TCA Summer Announcements

June 2024

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Storm damage from a cyclone in Temple,Texas, May 2024

Reflections from John

By: John DeFillipo

Executive Director

Unprecedented and unpredictable are words we often hear from recent weather impacts, particularly the devastating storms that ravaged North Texas at the end of May. These storms hit close to home and destroyed many trees on our property, ruptured a gas line and we were without electricity for 6 days.

The climate crisis that we are all experiencing, whether man-made or nature-made, is unprecedented and impacts wildlife as well as our neighbors and friends. We are witnessing the wild swings of extreme weather predicted decades ago and now we must partner with climate crisis leaders, educate and engage with communities, and pivot to this discussion to adapt and address this challenge head on. The coming summer months will be harsh and devastating to many parts of our state. To understand how this could impact us, all we need to do is look to our neighboring states to the west and Mexico to the south. Mexico has been already hit hard by a heat dome that is killing scores of wildlife and people as well. A searing heat dome has settled into western states and the panhandle of Texas, and is moving into the eastern US, breaking dozens of high temperature records normally occurring in July.

TCA has been at the forefront of protecting wildlife habitats and private landowners for decades. Our call to action is to prepare, proclaim, and be proactive in our conservation advocacy and community engagement. Adaptation is the key message here; encourage water reuse instead of reservoirs, plant native plants and trees, promote local water conservation, and proactively monitor and manage wildlife changes in Texas. Our time to act on preventing this crisis is over. We can and must now prepare our wildlife and human companions for dramatic changes, replicate successful climate responses from other states, and voice to our representatives and industry leaders to consider policy and regulation to protect our state.

TCA Board and Staff at Scrappin' Valley Lodge, May 2024

TCA Spring Retreat at Scrappin' Valley Lodge

On May 15th and 16th our board and team members gathered at the Scappin’ Valley Lodge near Hemphill, Texas. We returned to the deep east Pineywoods to reflect on our past, celebrate our present, and vision our future ahead. The outcome of our meeting will produce strategic guidance to prioritize actions for advocacy, policy, and community engagement while planning for the resources needed to be successful.

Advocacy & Policy

TPW Adopts Mountain Lion Regulations

For the first time in Texas history, Texas Parks and Wildlife (TPW) has adopted regulations concerning mountain lions: prohibit "canned" hunting, and prohibit leaving a Mountian Lion in a trap for more than 36 hours. Read more >

TCEQ Ignores Judge’s Recommendation, Grants Permit for Lake Ringgold

On May 10, 2024, The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality granted a permit to the City of Wichita Falls to build the proposed 16,000-acre Lake Ringgold in neighboring rural Clay County. Read more >

Community Conservation

Texas Conservation Action Team (TXCAT)

This spring, more than 600 Texans took action to protect habitats by participating in restoration events!

Successful Season for Lights Out for Wildlife!

As Lights Out, Dallas! enters its fourth year this spring, we’ve shifted our focus from citizen science to community outreach and municipal engagement. TCA and partners conduct collision surveys nearly 60 early mornings, rain or shine, in downtown Dallas and Fort Worth. Similar efforts at Texas A&M University in College Station aim to promote bird-friendly campus initiatives. Check out their findings in the reports below.

Careers in Conservation Internship Program

Six young professionals concluded their spring internship through hands-on learning experience with TCA mentors. This summer, we’ve welcomed three college students who will focus on projects such as coordinating restoration events, designing the Lights Out, Texas! curriculum and researching water policy and the water consumption of native plants to encourage sustainable water use and environmental protection.

Get to know TCA's 3 summer interns Delaney Hankins, Ida Ghorbani, and Mia Schlicke, here.

Texas Conservation Alliance is teaming with National Wildlife Federation to certify YOUR “garden for wildlife” habitat. For a limited time get 20% of the certification price with promo code: GARDEN20.

Get live native plants delivered to your doorstep! Click here to learn more.

Upcoming Events

Sunday, June 23

Birding at Clear Creek Natural Heritage Center

Saturday, June 29

Take Action. Restore Habitats at Bachman Greenbelt

Friday, September 27th

9:00am–11:30am Houston Zoo Tour w Ben Jones

2:00pm Arrival for Safari Tour & Overview of Armand Bayou Nature Center

3:00pm-5:00pm Safari Tour of ABNC grounds

Saturday, September 28th

8:30am-11:00am Prairie Planting w ABNC Staff

10:00am-11:30am Nature Hike and Tour Lead by ABNC Team

12:00pm-1:00pm Lunch – Catered from local group

1:00pm-4:00pm TCA Annual Meeting

Justin Lannen

Chairman of the Board

John DeFillipo

Executive Director

Texas Conservation Alliance

P.O. Box 822554

Dallas, TX 75382

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