TDA Newsletter 4/30/2019
Turnout for Transportation Capitol Edition
May 22, 2019
Thanks to all who have participated in the Just Fix It campaign over the last three years.

Together, we started a statewide dialogue about the condition of Wisconsin's infrastructure. Now, we need to make our state elected officials understand that doing nothing is not an option.
Click here  for Drive-in details and  click here  to register for this FREE event.

8:30 - 10:30 a.m.
Briefing / Continental Breakfast
Monona Terrace
10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Office Visits 
at the Capitol
12:30 p.m.
 (Gov. Evers invited)
Monona Terrace
Please turn out for transportation on May 22.
Thank You to TDA Fly-in Participants
Thank you to TDA members who participated in the Fly-in earlier this month.

We heard from many insightful speakers as part of the briefing sessions on the Hill, including representatives from the US DOT, US Chamber of Commerce, the American Road & Transportation Builders, the National Association of County Engineers, and Rep. Mike Gallagher, Wisconsin's sole representative on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.

Fly-in participants visited the office of each member of the Wisconsin congressional delegation, including the offices of Rep. Gwen Moore (below left) and Rep. Mark Pocan (below right).
And a Special Thank You to 2019 Fly-in Sponsors:
Alliant Energy
American Council of Engineering Companies of Wisconsin
Fabick Cat
HNTB Corporation
International Union of Operating Engineers,
Local 139
Mead & Hunt, Inc.
Miller-Bradford & Risberg, Inc.
OMNNI Associates
Short Elliott Hendrickson, Inc.
Wisconsin Asphalt Pavement Association
Wisconsin Concrete Pavement Association
Wisconsin County Highway Association
Wisconsin Laborers’ District Council
Wisconsin Transportation Builders Association
TDA's Latest "On the Go" Podcasts: The Bumper Crop of Potholes and the Latest AAA Poll
TDA's latest two episodes of the "On the Go" podcast, hosted by Executive Director Debby Jackson, are available!

Episode #3 examines the proliferation of potholes around the state. It's a popular topic at this time of year. But why is there an especially big bumper crop of potholes in 2019? In this latest episode we hear from two experts: Debbie Schwerman from the Wisconsin Asphalt Pavement Association, and Jackie Spoor from the Wisconsin Concrete Pavement Association. The duo explains the larger issue behind the potholes.

In episode #4, Nick Jarmusz, AAA's Director of Public Affairs for Wisconsin, Illinois, and Indiana and an expert on transportation in the Midwest, sits down with Jackson to discuss the state of Wisconsin's transportation infrastructure. He also shares more on the results of a recent AAA poll which surveyed Wisconsinites' opinion on road quality and the transportation financing options.

Listen to these episodes here .
Wisconsin News
Wisconsin State Journal editorial: Don't Stall Fix to Wisconsin's Crumbling Roads
This Wisconsin State Journal (Madison) editorial board reminds us that "the state’s 32.9-cent-per-gallon gas tax has been flat since 2006, so the state hasn’t had enough revenue to properly maintain its roads. In fact, motorists have been paying less in gas tax as their vehicles become more fuel efficient." 

"Consequently, Wisconsin’s roads rank among the worst in the nation, with more than half of major roads in poor or mediocre condition." And the state's "strategy" has been to borrow and spend: "It’s an unsustainable and irresponsible practice that can’t continue ... a bipartisan solution is needed." Read the entire column here.
Wisconsin Public Radio
April 9, 2019

Wisconsin has 14,275 bridges. Of those, 1,054 — or 7.4 percent — have been deemed structurally deficient in a new report issued by American Road & Transportation Builders Association. Most of these bridges that were identified as structurally deficient were built more than 60 years ago. 

CBS 3-TV (Duluth)
April 1, 2019

As reported by AAA, potholes cost drivers in the United States $3 billion annually. "Over 60 percent of Wisconsinites believe that current transportation funding is not adequate to maintain roadways in their current condition, says AAA." According to the American Society of Engineers (ASCE), over 1/4 of the public roads in Wisconsin are in “poor” condition, and this costs Wisconsin motorists on an average $637 in vehicle repairs a year.
States Getting it Done

Cincinnati Enquirer
April 3, 2019

Ohio lawmakers passed a 2-year transportation budget that includes a 10.5 cent boost to taxes on gasoline and 19-cent boost to diesel fuel taxes. While this is a big step down from the 18 cent hike the governor asked for, it is more than the 6-cent increase passed through the Ohio Senate last month. 

Fox News Network
April 14, 2019

GOP states - including Ohio, Alabama, and Arkansas - discover a tax hike they have to like: for roads. "After passing waves of tax cuts in recent years, some lawmakers in several Republican-dominated states have decided it’s time to make a big exception and are pushing for tax increases to fix roads that are crumbling from years of neglect." 
Association News
Save this Upcoming Date

  • TDA Annual Meeting: Thursday, November 7
Other Upcoming Events
Transportation and Innovation Expo
May 23rd in Madison
The Transportation and Innovation Expo takes place from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Thursday, May 23 at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison. The sustainable transportation, infrastructure, technology and fleet vehicle conference and expo is presented by Wisconsin Clean Cities, Alliant Energy, and the City of Madison.

Early-bird registration ends May 10, with registration closing on May 20.

Click here for details and registration information.