Volume 3, Issue 6
May 28, 2014

Birthdays and Anniversaries
Garin Hoover

Adam Isaacson

Karen Vroman

Linda Small         

Rachel Ratashak

Morgan Hoover


Brad Lair

Addison Chambers

Grant Denny

Shelby Warwick

Dana Schock

Tammy Lair

Don Twombley

Donna Wilcox

Kristin Warwick

Hal & Donna Rusk

Colin & Breanna Young

Eric & Susan Guy

Jerry & Wanda Bane

Don & Drue Cavanaugh

Jerry & Tommie

Ron & Sue Stookey

Dave & Dana Etzel-Wharff

 Church Calendar and Serving Schedule  

in our prayers 
Jayde Hildebrand
Gale Holmes
Donna Wilcox
Jo Sohn
Kathy Logsdon

Brandy, Micah &    Alex Darling
Larry & Sandy Cline
Harold & Ruth Martin
Deanna Young
Sam Erwin
George & Diane Lair
Lena & Aaron Raney
Margaret Faukler

Financial Notes  
May  4   $5,489.35
May 11  $   490.00
May 18  $3,663.96
May 25  $1,858.50

May  4   45
May 11  56
May 18  57
May 25  32

Office Hours
 office closed
8:30 to Noon

Church Phone



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Covenant Christian Church Newsletter

We hope you haven't let the threat of road work keep you away.  Though the signs on 72nd Street warn of road closings, we are assured by the city that access to Covenant should not be hindered throughout the long construction project.  Proceed as usual and know that if the road is "Closed to Thru Traffic" that does not mean you can't get to worship or other activities at church.  So come on over and join us this summer!

We're expecting some construction work of our own this summer.  You can read more below about the parking lot repair that has been approved to begin later in June.

Mark your calendars for lots of activities this summer to get you and your family out and about, joining in fellowship with others from church and community alike! Including a day at  the ballgame (June 22), Funky Fridays (to begin with June 13), Bike Night (to begin May 29), Vacation Bible School (July 11-12) and lots of interesting worship plans to peek your interest. 

Hope to see you Soon at Covenant Christian Church!
Journey In . . .deepening our connection to each other.

Team Leaders: Tammy Lair, Lynn Heuss


Bike Night Returns! May 29  

Join us for the return of "Bike Night" on Thursdays this Summer, beginning this Thursday, May 29 at 5:30 p.m.  We'll meet at the trailhead near the Burger King on 73rd Street and ride from there.  We may begin at different trails through the summer so keep an eye out for details as they are announced each week.  Please let Paul Witmer know if you'd like to be on an email list to receive reminders and updates.


End-of-School-Year Social,  June 1: Potluck and Cookout!

School's out for Summer! Let's celebrate with an all-church social on Sunday June 1 following worship.  The church will provide meat for a cookout and we ask you to bring a dish to share.  


Funky Fridays!

Summer's a great time to plan outings for kids and families, so we're offering several "Funk Fridays" this summer, with outings to a Water Park, the Neal Smith Prairie, Bowling and other possibilities.  The first Funky Friday is planned for Friday the 13th (June) at the Clive Aquatic Center.  Meet at church at 11:30 and bring a lunch and $5.00.  We'll plan to return to the church by 2:30 p.m.  Parents are invited to join us or not...up to you!


Take Me Out to the Ball Game! June 22, 1:05 p.m

We're going to the ballgame on Sunday, June 22.  It's Food Pantry day at Principal Park so every one gets in with just a donation of 3 items for the DMARC Food Pantry! (general admission)  Plan to join us for a day at the game; we can carpool from church to save on parking.  Hope to see you then!


Nearer My God to Thee: Tools for Connection

Six-Week Adult Sunday School Course led by Sarah Hughes

Beginning June 8. (8:45 a.m.) 

This six-week course is an offering of revolutionary self-awareness practices and communication tools that open us up to experiencing the love of God and give us concrete ways to show that love to the people around us. 


Together, we will create a deeper experience of our connection to the divine, foster loving and joyful connection with one another, and strengthen the connection between our faith and the way we show up in the world.

All are welcome!  Please join us, even if you will be out of town for some of the classes.  If you will be out of town for the first class, but you are still planning on joining, let Sarah know so that she can get you copies of the handouts and find time catch you up on the introduction to the materials.

Mark Your Calendars for VBS July 11-12  

We're joining with Urbandale UCC to offer an exciting Vacation Bible School experience for all the young ones this Summer, July 11-12: "Welcome! Give and Receive God's Great Love."  Registration forms are available at church on the bulletin board.

Friday July 11, 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Urbandale UCC.  We will gather for a potluck, craft activities, bible lessons, and opening worship.
Saturday July 12, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Covenant Christian.  We will begin the day with a trip to the Food Pantry, returning to Covenant for lunch, outdoor games, closing worship.  Over the course of the weekend, we will also put together backpacks with food for children in need in our community.

Volunteers Needed! 
We'll be looking for a few volunteers to help make Vacation Bible School a success.  Sarah needs help with the following:
  1. Craft helpers on Friday evening, from 5-8, at Urbandale UCC
  2. Chaperones  to provide transportation on Saturday morning at 10 am.  Meet at Covenant Christian Church at 10.  This is for the community service project (a visit to DMARC Food Pantry) 
  3. A lunch meal on Saturday, to be served at Covenant at noon.  It will be outdoors, weather permitting.
Journey Out . . .sharing with the world our passion for justice and peace.

Team Leaders: VeeAnn Cartwright and Corby Roberts


Our Coffee Has Never Been Stronger! 

Thanks to all those who purchased approximately $500 in Fair Trade products during Journey-Out's recent fund raiser. Profits have been used to purchase Fair Trade coffee for fellowship. In addition several individuals/families donated their purchases for use in fellowship use.

A Fair Trade sales point has now been set up in the Fellowship Hall. A selection of coffee and candies are available for your purchase.

Periodically additional orders will be submitted to Equal Exchange. Let us know if you want to order. In order to save on shipping charges we will attempt to accumulate $75 in product value before ordering.

Chocolate is not shipped between May 1 and early fall unless we pay extra for special packing.


Every Church Was New Once!

Just as our ancestors made a commitment to start new churches, we want to invite you to consider how you can support the creation of new churches in places that do not currently have a Disciples church witness.  One important way that you can support this effort is through your generous gifts to the Pentecost Offering.

The wider church is able to recruit, assess, train and coach our new church planters.One half of the offering collected stays in the region of origin.The other half goes to Hope Partnerships to support new church ministries.More than 2/3 of the United States population doesn't live within close driving distance of a Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) congregation.Some strides in correcting that sobering statistic have been made by 830 new churches started since 2001.More than 50,000 individuals, who may not have had a relationship with God, have worshiped in at least 19 different languages.         

We give praise to God for the sacrifices of the generations before us and for the faithful servants in our own time who are making a difference today.  Thank you for your partnership in the Pentecost Offering that will be received on June 1 and  

June 8.


CFUM June 6

Thank you for your help in providing a meal for the CFUM (Children and Family Urban Movement) Supper Club on Friday, June 6.    


Christmas in July! 

Stay tuned for more information about ways we plan to celebrate "Christmas in July!"  All the giving that is usually reserved for the holidays will hopefully spill over into the summer months when many families in need may be forgotten.  We plan to make a special outreach effort as part of a Christmas in July celebration on July 27th

Journey Up . . .growing in our love of God.
Team Leader: Karen Vroman

Baptism Sunday, June 1
We are excited to celebrate with Dillon Warwick and his family on the occasion of Dillon's baptism into full membership of Covenant Christian Church on June 1.  We hope you can join us for that special day in the life of our faith community.

Ramsey Home Worship, June 1
Please join us in bringing the joy of worship and the gift of communion to the residents, family and friends of Ramsey Home.  We'll join them for worship at 3:00 p.m. with hymns, scripture and homily and communion.

Summer Worship Adventures
We're going to mix things up quite a bit this summer and experiment with lots of worship themes and adventures that should keep us all engaged and alert for the presence of God.  That doesn't necessarily mean everything's gonna be new and weird.  In fact, one Sunday will be a very traditional service with organ music, the doxology and other favorites from the world of "Traditional Worship." (Father's Day, June 15)  Another Sunday will feature upbeat Blue Grass/Gospel tunes with a live Blue Grass Band. (July 20)  And, you won't want to miss "Christmas in July" on July 27th, complete with tree, gifts and candles!  Some other themes in the works include an "Artfest" inspired worship featuring visual arts on June 29; Contemporary Worship with interactive video; "Summer of Love" with all Beatles inspired music and preaching; and "Jazz in July."  Stay tuned for more information and a detailed schedule for the Summer.  Feel free to share your own ideas too!
Journey Down . . . taking care of our physical plant
Team Leader: Doug Minear

Thank You!
Many of you were on hand to work at our recent workday.  Thank You so much!  The Gazebo which was badly damaged was torn down and removed, doors were newly painted, bricks laid, and lots of other tasks completed.  Thanks to all who served.

Parking Lot
The Board recently accepted a bid for major parking lot repairs which will begin this summer (about the middle of June).  We are investigating the costs and possibility of adding some handicapped accessible parking closer to the building that may be done at the same time.  Money to pay for all the improvements is in the bank as part of our recent capitol improvement campaign (last summer).  Thanks for all your generous support for the important maintenance projects around the property.  
Hearing Loop
The board also recently approved a bid to install a Hearing Loop which takes advantage of the latest (bluetooth) technology to vastly improve hearing for folks with properly equipped hearing aids.  The board hopes to partially fund some of this project with money already in the bank along with special donations.  Thanks to Don Hiscox who has been overseeing the project so far and will continue to
explore funding options.