457 4407 or (774) 392 3101

Lynne Brown (508) 540 0753

Marti Jeglinski (508) 548 2944

Wednesday Prayer Group:

On Wednesdays at 11 am, there is a prayer group to pray for those who would like to have prayers for themselves or others. If you are interested in joining as a prayer group member or have prayer requests, contact the pastor or the church office.

CELEBRATION SUNDAY(06/23) Worship Service will be at 10:00 am: We will be combining both worship services. We will have a time of food, fellowship and celebration after worship. Family and friends are welcome!

Outreach/Missions ~ Bonnie Valade

Changing Our World for June is for "World Central Kitchen"

In 2010, Chef José Andrés launched World Central Kitchen (WCK), a nonprofit organization that provides fresh meals to those in crisis WCK has produced over 350 million fresh meals worldwide through using the techniques of rapid response, utilizing local resources, and responding in real time.

We are continuing to collect for the Falmouth Food Pantry. The most needed items are canned peaches, Cheerios, mayonnaise , mustard, pasta sauce and garlic powder

Deuteronomy 15:11 " For the poor will never cease to be in the land: therefore I command you, saying, you shall open your hand wide unto your brother, to the poor, and to the needy".

Bonnie Valade

The Church Mouse

   Greetings from the Church Mouse!  I send you greetings because I like being nestled behind the umbrella stand to watch and help greet people to church on Sunday mornings. I like that it’s so friendly.

              The friendly greetings continue with ushers as they pass you a bulletin. I’ve even heard them answer some great questions.

                The nursery sure is a nice place to put my little babies while I attend the service. They are so kind and gentle there. I also like to play with the toys.

                 I love the drama of the huge greenish curtain slowly opening during the last hymn. It makes me think of taking the light of the service of worship out into the world, the mission field!

                 I must admit to scurrying around the pews to help the ushers clean/straighten them up for the next week. Sometimes I see a cute pew prayer bear in which to nestle for a quick nap.

                 After church I love to scramble around on the wonderful new floor to catch any crumbs from all the delicious treats! It’s a rare treat.

                Have you noticed the wall container of intriguing brochures outside the fellowship hall left doors? There’s so much great information! Course, there’s also great information on the table below the TV as well.

                I was reading the bulletin board on the youth and young adults. Isn’t it great that we are reaching out to the post high school kids?! Some of them even enjoyed a great Christian concert recently.

               My thanks to all those that worked on the plant sale! I had so much fun running around with the set up, the clean up, and the customers! I got some plants for my new home (in the ongoing fair display in the fellowship hall).

                 I hope you have noted that the contemporary service at 11 am is now happening in the chapel. I’d hate for you to miss it. I like that there are so many plants for me to hide under to be able to participate in the service (even with my squeaky voice).

                There’s also hospitality bulletin board. They make it so convenient for sending cards for people in nursing homes or visiting them!  I need to get my birthday put on the birthday calendar as I am new to John Wesley United Methodist Church.

                Well, there is so much more going on at JWUMC, but my paws are getting tired. Have a blessed June!

The Church Mouse

Birthday Wishes for May: 

Let us celebrate life among our church family. 1st ~ Tom Hoke ~ 4th ~ Dorothy Linton ~ 6th ~ Kim Black ~ 9th ~ Mel Trott ~ 15 Judy Harbison ~ 18th ~ Lyndsey Melchiono ~ 23rd Allison Deyo

It's a great thing to have a birthday, a gift from God. Please give your birthday information by recording it on the calendar on the Fellowship bulletin board.

John Wesley United Methodist Church, 270 Gifford Street, Falmouth, MA 02540

(508) 548-3050 



John Loewen, Sexton

Eloise Harmon, Treasurer

Bill Dorfner, Director of Children, Youth and Young Adult Ministries

Lyndsey Melchiono, Church Administrator

Paula King, Director of Music Ministries

Myles Lowery, Audio Visual Coordinator

Rev. René A. Perez, Pastor

Try to Love Everyone

We must try to love everyone,

Although it’s difficult to do;

Many people are different...

Not like those that we are used to.

Jesus came to forgive our sins

And loves unconditionally;

So we must love one another,

And from all prejudice be free.

Each day is a new beginning;

Let us strive to love everyone,

As we are loved by God, the Father

And by Jesus, His only Son.

Joy Stosz

Based on a sermon by Pastor Rene

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