“Producing this training was a customer request, born out of frequent discussions between American Waterways Operators (AWO) members and at meetings throughout 2023 in response to new regulations,” notes CME Business Relations Coordinator Lisa Nally. “So, we then reached out to some of our other clients to gauge interest in a new course, and they made their need clear.”
Lisa, along with Jonathan Burson, CME e-Learning Manager, started the process by gathering insight from HR and legal compliance experts in the industry. SCI’s Center for Mariner Advocacy Director, Phil Schifflin, was called, along with Hannah Lewis, Health and Safety Director at Golding Barge Lines, and Reis Prevost, Manager, Environmental, Health, Safety & Transportation at Enterprise Marine Services, to assist in creating the course. Development went quickly; starting in November of 2023, the training module took approximately two months to finalize. “We had great guidance and response from Phil and our industry subject matter experts,” Lisa noted.
CME now includes this SASH training as part of its comprehensive online library of courses. This module, like all of CME’s e-learning, offers testing and certification. “The course needs to cover the regulation, so it has to both teach and present proof of compliance,” said Jonathan. “We’re confident that it meets the industry’s needs.”
“This particular course was meaningful for us.” Jonathan continued. “No mariner should ever feel afraid or threatened on the job, and helping mariners and companies understand these rights and obligations within the workplace is vital course content.”
This course was not CME’s first foray into human-resource-related content. Jonathan points to the modules e-Learning created during the COVID-19 pandemic in response to regulatory changes around hygiene. “We do our best to keep our eye on trends and regulations and look for opportunities to collaborate with clients because CME wants to create courses that are useful and accessible to mariners and the companies we serve, whether that training is on or off the boats.”