Volume 92 | July 1, 2019
News from Ohio State Organization
Our website has a new address! Please note: http://dkgohio.org
State Theme for 2019 - 2021
Believe :: Belong :: Build

Believe in the countless opportunities Delta Kappa Gamma has to offer.   Belong not just as a member, but actively participate with bold commitment and determination to build Ohio’s future.

Diana Kirkpatrick, President
From Diana's Desk
Believe :: Belong :: Build

Believe in the countless opportunities DKG has to offer.   Belong, not just as a member (with a number), but actively participate with bold commitment and determination to  Build Ohio’s future This is our 2019-2021 biennial theme and the “state of mind” of your State Leadership Team.

Our state committees are just about complete, but still have a few openings. Volunteer for a committee and help us to Build DKG/Ohio’s future! Contact me.   president@dkgohio.org

A very humble “thank you” to all of the individuals who said, “yes” when asked to serve on a committee. You are helping us  Build ! We are thrilled to have you on our team and are looking forward to the Leadership training session on July 31, 2019. Details will be forth coming.

Your Leadership Team has also been busy “gearing up” for the next two years and thus far we… 

  • Established official state officer and committee chair/s email accounts. (List link available below)
  • Planned to continue the Educational Excellence Committee (EEC) plans with the Foster Care Initiative and related chapter projects launched last year by Immediate Past President Meier Bauer.   
  • Decided to plan another membership challenge with the addition of a new competitive component to be launched at the October 12th executive board meeting.
  • Worked on the format for THE VOICE and, with the August issue, a new abbreviated format will be rolled out. 
  • Created a chapter program handbook to provide chapters with pertinent information to complete their own chapter program books. (see link below)
  • Worked with The Expansion/Membership Task Force to develop strategies and viable resources to nurture, strengthen and grow our local chapters.
  • Organized a Leadership Training meeting for the state committees on July 31st.
We are just getting started with much more to accomplish!
We  Believe in YOU!  We believe  YOU  Belong and that YOU can help us  Build a vibrant state organization!

On behalf of the 2019-2021 Leadership Team, please know it will be our pleasure to serve you and the Ohio organization for the next two years.  We welcome and invite you to add your voice, your energy, your enthusiasm, your passion, your bold commitment and determination to ours .  

    Believe in YOURSELF!   Believe in DKG Ohio!                

Alpha Delta State Ohio Educational Foundation Directors extend sincere thanks to all members who supported the Foundation at the 2019 Ohio State Organization Convention.  There were more than 100 members in attendance at our second Annual Meeting on Friday night following the Opening Session.  Nominchimeg Davannyam, the A. M. Boyd Overseas Fellowship recipient from Mongolia, was introduced at the Annual Meeting and shared the weekend with members.  Seven of the ten Esther H. Strickland Student Teacher Grant recipients, three scholarship recipients, and two project recipients were introduced and honored at the OSO Birthday Luncheon.   Members supported the Foundation’s efforts by donating $4,305.00 at the Birthday Luncheon and purchasing raffle tickets totaling $1,275.00.  Members also had fun at the ADSOEF sponsored Photo Booth during the cocktail party prior to the Saturday banquet.  The ADSOEF report distributed at the 2019 Convention is available to all members on the ADSOEF website at adsoef.weebly.com.  Directors welcome members’ questions and suggestions. As we begin a new biennium, please let any of the Directors know if you are interested in serving on an ADSOEF Committee.  Your involvement and support are appreciated!  
ADSOEF Financial Review
The ADSOEF Finance Committee is happy to report that the Florence L. Woodward Scholarship is officially in place. The Committee meet on May 14, 2019, to review the specific guidelines requested by Mrs. Woodward and consider the investment possibilities. Diana Haskell, Treasurer, made the arrangements necessary to officially transfer the funds into the Foundation Investment Fund.  

The Finance Committee will meet on July 29, 2019, to conduct the Internal Financial Review for the 2018-2019 Fiscal Year. The compilation of this review will then be sent to the CPA for audit. 

A sincere THANK YOU! to all who have so generously supported the work of ADSOEF during the past two years.  We look forward to beginning our third year of existence on July 1, 2019. 
OSO Officers & Committees
Contact Information
For complete contact information please access via the link below.

Chapter Book Directions
Note the Date
Dates to Remember
July 31, 2019 - State Officer/Committee
Training Meeting
Grace United Methodist Church
301 East Market Street
Washington CH, Ohio

October 12, 2019 - Executive Board Meeting
Dublin, Ohio
Details coming