Shabbat Shalom!

This Week's Torah Portion



[And if You] Obey [These Rules]

Deuteronomy 7:12–11:25

August 4-5, 2023

18 Av 5783

And if you do obey these rules and observe them carefully, the Eternal your God will maintain faithfully for you the covenant made on oath with your fathers.

- Deuteronomy 7:12


Join Us This Weekend

Erev Shabbat

led by

Rabbi Cookie

Lea Olshein



Dr. Jeremy Peterman

August 4

6:30 pm

In-Person via RSVP


Live and Interactive on Zoom

You will need to sign in using the below ID and Passcode.


Meeting ID:

916 3232 7896




Join our

live-stream on Facebook.

Join us for a Nosh beginning at 5:30 pm sponsored by the Membership Committee and featuring

"Bingo & Mingle", and Oneg Shabbat after services.


All are welcome!


Please invite

your friends to

worship with

our community.

Saturday Torah Study

led by

Rabbi Cookie Lea Olshein

August 5

9:15 am


Live and Interactive on Zoom

Meeting ID:

881 7402 8792

Passcode: Torah

Each Saturday morning, we gather online to examine the Torah portion assigned to the week. 

By group agreement, we use "The Social Justice Torah Commentary" as the lens through which we discuss each week's Torah portion.

So, grab a cup of coffee and join us ONLINE at 9:15 am!

 No prior Torah Study experience is required, just hop online and BYOC ("Bring Your Own Coffee")! 

Saturday Morning Worship

led by

Rabbi Cookie Lea Olshein

August 5

10:30 am


Live and Interactive on Zoom

Meeting ID:

881 7402 8792

Passcode: Torah

During our informal (and interactive) Shabbat Morning worship, we dig deeper into the meaning of our traditional prayers and liturgical music, while including modern, interpretative versions that challenge our understanding of tradition, as well as a short Torah reading.


Each week, we include a prayer for healing and recitation of the Mourner's Kaddish in case you would like to share your personal prayers for those we love who are struggling and for those we have lost. 

Looking Ahead?

Join us for our upcoming

Erev Shabbat Services!

Click on the "In-Person" links for the

desired dates to join us in person.

Erev Shabbat Worship

Friday, August 11, 2023

In-Person and Live and Interactive on Zoom

Led by Rabbi Cookie Lea Olshein

Join us for a very special Erev Shabbat. We will

Nosh together beginning at 5:30 pm, followed by services at 6:30 pm with a special Oneg after services, celebrating "The Greatest Shul On Earth"!

TOT Shabbat!

Friday, August 18, 2023, 5:15 pm

Join us for Songs, Stories, Blessings, and Fun.

In-Person Only

Erev Shabbat Worship

Friday, August 18, 2023, 6:30 pm

In-Person and Live and Interactive on Zoom

Led by Rabbi Cookie Lea Olshein

Join us for Erev Shabbat, followed by an Open House and Oneg sponsored by the Membership Committee. Learn about all the ways you can be involved at Temple Emanuel!

Erev Shabbat Worship

Friday, August 25, 2023, 6:30 pm

In-Person and Live and Interactive on Zoom

Led by Rabbi Cookie Lea Olshein

Join us for Erev Shabbat, followed by an Ice Cream Social, sponsored by the Membership Committee. Get to know your neighbors!

Celebrate Good Times … come on!

August 4 - 10

Happy Birthday!

Heidi Apel

Patricia Barat

Robert Berkovitz

Steve Bokenkamp

Kyler Cord

Kendal Flegenheimer

Samuel Friedman

Lynn Glazer

Daniel Griggs

Jason Katz

Kaydence Lader

Sandee McClelland

Ida Moise

David Niles

Sandra Palais

Howard Paley

Marni Pinkwasser

Steven Pinkwasser

Ed Pollak

Alexandra Spiel

Jessica Teiman

Andrea Vack

Happy Anniversary!

Rob & Kathleen Burgheimer

Ian & Liz Fischer

Heidi & Robert Goldsobel

George & Diana Jacobson

Mi Shebeirach / Healing List

We send our prayers for r'fuah sh'leimah (complete healing) to the following individuals and to those who love them:

Cecilia Angotti, Fruma Menucha bat Bayla, Chaya Rachel bat Esther, Ahavah bat Sarah, David Lev ben Marjorie, Susu Bolton, Anita Brown, Jill Cahn, Antonietta Caputo, Michael Chessler, Nancy Dunne, Liz Fairman, David Forman, Lloyd Frank, Martin Gitter, Michael Glass, Jon Goldman, Arthur "Sparky" Grupp, Tammy Hallenbeck, Susan Harner, Kathryn Hart, David Hess, Faye Hicks, Bob Jastrow, Daniel Kincaid, Courtney Kleinebreil, Joshua Kleinebreil, Donna Lebowitz, Dara Marks Marino, Gerry Mavrinac, Don McCormack, Gary, Patt, and Quinn Mitchell, Joanna Nadler, Renee Patrie, Eileen Penman, Donald Rosenbloom, Kat Ruiz, Nancy Saulson, William Schubert, Barbara Tenenbaum, Joni Thompson, Naomi Wooldridge

We mourn the recent passing of: 

Scott Hess, grandson of Beverly Worthing

Ella Manesse, sister of Marion Schack (Larry), Aunt of Daniel Schack (Michelle) and Sara Winkler (Matt)

This Week's Yahrzeits

August 4 - 10

*denotes perpetual yahrzeit plaque

Deceased Name

Remembered by

Edna Alexander

Bryan Alexander

Garrett Alig

Brian, Risa, Palmer & Robinson Alig

Nanette Barcus

Carolyn Boles

Jeanette G. Brown

Barton Brown and Lowell Brown

Harry Leo Citron*

Florence Citron

Gertrude Cohen

JoAnn Hopper

George Corman*

Temple Emanuel of Tempe

Charles Curland

Rebecca Goldstein

Celia Dermer

Susan Dermer

Wayne Fisher

Karen Fisher

Maxine Triest Freudenberg

Lynn Plait

Steve Yale Glazer*

Lynn Glazer

Patricia Jennings

Robert Miller

Doris Klugman*

Ed Klugman

Richard A. Leeds

Alisa Rotundo

Jackie Lesser

Alan Kannel

Myer Maltz

Arnold Maltz

Dennis Morris

Marilyn Oakie

Irene L. Ochs

Stephen Ochs

Roberta Kay Pearlstein*

Allan Pearlstein

Margot Sternau*

Ruth Aron

Elfriede Sultan

Charlotte Sultan and James Sultan

Samuel Warshawsky

Arnold Bedak

Bertha Weiner*

Susan Steele

Pauline Zatulove

Robert Jastrow
