How to Set up, Search & Other Useful Information

Guide to Using Teams in flexMLS  

A  feature benefit of Teams is the ability to add & edit team listings from your own login account. 
A Team account available as a Listing Member in Add Listing:  All add and edit listing changes are done from your own login for team listings. To add a team listing, go to the Add Listing screen and from the Listing Member field, you will now have a drop-down option to select the Team account name as the Listing Member. 
Any member of the team can add a team listing from their own account. Once it is added, any member of the team can make edits to any of the team listings including changing the status, list price and other details of the listing. The changes to the Team listing will reflect in the history of the listing under the individuals team members name who made the change. 
Members retain the ability to add listings independent of the team. Refer to your team guidelines.

A new field called  Team Listing Contact  is now available for use with team listings. It has been added to identify the member of the team who signed the Listing Contract and is the person to contact from the team for a specific team listing.

This field is strictly for  TEAM USAGE ONLY . And the Team Listing Contact (TLC) must match the Best Practice formatting should be comma delimited and include the contact name, phone number and/or email address.  
NOTE:  The field is restricted to 50 characters in size. 
Example:  Frank Beans, 414-778-5400, 
Another team feature adds a Team column in the My Listings gadget that is available to all the members of a specific team.
Team Listings available in the My Listings gadget:  The first column is your individual listings and the second Team column is all Team Listings. Anyone on your team can access the Team listings to make changes from their login account.
All members can use  Office/Member Search  to find Team Members of a specific Team Login that has registered their team with Metro MLS. 
Since all team names require  ‘Team*’, ‘Group*’  as part of the name, simply search for ‘Team*’, ‘Group*’ or just ‘*’ to bring up any approved, registered  Team Logins . Then scroll to the bottom of the Results screen for the  Team Logins  that have registered with Metro MLS or search by a specific Team Name.

Reports and Statistics are tied to the Team Member Account. So if a team member joins or leaves the team, the statistics always stay with the Team Member Account and NOT a specific member of the team. 
  • Listing Detail Reports will show Listing Member as Marvin Hardy Team with the profile information provided for the Team Member Account. In the example below, the Team Member Account is ‘Marvin Hardy Team’ and listing reports will display the primary email address and phone number submitted with your team application. 
  • The Team Listing Contact will display above the Team account name on listing detail reports.  

  • Any statistics generated for members will show team member account statistics in the same report as any individual member. Since ‘Team*’ or ‘Group*’is part of the naming convention, anyone can easily distinguish ‘Team’ member statistics from individual member statistics. Team member statistics will also be reported in Ranking Members using the Market Share comparison type. 
NOTE : The * following Team or Group will easily distinguish Team account statistics in member statistical reports. 

Do you operate as part of a Team or Group?
Would you like to be contacted regarding setting up a Team in MLS?
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Please contact your respective MLS with any questions. 
 Metro MLS members can call the Help Desk at 414-778-5450 or email .