Spring 2024

Letter from Priest in Charge

The Reverend Chris Lee

Dear friends:

We hear a lot about the decline of mainline denominations like the Episcopal Church. And while we should never shy away from current realities, I have at least two responses to this diagnosis. The first is simply this: the Church has been around for 2,000 years, weathered countless global crises, seen empires come and go. Though it may be undergoing a major transformation, the Church isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. 

On top of that, we have the example of a thriving local Christian community right before our eyes. A review of just the last three months of our life together at St. Mary’s makes that abundantly clear. As you’ll see detailed in this issue of The Bell, we continue to impact the wider community with compassionate service, offer an ever-expanding music ministry, and sustain a rich spiritual and liturgical life.

For me, all of this energy and excitement fed directly into our Holy Week observances. Over five different services between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, a few hundred people joined together to walk the way of the Cross, experience the journey of Jesus and the disciples, and ultimately rejoice in Christ’s resurrection. My own personal highlight was the Great Vigil of Easter, which was held at St. Mary’s for the first time in many years.

Two more important reflections of our growth need to be mentioned. At our Annual Parish Meeting in January, we elected Durrie Golding and Camilla Calhoun to serve as our new Wardens. If I'm not mistaken, it’s the first time in the history of this parish that two women have served in that capacity. Let’s appreciate this important milestone as we congratulate and welcome them. In addition, this year’s stewardship campaign, led by John Priscantellli and Durrie Golding, saw an increase in pledges of over 20%. This is a sign of both remarkable generosity and steadfast faith. Speaking on behalf of myself, the staff and the Vestry, we could not be more grateful, and look forward to rewarding your confidence in us. 

One way I hope to honor that in the short term is through the work of a recently-convened Strategic Planning Task Force, made up of Vestry members Sally Sobolewski, Janet Priscantelli and Barbara Jackson. I feel blessed to be working alongside the three of them to design a process for discerning a vision for our community that will guide us through the next several years. Stay tuned for details on parish-wide listening sessions to be held in the weeks to come.

God continues to bless this community, to stir us to action and fill us with hope. I am as grateful as ever for the privilege of loving and serving you.




Chris can be reached on Wednesdays and Thursdays at the parish office 914-238-8751 and anytime for pastoral care 646-431-9298 (cell)

News from C0-Wardens

Durrie Golding and Camilla Calhoun

Vestry as of January 2024

David Aplin (Treasurer),Camilla Calhoun, Cindy Forrest, Durrie Golding, Christian Hakim, Barbara Jackson, Rich Juzumas (Vestry Clerk), Kelly Leonard O’Keefe, Janet Priscantelli, Richard Romeo and Sally Sobolewski

First of all, thank you for having the faith and trust in choosing us as your Wardens. It is an honor and a privilege to take over the reins from John Priscantelli and Andrew Tustian, who led the Vestry with such dedication for so many years.

There are many things we can be thankful for and reflect upon in our lives today at St. Mary’s. For over a year now, our parish has been blessed with the ministry, direction and spiritual guidance of Father Chris Lee.

There is excitement and a renewal of energy and enthusiasm within the parish that is infectious. We have welcomed 6 new families since last fall and with them, came more children for our Sunday School Program. Many thanks to Joanne Tiebout Douglas and Cindy Forrest who work every Sunday with our kids and have designed exciting and creative classes for them. And of course, a big thank you to Laurane Carnevale for

keeping us all on track with her dedicated work as our Parish Administrator.

In addition, Alexandra Beliakovich has rejuvenated and strengthened our music program. We now have two new choir members, there is a Children’s Choir again, we have hosted several recitals for children within and outside of our parish community, and we all have enjoyed the talents of guest musicians who have enhanced our worship services. Alexandra’s knowledge, guidance and vision for a robust music program at St. Mary’s

is a welcome addition to our community.

Aside from our weekly Sunday worship, we offer many exciting opportunities for parishioners to gather, work together and enjoy each other’s company. To name a few: the Walking Group, Contemplative Prayer, Morning Prayer and Lectionary Brunch, Green Team, Midnight Run, and Sunday Forums. We’ve also hosted a variety of musical concerts, expanded committee volunteers within the Vestry structure, formed a

website-upgrade committee, and established a Strategic Plan Task Force.

As of the end of March, our 2024 stewardship campaign is on track. We have raised $250,880.00, with 36% of parishioners having either made a pledge or made their gift payment. Thank you to those who have done so. If you have not committed yet, please know that any gift/pledge amount is welcome. Your generosity is very much appreciated. Your support helps us manage our everyday expenses, as well as provide for the necessary funding for special maintenance projects.

Some of the in-the-works projects include: paving the driveway and parking lot in front of the Church, attention to the Parish Hall facade, doors, and other areas of concern outside and inside our communal buildings, cleaning up classrooms in the Parish Hall for possible rental options, replacing/repairing damaged windows and window sills, and down the road - looking into energy-efficient ways to heat/cool our buildings.

We feel a sense of renewal, optimism, and hope for the future of this parish, our beloved St. Mary’s. And this is not just from us – recent visitors have commented on not only the beauty of our church and grounds but on the energy and vitality they feel when they are within our sacred spaces.

With your help, let’s keep this vitality going as we move forward into 2024 and beyond. We can’t do any of this without you: join a committee, volunteer for a special project, or help assist with worship services.

Can’t wait to see what we can accomplish together!

With blessings to all,

Durrie Golding and Camilla Calhoun

Vestry Minutes

Meeting Minutes are available on bulletin board outside of Parish Hall office

or by contacting Rich at juzumas@verizon.net.



SUNDAYS 8 AM: Holy Eucharist, Rite I

10 AM: Holy Eucharist, Rite II

Wednesday, April 18th

Contemplative Prayer 7pm

Thursday, April 19th

Morning Prayer 10am

Lectionary Brunch 10:30am

Sunday, April 21st

The Fourth Sunday of Easter

Holy Eucharist 8 and 1oam

Sunday Forum: "Planetarian Life" 11:30am

Lector, Usher, Altar Guild

Now that we have resumed in-person worship in the church, we need Ushers as well as Lectors and Altar Guild.


Creation Care means many things – here at St. Mary’s we will be exploring the definition of Zero Waste and learning how we can be more mindful stewards of the precious resources around us. Under that umbrella, in

February 2024 Chris Lee, Durrie Golding, Camilla Calhoun and Sandy Dammann visited the county composting facility in Valhalla with a guided tour by Aleks Jagiello, the Westchester County program specialist for composting. He was generous with his time and also gave us our starter composting bin.

Our starter bin is now set up just outside the Parish Hall patio doors. All kitchen food scraps are to be put in the white container to the right of the kitchen sink. Please bring your food scraps from home to contribute to our compost if you can’t compost at home (see Camilla or Durrie about this if you have any questions).

We will be using leaves on our grounds to add to the “brown” part of our bin, saving them for us. Step-by-step instructions about the 2:1 ratio of browns and greens and other pertinent information about composting at St. Mary’s can be found in this link here.

(Click here for Composting Program Info Sheet)

We are in discussion with Barbara Romeo, and with the help of others, to create native gardens on our property. This would be a great way to make use of the soil our composter is making. We encourage parishioners to help us with “spring clean-up” and welcome any ideas about how we can further embrace Creation Care.

We will also be exploring ways to save energy in our buildings. Heating is a major expense for us, so we hope to reduce that burden and our carbon output. We are meeting with the “Green Team” for more ideas to move forward.

In keeping with our Creation Care objective, we will be trying to use less disposables and plastics at our Strawberry Festival. Stainless steel tumblers will be available to purchase this year – with some free refills! Aside from the waste issue of bottled water, it is also a health concern – see below. Aside from the waste issue of bottled water, recent studies from Columbia University and Rutgers University found 110,000 to 370,000 nanoplastics in a liter of bottled water. Nanoplastics have been found to pass the blood brain barrier. (See links below)

Click HERE for an important link about nano plastics.

Brain health: Click HERE for link to info about nanoplastics linked to Parkinsons' disease and dementia.

JOIN US FOR Sunday Forum 11:30am

Parish Hall

Sunday, April 21 "Planetarian Life"

Sunday, March 3

"Second Chance Foods"

Join us on a mission to elevate the health of people and planet by recovering nutritious food before it goes to waste -and- delivering it to the tables of hungry families in the Hudson Valley, NY.


News from

Director of Music, Dr. Alexandra Beliakovich-Shkoda

The year 2024 started off with a great new concert series launched in January: Kids aMusicing, our new children performers series, is a way for kids taking music lessons to demonstrate their skills playing different instruments.

Six children participated in our inaugural concert in January, performing on piano, guitar and Belarusian cimbalom. It was a great success, and we are looking forward to our next concert on June 9th!

The season of Lent was musically varied and busy: we had beautiful solo performances by Chris Maxfield (soprano), Michael Lanzano (baritone), duet performance by Barbara Doss (soprano) and Jeannie Aplin (alto). Many thanks go to our volunteer violinists, Barbara Doss and Elisa Tustian, for making our prelude special on Sunday, March 17, and to our guest performers Michael Meade (cello) and Zachary Pulse (oboe).

The music on Easter service was glorious thanks to the special performances by the following groups and performers: SMTV Children's choir, SMTV Chamber group and our guest trumpet player, Nickolas Vest.

Below are some of the exciting musical events planned for the Spring:

  • Children's Choir concert - May 19
  • Kids a-Musicing concert - June 9
  • Piano solo recital by A. Beliakovich: May 4

If you or someone you know would like to join our choir, sing a solo or play an

instrument during our Worship services, please let me know by emailing me at


From the choir: "We want to express gratitude and appreciation for Eve who has joined the choir (see Parish Profile) - her support invigorates us all, her voice has a great range from Alto to Tenor and beyond. And she’s lots of fun. We feel very blessed. Thanks


Meet the Parish

Meet the Wolff Family

Eve, Will, Wolff (8th gr.) and Liam (6th gr.) in Ireland

Eve and Will Wolff moved to Pleasantville in November 2022, after nearly 20 years of living in NYC. They first met as teenagers, when Will became high school friends with Eve’s cousin, and after years of friendship and dating, they married in 2008. Originally from Alaska and raised in St. Paul, MN, Will is the President of U-Haul of Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island. Eve is the Deputy Director of Dancing Classrooms, the nonprofit organization featured in the documentary Mad Hot Ballroom, which teaches social and ballroom dance in schools around the country. Originally from the suburbs of DC, Eve moved to NYC when she was four, when her father (an episcopal priest) started working at Trinity Church Wall Street. Soon they moved uptown to the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. Eve grew up dancing and singing at special events at the Cathedral, including original pieces by her mother, a composer. As a result, her love of liturgical music and mystery was solidified at a young age. 

Will and Eve moved to Flushing Queens in 2012, with their two young children, Wolff and Liam. Shortly thereafter, they began attending Zion Episcopal church of Douglaston Queens. Eve joined the choir, and (eventually) Will joined the vestry. During COVID Will helped plan and install all new AV equipment to support virtual and hybrid services. He soon became chair of the properties committee, and oversaw upgrades to the Parish Hall, a new roof, and more on the 100 year-old building. In June, 2023 Eve & Will’s oldest child, Wolff, was confirmed at Zion, by the Bishop of Long Island. 

When looking to move to Westchester Eve’s late aunt, Kristin Jones (a former resident of Ossining and Mt. Kisco) began sending Eve the email newsletters from St. Mary the Virgin. She and her husband, Lewis, had spent some time at St. Mary’s years ago, and it was a top recommendation. In fact, the late October 2022 newsletter was one of the last things Eve and Kristin discussed before Kristin’s passed away from brain cancer in November, 2022. Kristin’s persistence, along with the beautiful music program, is what first drew Eve and Will to St. Mary’s in 2023. 

Their children Wolff, now in 8th grade, and Liam, 6th grade, both attend Pleasantville Middle School. Eve has recently joined the choir at St. Mary’s, where everyone has been extremely welcoming! She hopes to find more opportunities for her middle (soon-to-be-high) schoolers to find friends and community here, as well.


April Calendar


News from The Sunday School Director, Joanne Tiebout Douglas

The Sunday School had a wonderful Epiphany, Lent & Easter. Now, we meet in 2 classes. One class , children 9 years and older, is taught by Cindy Forrest. The older class uses the Storymakers curriculum. which follows the Sunday readings.

The other class, children 3 to 8 years, is taught by me and continues to learn with a curriculum which I write that follows the Sunday readings, usually the Gospel.

The last Sunday of Epiphanytide the Sunday School hid an Alleluias banner beneath the altar. No Alleluias during Lent! On Easter the children presented the banner to the congregation. Back to Alleluias!

We continue to learn the general confession & paste it in our prayer books.. In April the children will write notes and draw pictures to send to our World Vision child. In April & May, the older children will make puppets and present a Biblical show to the younger children. We will have Sunday School during the Summer as we did last year.Our weekly attendance varies. It is usually 11 children. The Holy Spirit is moving.!

Please email for any questions: josiebabette@gmail.com

World Vision

This month our Sunday School, led by Joanne Tiebout Douglas, will be drawing pictures/writing to Kimyin Choeng in Cambodia. Thanks to Penney & Gerry Klingman, our children have a relationship with the child we are currently sponsoring through World Vision.

The Sunday School children of St. Mary's, who are now young adults, exchanged letters with our sponsored children Sopha Sak and later Kimhieng Phlay, both in Cambodia.  We supported their education as our children grew up together. St. Mary’s is currently sponsoring the education of Kimyin Choeng.  To see a profile of Kimyin Choeng, you can open this link, Sponsored Child Lookup, and enter her ID number which is 199769-5701. St. Mary’s is sponsoring her education.

World Vision is a Christian relief and development organization dedicated to helping children and their communities worldwide reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty. World Vision serves the world's poor, regardless of a person's religion, race, ethnicity or gender. To learn more about this organization, see https://www.worldvision.org/.

Following a presentation in church by representatives in 2006, the Outreach Committee, in coordination with the Sunday school, funded the annual sponsorship of a Cambodian girl, 5 year old Sopha Sak. At that time, over 30 families in our parish also chose to sponsor a child through World Vision. 

The $30 monthly sponsorship fee provides basic necessities that help sponsored children reach their full potential, including access to safe water, better nutrition, health care, educational opportunities and economic development opportunities for their family, community and other families in need.

From 2006 until 2014, our Sunday school children sent letters and small gifts to Sopha, and she in turn wrote back to the Sunday school. In addition to the sponsorship fee, St. Mary’s provided additional funds which enabled Sopha to get a bicycle, clothes, mosquito nets for her family and rice for the village granary.

In 2014 when Sopha was offered an educational opportunity and no longer needed our support, the Sunday school made the decision to sponsor another child, 9 year old Kimhieng Phlay. When Kimhieng and her family moved away from their community in 2016, we began sponsoring Kimyin Choeng. Kimyin lives in Mongkol Borei, a poor rural community in Cambodia with her grandmother who is a construction worker.

In 2010, Penney Klingman was able to travel to Rwanda with World Vision to meet the children being sponsored by her family and she saw firsthand how sponsorship makes a real and lasting difference in the lives of these children and their communities. Penney would be glad to speak with anyone who would like to learn more about sponsoring a child through World Vision.

You may contact Penney Klingman at jklingman@aol.com

F U N with Chocolate

During the recent winter and spring breaks, Chrissie Moses ran a week-long “fun with chocolate” program for school children in our Parish Hall. Her structured and entertaining activities included games, storytelling, arts and crafts, and of course, lots and lots of chocolate creations!


The children also enjoyed time outside - on the playground and walking our labyrinth.


Chrissie is looking to hold an “Evening with Chocolate” for adults sometime this spring here at St. Mary’s. Stay tuned for further information on date and time.


SAVE THE DATE 87th Annual Strawberry Festival 2024

June 1, 2024

Our annual festival will be chaired this year by John Priscantelli and Cindy Forrest. Cindy is a welcome addition.

Please SAVE THE DATE! We will need as many volunteers as possible in all areas of the festival. A sign-up genius will be going out at the end of April. So please pay attention to it because to be successful we need volunteers. WE NEED EVERYONES HELP!

We are paying extra attention to the ecological ramifications of the festival. We are trying to offer drinks and use cutlery, plates, etc., that are more friendly to our environment. Thanks to Camilla Calhoun and Cindy in this area. We are also trying to offer a digital pay feature. Thanks to Cindy in this area. WE HAVE TO EVOLVE!

In addition, we are going to offer a chance for parishioners to sponsor Neighbors Link families as we did last year.

More information will follow on a regular basis. Thank you for your continued support as we begin our 87th annual festival, the longest running festival in Westchester!

Raffle Tickets

It is time to start thinking Strawberry Festival!

If you would like to buy or sell Strawberry Festival raffles, please print HERE and bring to the Fest on June 1 or see choir member Molly Holmes for books of tickets to buy or sell.

Attic Treasures

Spring cleaning is the perfect time to set aside jewelry, children’s toys, and games, and small (portable) home goods for resale at this year's Strawberry Festival. Collections will begin next month in the parish hall, and pick-ups can also be arranged. For questions or to help sort through our treasures please email Cindy Forrest at cyoungforrest@gmail.com or call 914-602-9766.

Spring Yard Clean Up Day

April 28 | SMTV Grounds

Come help out on Sunday, April 28th after services with our Spring Yard Clean Up Day!

Bring work clothes, gloves, and any handy outside tools you may have to help rake around the Church, Parish Hall and Rectory, trim the bushes, and plant Easter flowers in our gardens.

Let's get ready for spring!

Souper Bowl of Caring

Sunday, Feb 11, 2024

$1,000 raised!

Thanks to all who cooked, baked, served - from prepping to clean-up (including drop off extras to at Neighbors Link and bringing the funds to the charity -- and all who generously supported the "Souper Bowl of Caring” at coffee hour.

Our young adults did an awesome job on Super Bowl Sunday serving soup and goodies to our parishioners and raising $1000! This was donated to the Interfaith Emergency Food Pantry in Pleasantville

Thanks to SMTV Youth: Cole Fitzgerald, Catherine Fenlon, Charlie Hayes, Kate Paskowitz, Jonathan Forrest, Joe and Jack Santilli. Younger siblings Henry and Will Forrest were also a great help!

Thank you

Dr. Fred Maxfield

On Jan 21st, Parishioner Fred Maxfield, Professor of Biochemistry at Weill Cornell Medicine, discussed recent advances, including the very fast rollout of RNA vaccines for Covid-19 and (time permitting) some new advances in gene therapy, including one for sickle cell disease that was recently approved in the UK and the USA. Thank you Dr. Maxfield!

Agape Meal

On March 28th, following the Maundy Thursday Holy Eucharist with Foot Washing, there was a gathering for a traditional Agape Meal.

An Agape Meal, or “Love Feast” as it is also called, is an ancient tradition of table fellowship. The practice of holy hospitality precedes the Church, going back to the hospitality Abraham showed to his three unknown visitors (Genesis 18). Such meals seek to strengthen communal bonds and foster a spirit of harmony, goodwill and congeniality.


MRAP by Barbara L. Jackson

Migrant Relocation Assistance Program - Neighbors Link

Father Chris has so often rightly reminded us of the scripture and response of Jesus as recorded in Matthew 22:36-40: “Master, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?

Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like unto it, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”

Two decades ago, Neighbors Link was founded in Mount Kisco to meet that call through loving the recent immigrants who congregated at the train station, waiting for work in the cold and rain and often subject to underpaid wages and unfair treatment from those who picked them up for a day’s work.

Despite an unwelcoming community and only being allowed to locate a community center on Columbus Avenue in a masonry warehouse near the town’s garbage dump, Neighbors Link was founded in 2000 by a few who had listened and loved according to the scripture, and it signaled the miraculous transformation of not only the Mount Kisco community but also neighboring communities in Westchester and Connecticut.

The Neighbors Link mission is to strengthen the whole community through the healthy integration of immigrants. Our mission is achieved by filling a service gap for new immigrant families, offering education and empowerment programs, involving longer-term residents in volunteer opportunities and creating substantive partnerships with other local organizations, including the police, the schools, and the hospitals. Our strategies to educate, empower, and employ families include a Worker Center, English as a Second Language education, legal services, and advocacy, workforce development, parent

education, early childhood programs and academic support for school-age children of immigrants.

Responding to the most recent call to assist newly arrived immigrant families with children living in NYC shelters who would like to move to other parts of the state, Neighbors Link is participating in the New York State funded Migrant Relocation Assistance Program, to assist newly arrived families in identifying safe and affordable housing in Westchester, administering subsidies for rent and utilities for one year, assisting with basic needs, and providing case management services for one year.

And parishioners from St. Mary’s have responded so generously to the age-old call as well from sponsoring Neighbors Link families in participating and enjoying last year’s Strawberry Festival, to volunteering at weekly Neighbors Link Family Nights, to donating small household goods purchased through an Amazon Wish List organized by Denise Hanchet and delivered to Julie Bleha for collection at the Rectory.

Criteria for acceptance to the MAP program include: needs to be families in the city who indicate they want to move to this area, have to have asylum pending and have at least one child. Neighbors Link, through your generous support, has now resettled, or about to resettle within the next two weeks, a total of 53 families. The largest number of families have come from Venezuela and Afghanistan. But this number also include families from Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Nicaragua, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Turkey, Russia, Guinea, and Nigeria.

On March 7, after collecting and loading eleven boxes of household goods provided by the generosity of SMTV parishioners, the “Welcome Home” goods were delivered on March 7 by Denise Hanchet and Barbara Jackson to a family of five from Nigeria, which includes children, ages, 12, 4 and 1, looking forward to their new home in Yonkers and a new life in a new land with new neighbors. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”

We at St. Mary’s have both lifted our lamp and responded to our Lord’s call.

Gratitude and Blessings,

Barbara B. Jackson

Link here for Fact Sheet for MRAP

For more information about sponsoring additional families, please contact Denise Hanchet at hanchet@verizon.net or (914) 671-0128.


Our next Midnight Run will

be on Friday, May 17, 2024


Parishioners of all ages and their friends are encouraged to drop by the parish hall that evening any time from 7-8:30PM to prepare food and sort donated clothing and toiletries for the homeless. Families are welcome to come for any or all of this prep time. No RSVP needed. Pizza will be available for anyone who would like to eat some food during the prep. Some of our little ones come in pajamas to help out before bedtime. It is a special time of parish service and fellowship and a lovely way to introduce potential new parishioners to St. Mary's.

Donations may be dropped off to the parish hall during the month of May. Please label them "Midnight Run" and put them in the upstairs classroom with a sign stating “Midnight Run”:

  • Used (or new) men’s pants, shirts, jackets, hats, gloves, shoes, especially size XL
  • New men’s underwear and socks (many request black socks though all are appreciated)
  • Soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, disposable razors, shaving cream, combs, brushes. Please do NOT include mouthwash in donations
  • Many men request men’s deodorant
  • Occasionally women show up for donations so we also accept some women’s clothing
  • For more information, please visit midnightrun.org

If you are interested in going on the run to deliver meals and distribute clothing and toiletries, please contact Denise Hanchet at hanchet@verizon.net or (914) 671-0128. 

Denise is managing the waitlist for Eric Dammann and Sean Fitzgerald.

There are a limited number of seats in the van, so you may be wait-listed for a future run.


Midnight Run is a volunteer organization dedicated to finding common ground between the housed and the homeless. The late-night relief efforts create a forum for trust, sharing, understanding, and affection. The human exchange, rather than the exchange of goods, is the essence of the Midnight Run mission.



Katonah Museum of Art

Stories of Syria's Textiles: Art and Heritage across Two Millennia tour took place on Saturday, January 20th

Curated by St.Mary's parishioner, Blair Fowlkes Childs, who provided a private tour of this fascinating exhibit.

Photos below credit to Norman Savitt


Debut Novel by

Young Adult Author

Leyla Brittan

Leyla's first young adult novel, Ros Demir is Not the One (Holiday House 2024), is out for pre order now. Pre-sales are important in publishing, the books would be shipped out to buyers in October/November.

Originally from Chappaqua, New York (and SMTV member), Leyla received an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Wyoming in 2023, and she graduated from Harvard College in 2019 with an A.B. in English and a Secondary Concentration in Computer Science.

Her short fiction has appeared in Pigeon Pages, 5x5, and The Harvard Advocate, and has been nominated for Best American Short Stories. She has attended workshops in fiction writing, screenwriting, playwriting, and journalism through Tin House, Harvard University, the UVA Young Writers Workshop, and the Iowa Young Writers’ Studio.

She is also an actor and singer; while at Harvard, she toured internationally with the jazz a cappella group The Radcliffe Pitches, and she has most recently appeared onstage in Relative Theatrics’ productions of Black Sky and Arsonist.

She has a background in outdoor sports, and has written for the rock climbing magazines Rock and Ice and Gym Climber. She is a recreational rock climber, skier, hiker, runner, and PADI-certified Open Water Diver.

Ars Antiqua

Saturday, April 20th


Corelli Reimagined

Sacred & Secular Transformations

Featuring newly discovered 18th-century music of ravishing beauty and dazzling virtuosity.

Followed by a sumptuous buffet reception of Italian Desserts & Coffee Catered by Susan Lawrence

Details HERE

Seating is limited:

Please order your tickets in advance:


Piano Classics:

Alexandra Beliakovich

Saturday, May 4, 2024 at 7pm

A Study in Contrasts Music by S. Barber, L. van Beethoven, F. Chopin, J. Field and D. Scarlatti

Church of St. Mary the Virgin

Admission: $30

Reception to Follow

Good St. Maryan's

Hi Everyone,

We wanted to write to thank you all so much for your incredible generosity. The meals that were dropped at our door were delicious, bountiful, comforting and made us feel so loved. Adding a new baby to the family is so joyful but also challenging - so to not have to worry about our next meal was extremely helpful. 

We are so grateful for our St. Mary's community. You all have supported me my entire life, ever since I was a baby! So to be able to experience that love as James and I have babies of our own is incredibly special. Please add us to the list of Good St. Maryans, we hope to pay it forward.

Sending love and gratitude,

Maeve, James, Graham and Cate Reddicliffe

If you would like to sign up to volunteer for the Good St. Maryan’s, please contact Dana Fenlon at 914-238-1151 or


If you have a need or know of a family who is struggling in any way and needs pastoral care, please contact Fr. Chris.

Congrats Graham!

Graham Hanchet accepted his offer to attend Cornell University’s SC Johnson College of Business in the Fall—Class of 2026. His MBA program will be focused on sustainability. 

Views from the Appalachian Trail

On Feb 29th, Adam Bayer (now 25) & his Greeley High School friend, Ben Sackler, began their journey to hike the entire 2,190 miles of the Appalachian Trail. They have hiked approx 17 miles per day, and taken several "zero days" of rest in hostels or motels off the trail. Their goal is to finish (GA to ME) by the end of July. Keep them in your prayers!

Here is an excerpt from this week in VA."there's something so special about constantly traveling north every single day as spring starts to reveal itself. Up here in the mountains, spring takes a little longer to appear. Constant northbound travel delays that process even more. But living outside allows you to see the seasonal transition happen in a unique and rewarding way, and we are happy to say it finally FINALLY feels like spring."


Spring has sprung and so has MKCCC’s Annual Flower Patch Plant Sale!

The pre-order deadline date is Wednesday, May 1st, 2024 and pick up will be the following Monday, May 6th at MKCCC.


The next issue of the Bell will be a Summer issue

Send along photos, ideas and stories to stmvbell@gmail.com

Link to Annual Report